
xiān sù kànɡ biàn quán
  • right of plea for preference claims
  1. 论我国担保法中的先诉抗辩权制度

    Talk about the Counterplead Right of Telling first in Our Country Assurance Law

  2. 保证人无先诉抗辩权的,保证期间应自主债务人不履行债务时开始计算。

    Otherwise , the term of suretyship starts when the debtor refuses his obligations .

  3. 先诉抗辩权是一般保证人对债权人享有的专有抗辩权。

    Prelitigation demur right is the special right the general guarantor has against the creditor .

  4. 保证人承担义务的同时还享有一般债务人所不具有的先诉抗辩权、求偿权和代位权。

    While undertaking the obligation the guarantor have the right of contradicting first , the right of cleaning up the dept and subrogation .

  5. 一般保证情况下,保证人享有先诉抗辩权;而在连带责任保证情况下,保证人并无此权利。

    For general guarantee , the guarantor is entitled to the right of discussion , but for joint guarantee , the guarantor does not have this right .

  6. 我国现行《担保法》承大陆法传统,设定了先诉抗辩权制度,规定了保证人先诉抗辩权适格条件、法律效果及适用限制等,具有一定的可操作性;

    Our country current " Assurance Law " bearing continent law tradition , set up the system of counterplead right of telling First , stipulate guarantor 's suited conditions , law results and applied limitation .