
téng běn zhí wù
  • vine;liana
藤本植物 [téng běn zhí wù]
  • [liana;vine] 根生于土壤中的一种易弯或柔软的木本或草本的攀缘植物

藤本植物[téng běn zhí wù]
  1. 薯蓣(DioscoreaoppositaThunb.)又名淮山,俗称山药,属薯蓣科薯蓣属缠绕性藤本植物,具有较高的药用价值和营养价值,是我国著名的四大怀药之一。

    Yam ( Dioscorea opposita Thunb . ), also known as yam , commonly known as yam , is a winding vine of the genus Dioscorea . Dioscoreaceae with high medicinal value and nutritional value is one of the famous four pregnant drug .

  2. 藤本植物生活型是影响其在群落中分布的重要因素。

    The distribution of vine in communities depends on the vine life form .

  3. 营养液pH对3种藤本植物生长和叶绿素荧光的影响

    Effects of pH on Growth Characters and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Three Vine Plants

  4. 树状花木(shrubstandards)是指外形区别于灌丛状而似乔木状的灌木或藤本植物的总称(本文把乔灌两型植物也归类为灌木)。

    Shrub standards refers to those shrubs and climbing plants with a shape similar to trees instead of shrubs .

  5. 猕猴桃(Actinidiachinensisplanch.)是猕猴桃属藤本植物,果实酸甜可口,营养丰富,倍受人们喜爱。

    Kiwi ( Actinidia chinensis Planch . ) is kiwi fruit vine . This delicious and nutritious fruit is very popular with people .

  6. 绞股蓝(GynostemmapentaphyllumMakino)为胡芦科绞股蓝属多年生草质藤本植物。

    The Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Makino is a perennial grass liana of the Gynostemma Pentaphyllum Makino genus of the curcurbitaceae .

  7. 绞股蓝Gynostemmapentaphyllum(Thunb)Makino,葫芦科多年生攀缘草质藤本植物,全草入药。

    The officinal plant Gynostemma pentaphyllum ( Thunb ) Makino is one kind of perennial herb liane , which belongs to Cucurbitaceae and the whole plant is officinal .

  8. 雷公藤(TripterygiumWilfordiiHook.f)系卫矛科雷公藤属木质藤本植物,在我国主要分布于长江流域以南山区和东北长白山区。

    Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook . f is the Tripterygii plant of Celastraceae , which mainly distributes in the southern mountain area of the drainage area of the Changjiang River and the Changbai Mountain in the northeast area .

  9. 广州市观赏藤本植物资源及其园林应用

    The Resources and Landscape Application of Ornamental Vine Plants in Guangzhou

  10. 北美一种常绿的忍冬属藤本植物,开珊瑚红色或桔色的花。

    Evergreen North American honeysuckle vine having coral-red or orange flowers .

  11. 忍冬属藤本植物资源的栽培及应用

    The Study on the Cultivation and Application of Climbing Honeysuckle Resource

  12. 环境治理中的北方木质藤本植物资源

    Study on environment utilization of the woodiness climber resources in North China

  13. 天目山野生观赏木本藤本植物开发与应用

    Exploitation and utilization of wild woody vine ornamental resources in Tianmu Mountain

  14. 湖南湖北藤本植物物种多样性和生态特征

    Species Diversity and Ecological Characteristics of Vines in Hunan and Hubei Provinces

  15. 上海地区藤本植物资源初探

    A preliminary study on resources of vines in Shanghai region

  16. 包括藤本植物在内的高位芽植物占总数的6855%;

    Phanerophytes ( including liane plants ) were 68.55 percent of total .

  17. 缠绕藤本植物,叶有毛,花深紫色。

    Twining vine with hairy foliage and dark purplish-brown flowers .

  18. 华南藤本植物的生态学特性

    Ecological characteristics of vines in the region of South China

  19. 广东省野生藤本植物资源及其在园林绿化中的应用

    Wild Vine Resources in Guangdong Province And Their Utilization for Landscape Gardening

  20. 胡椒属任何一种灌木状藤本植物。

    Any of various shrubby vines of the genus Piper .

  21. 毒薄片的毒液便是从藤本植物而来的。

    A vine is the source of that famous poison , curare .

  22. 落叶性或常绿木质藤本植物或直立草本植物的一个大属。

    Large genus of deciduous or evergreen woody vines or erect herbs .

  23. 4种野生常绿藤本植物的抗旱性研究

    Studied on the Drought Resistance to Four Species of Wild Evergreen Lianas

  24. 任何绿罗属的热带藤本植物。

    Any of various tropical lianas of the genus Scindapsus .

  25. 南昌市园林藤本植物的应用现状

    Current Condition of Landscape Liana Applied in Nanchang City

  26. 藤本植物在煤矸石山绿化中的应用

    Application of Liana to Making Colliery Waste Piles Green

  27. 热带美洲常绿藤本植物的一个大属。

    Large genus of evergreen lianas of tropical America .

  28. 安徽大别山野生藤本植物区系与生活型分析

    Flora and Life-form Analysis of Wild Vines in Dabie Mountain , Anhui Province

  29. 为其有斑点的叶子而广泛种植的藤本植物。

    Evergreen liana widely cultivated for its variegated foliage .

  30. 藤本植物在城市垂直绿化中的选择与配置

    Selection and Disposition of Vines in Urban Vertical Greening