
yì jiàn lǐnɡ xiù
  • an opinion leader
  1. 电视新闻节目主持人应当是意见领袖。

    The communicator of the TV news program should be an opinion leader .

  2. 传统上,中国在国际舞台上是被动的,是一个听众,而不是意见领袖,但这次不同了,中国想要确保外界听到自己的声音。

    China has traditionally been passive on the international stage , being a listener rather than an opinion leader , but this time it 's different , China wants to make sure [ its ] voice is being heard .

  3. 中国首位走红网络的虚拟关键意见领袖翎于2020年5月面世。

    The country 's first digital KOL ( key opinion leader ) to go viral , Ling , was created in May 2020 .

  4. 使用大量真实的web论坛数据进行了实验,实验证明,本文提出的社区挖掘方案能够较准确地挖掘互联网论坛中的意见领袖社区。

    Experiments with a lot of real web data prove that the proposed community mining strategy is able to accurately mine the opinion leaders community in the Internet forums .

  5. 这一特点使得人们能够利用twitter更有效地识别目标市场中的意见领袖。

    This feature makes twitter a better tool for identifying opinion leaders within your target market .

  6. CNN特派员安姿丽:你是美国非常重要的意见领袖之一。

    ANJALI RAO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : Now , you 're one of America 's leading opinion makers .

  7. 最后,要努力提升当代大学生的信息素养,积极培养思想政治教育QQ网络意见领袖。

    At last , they should mould QQ carrier audience , improve information literacy of contemporary college students , and actively cultivate network QQ opinion leaders of the ideological and political education .

  8. 甚至在霍华德•迪恩竞选总统的时候,Meetup上的绝大多数群体都是在讨论如何使自己的生活变得更美好,而与政治或运动这类轰轰烈烈的事情以及意见领袖等等没有任何关系。

    Even in the Howard Dean days , the vast majority of meetups were about people trying to make good stuff happen in their lives having nothing to do with politics or movements or that chattering class kind of stuff .

  9. 乡村意见领袖是构建乡村和谐社会的重要环节。

    Opinion leader is an important link in constructing harmonious society .

  10. 通过聚类分析,我们识别出虚拟社区中谁是意见领袖,并分析意见领袖在虚拟社区口碑传播中所起的作用。

    Through cluster analysis , we identified who are opinion leaders .

  11. 倾听意见领袖并把他们的意见严肃认真的处理。

    Listen to the question opinion leaders and take their opinion seriously .

  12. 我国大众虚拟社区意见领袖舆论影响力研究

    China 's Public Opinion Leaders in Virtual Communities Influence Public Opinion Research

  13. 为意见领袖的研究产生了新的价值。

    This thesis generates new value on the research of opinion leader .

  14. 针对高端意见领袖,提供最具投资价值的地产资讯。

    To provide the estate investment valuable news for the most opinion .

  15. 如何利用意见领袖加强广告效果

    How to Use Ideas Leaders to Intensify Advertisement Effect

  16. 意见领袖的引导和动员的突变机制。

    Second , the opinion leaders of guidance and the mutation mechanism of mobilization .

  17. 农村社区意见领袖在科技传播中的作用

    The Function of the Opinion Leader of the Rural Community in the Technology Communication

  18. 多与意见领袖沟通信息和交换看法。

    More communication with the opinion leaders .

  19. 铿锵有力的声音,让它成为美国文化领域和知识界的意见领袖。

    The powerful words , making it become the leader of culture field and intellectual .

  20. 网络社区中的意见领袖对于公共议题的建构有重要作用。

    The opinion leader in the Internet plays an important role on the public issues .

  21. 基于社会网络的品牌危机传播意见领袖研究

    On the Public Opinion Leaders in Brand Crisis Communication in the Context of Social Network

  22. 意见领袖在水稻生产新技术的传播中发挥积极作用,而农户之间良好的沟通渠道也有助于新技术的采用。

    Opinion leader behaviors and inter-peasant communication play active role in peasant households ' technology adoption .

  23. 他们具有极强的传播观念,充分认识到意见领袖的作用。

    They possessed a strong sense of communication , and fully understood the effect of leaders .

  24. 次级群体对初级群体的影响主要通过意见领袖实现。

    Rural Secondary Group ( RSG ) 's influences on PRG are realized by opinion leader .

  25. 本研究依据意见领袖的异质性,从人格特质的角度切入,研究不同人格特质对品牌社群承诺的影响,具有一定的理论意义。

    Based on the heterogeneity of the opinion leaders , this study starts from the personality traits .

  26. 而意见领袖作为农村社区中的一股重要的力量,在农村的发展与稳定上都起着重要的作用。

    As an important force , opinion leaders play an important role in rural development and stability .

  27. 从四要素分析结果来看,一次传播过程由意见领袖弗格森在主导。

    In the perspective of four factors , the original communication process is guided by opinion leader Ferguson .

  28. 在所有这些事件中,看不到权威或者意见领袖存在的身影。

    Be in all in these incident , cannot see authority or the form that opinion cacique exists .

  29. 你的终极目标是让其他人觉得你是该行业的一位意见领袖。

    The ultimate goal is for others to look to you as a thought leader in the industry .

  30. 采访国内外意见领袖,文化大师,深入他们的生活态度及独特视角。

    Interview with Local and international opinion leaders , culture masters and delve into their life attitudes and visions .