
jí zhì
  • polar plasma;pole plasma;pole plasm
  1. 极软质中风化岩嵌岩桩承载力计算方法探讨

    Calculation of bearing capacity of socketed pile in extremely soft medium weathered rock

  2. 在古代,玛瑙是被视为极有价质的护身符。

    Agate was highly valued as a talisman or amulet in ancient times .

  3. 目的:探讨乳腺癌ER、PR与癌组织的组织学类型、核分极、纤维间质增生及患者年龄等因素的关系。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship among ER , PR of breast carcinoma and histological type , karyon grading , stromal responsive fibrosis , and the age of the patient .

  4. 即使是极干性的发质也能迅速恢复天然的强健,柔顺和亮泽。

    Even the most dehydrated hair quickly regains its original strength , suppleness and shine .

  5. 中央细胞以后的发育主要是极核的发育和极核周围胞质的变化。

    Further development of the central cell mainly involved changes in the orientation of the polar nuclei and the distribution of the cytoplasm .