
  1. 成熟的胚囊是五核胚囊:由近珠孔端的卵细胞和两个助细胞以及两个中央极核细胞构成的。

    The mature embryo sac was one with five nucleus , i.e. , egg apparatus and two-nucleus central cell .

  2. 同源四倍体水稻胚乳发育:极核融合和胚乳细胞化

    Endosperm Development in Autotetraploid Rice : The Fusion of Polar Nuclei and the Formation of Endosperm Cell Wall

  3. 观察白皮黄瓜成熟胚囊发现,在胚囊中央观察到多个类极核,珠心组织细胞离散、变形,大孢子囊边缘不规则。

    It was also observed in white cucumber that there were multipolar nucleus-like in the center of mature embryo sac , nucellus cells were dispersed and the edge of some megaspore sacs were irregular .