
  • 网络strength theory;Theory of Strength
  1. 关于格里菲斯强度理论应用中的几个问题的探讨

    Research on some problems in application of Griffith theory of strength

  2. 试用应变能探讨莫尔强度理论

    Research on the mohr theory of strength in the light of strain energy

  3. 激发因子是X射线荧光强度理论计算中的重要参数。

    Excitation factor is one of the key factors in the calculation of theoretical intensities in X-ray fluorescence spectrometry .

  4. 采用双剪统一强度理论,导出了太沙基地基极限承载力公式,绘出了强度理论参数b的影响曲线。

    The double-shear unified strength theory is used to derive the formula of the Terzaghi ′ s ultimate bearing capacity of foundation . The influence curves of the coefficient b are drawn .

  5. 进而运用挤压模具强度理论及优化设计手段,以MATLAB为计算工具,对铝型材挤压模具几何结构参数进行了计算分析与优化工作。

    Then , by means of design theory and experience of the Aluminum extrusion die , analyzed and calculated the of geometry parameters by means of MATLAB , intensity theory , optimum design ;

  6. 应用Ito塑性变形理论并结合土拱强度理论推导了临界桩间距(最大桩间距)公式;

    The critical spacing between anti-sliding piles is analyzed by combining the theory of Ito 's plastic deformation with that of soil arch strength .

  7. 根据X射线衍射强度理论和高聚物的两相模型概念,用计算机分峰法处理了亲水涂层的衍射曲线,计算了相应的衍射积分强度;

    Based on the X-ray scattering intensity theory and the double-phase model idea of polymer , the scattering curves of the hydrophilic coating are processed by CPRM , and the corresponding scattering intensities are calculated .

  8. 20世纪岩石强度理论的发展&纪念Mohr-Coulomb强度理论100周年

    Advances in strength theory of rock in 20 century & 100 years in memory of the mohr - Coulomb strength theory

  9. 研究其在不同加载方案下的全场应力分析,并通过Mohr强度理论对牙体进行了校核。

    The models ' whole-field stresses under different loads were also analyzed , and Mohr Strength Theory was chosen to check the tooth models .

  10. 本文在假设各组分岩石遵循Mohr-Coulomb强度理论的基础上建立了复合岩石的破坏准则。

    A failure criterion for composite rocks is discussed in this paper based on the assumption that each of their components follows the Mohr-Coulomb strength theory .

  11. 针对KJ型提升机主轴齿轮联轴器联接螺栓断裂问题,应用强度理论对螺栓的破坏进行静态和动态分析。

    The troubles for rupture of join bolts on gear coupling of KJ hoist main shaft are analyzed on the base of strength theory and the solution is put forward .

  12. 进一步研究了统一强度理论下的偏应力、有效固结压力和动态平衡状态线的概念,提出了确定有效动强度参数dc,df的简便方法。

    A simple method is also advanced to determine the effective strength index dc and df which takes account of the concept of deviator stress , effective consolidation pressure and the dynamic equilibrium line of unified strength theory .

  13. 根据试验得到的铸钢球节点实际应力分布情况,按Mises强度理论对其承载能力进行了评价。

    From the stress distribution obtained through the experiment , the security and load-bearing capacity of the spherical cast-steel joint were evaluated based on the Mises strength criterion .

  14. 文章根据阀体材料的种类,运用了不同强度理论进行判断,其中相关的当量应力是从Workbench的分析结果中提取出来的。

    According to the type of the valve body material , make use of the different strength theories carries on the judgment , the equivalence stress come out from the Workbench analytical result .

  15. 受某些实际量子信息过程的启发,设计并研究了双TC模型中的纠缠动力学,提出了一种相互作用强度理论解释纠缠猝死发生的条件和参数范围。

    Motivated by certain practical quantum information processing , we designed and studied the entanglement dynamics for a double TC model . We proposed an interaction strength theory to explain the appearing condition and parameter domain for ESD .

  16. 对于双剪强度理论,根据它在广义Mohr空间的表示,将之归于最大偏应力理论一类。

    For double shearing strength theory , owing to its representation in the generalized Mohr space , the theory is considered the equivalent of the maximal deviator stress .

  17. 根据受扭矩圆柱体中的应力分析和Griffith脆断强度理论,提出了脆性材料的抗扭切口强度表达式。

    The expression for torsion notch strength of ceramic materials was proposed based on the stress analysis of a cylinder under torsion and the theory of brittle fracture strength due to Griffith .

  18. 结合相关岩石强度理论,分析PDC切削岩石时,岩石初始裂纹的萌生、发展条件和宏观破碎的开裂面,得出PDC钻进岩石破碎的条件模型,并对PDC钻进岩石的破碎过程进行了定性分析。

    Then combination of rock strength theory , the rock crack initiation , development conditions and macro-cracking surface , while PDC pressure into cutting rock , were analyzed , and obtained the condition model of PDC drilling rock broken .

  19. 利用ADINA程序计算磨损后打击轮的应力分布状态:根据强度理论,得到磨损极限,为打击轮维修提供了依据。

    The wear conditions of ram wheels are simulated by computer . By using the program ADINA the distributions of stresses of ram wheels are calculated . On the basis of strength theory wear limits are obtained .

  20. 统一解大于Mohr-Coulomb、双剪强度理论解,它可以更好地发挥地基材料的强度潜力,工程应用可获得明显的经济效益。

    The unified solutions are greater than that of the Mohr-Coulomb and double-shear strength theory , so the potential strength of materials can be fully applied to the relevant engineering foundation so as to obtain outstanding economical benefit .

  21. 自从1900年著名的Mohr-Coulomb强度理论建立以来,已有100年的历史.在20世纪,关于材料在复杂应力状态下的强度理论进行了大量的理论研究和实验研究工作。

    It is 100 years since the well-know Mohr-Coulomb strength theory was established in 1900 . A considerable amount of theoretical and experimental research on strength theory of materials under complex stress state was done in the 20th Century .

  22. 在上述基础上,基于统一强度理论,考虑中间主应力对地基承载力的影响,给出了静止侧压力系数K0≠1条件下的地基临塑与临界荷载公式。

    Based on the unified strength theory , a new formula of critical edge pressure and critical load of subsoil with taking account of the effect of the intermediate principal stress ( 2 σ) and K 0 ≠ 1 is deduced .

  23. 强度理论在井下工具强度计算中的应用

    Application of Strength Theory in Strength Calculation of Down hole Tools

  24. 广义双剪应力强度理论对中细砂岩的应用

    The application of generalized double - shear - stress strength theory

  25. 岩石材料的双T~2强度理论及其应用

    Twin T ~ 2 strength theory of rock and its generalization

  26. 细观应力破坏准则和五大强度理论

    A stress criterion for material Mini failure and five strength theories

  27. 恒温静载下金属强度理论的选择

    The Selection of Strength for Metals under Isothermal Statical Loading

  28. 循环载荷下砂土的动强度理论初探

    A Preliminary Investigation to the Strength Theory of Sand under Cylic Loading

  29. 基于统一强度理论的灰土挤密桩应力分析

    Stress analysis of lime-soil compacted pile based on the unified strength theory

  30. 用统一强度理论求解两个弹塑性问题

    Solutions of two elastic-plastic problem based on unified strength theory