
  • 网络Archival Management;Archive Management Science;Archives and Preservation
  1. 文秘专业《档案管理学》实践教学方式研究

    Study on Practice Teaching Mode in Archival Management Science of Secretary Major

  2. 电子档案管理学创建的几点认识

    Understandings on how to establish the science of electronic archives management

  3. 关于文书学与档案管理学课程内容有机整合的思考

    On Reorganizing the Teaching Contents of Secretary and File-management Courses

  4. 科学技术档案管理学

    Study of scientific and technical archives management

  5. 但是,随着中国的入世,随着世界步入信息化社会,传统的档案管理学也面临着信息技术的冲击和挑战。

    As China 's entering WTO and world 's information age , our traditional Archives Management faces new information challenge .

  6. 论档案管理学课程教学理论与实践的结合&兼论应用型学科作业模式的改革

    Research on Combination of Theory and Practice in Files Management Courses & A Study of Homework-mode Reform of Application Courses

  7. 知识管理学是管理学下的一级学科,包括公共知识管理学、竞争知识管理学、档案知识管理学、知识经营传播学、企业知识管理学和政府知识管理学等二级学科。

    Knowledge management science is a branch below management science . It includes public knowledge management science , competitive knowledge management science , archive knowledge management science , knowledge marketing science , enterprise knowledge management science and government knowledge management science .

  8. 我国知识产权保护与科技档案管理存在的问题与对策科学技术档案管理学

    The Protection of Intellectual Property Right and the Management of Technique Files ; study of scientific and technical archives management