
  • 网络symbol economy;symbolic economy;economy of signs;sign economy;virtual economy
  1. 这一方面是弥补传统ISLM模型对现实经济变动反映的不足,另一方面也是对金融全球化时代符号经济与实体经济关联形式化的一种努力。

    The restructured model may both be taken as the adjustment of the neglect of changing economic reality in the traditional IS-LM model and the attempt to formalize the relationship between symbol economy and real economy in the era of financial globalization .

  2. 符号经济的最初发展是纯粹为实体经济服务的。

    Symbolic economy was developed for the purpose of serving real economy .

  3. 试论符号经济与实体经济的关联

    On Relationship Between Symbolic Economy And Real Economy

  4. 同时,媒介也构成了文化资本积累和循环的符号经济空间。

    The medium also constitutes a cultural capital accumulation and cyclic symbolic economic space .

  5. 然而,实物经济领域积聚的风险才是符号经济产生危机的基础。

    However , the risks of practicality economic are the base of the symbol economic risks .

  6. 最后我们具体计算了分段CRRA效用函数下的优化模型,得出最优未定权益求解出最优投资策略并对符号背后的经济含义给出解释,极大的增强了模型的现实意义。

    At last , we solve out an concrete example with CRRA utility function finding out the opti-mal investment strategy and find the economic meaning behind the symbols which greatly enhance the application of our model .

  7. 符号检验在经济指数中运用的探讨

    The Application of Sign Test to Economic Indexes

  8. 符号货币制度与经济危机:机理、根源与对策

    Symbolic Monetary System and Economy Crisis : Mechanism , Springhead and Countermeasure

  9. 随着社会的不断发展,符号消费在现代经济中的意义日益得到体现。

    Along with the development of society , the purport of symbol consumption is realized gradually in modern economy .

  10. 同时,服装作为城市文化的象征性符号,在象征经济日益发展的今天,也成为了具有典型文化象征意义的消费品。

    Today , the symbolic economy is growing , and the costume is the consumer product which has a symbolic meaning as symbolic tokens of urban culture .

  11. 从资本的本质含义重新界定了文化资本,提出了文化资本的符号价值,认为文化资本体现为三种价值形态:符号价值、经济价值和文化价值。

    To redefine cultural capital and proposed to cultural capital symbolic value . The cultural capital reflect the three form of value : symbolic value , economic value and cultural value .