
  • 网络learning community;Commonwealth of Learning
  1. 学习者共同体的设计和研究

    A Design and Study onThe Community of learners

  2. 在网络学习者共同体中要清楚教师的角色定位和学生主体性的核心;虚拟学习空间和真实学习空间具体结合的措施;

    In network Communities of Learners teachers ' role and students ' central status should be made clear .

  3. 特别在当前的小学语文教学过程中,教师与学生是学习的共同体,也是合作的伙伴。

    In present primary schools , in Chinese class-room teaching , teachers and pupils are actually partners involving in the same learning activity .

  4. 在教学活动中通过师生、生生的互动与合作,建立起合作学习的共同体。

    In the teaching activities , through the interaction and cooperation between teachers and students , or among students , we can establish the cooperative learning community .

  5. 网络教学不应以教师为中心,也不能以学生为中心,而是由教师、学生和学科内容组成的学习者共同体;

    That in network teaching the center should not be teachers , nor students , but Communities of Learners consisting of teachers , students , and the things to be learned ;

  6. 实验结果表明学习者共同体的学习方式在提高英语成绩、培养学生的整体素质,尤其是合作精神方面起到了很好的促进作用。

    The experiment suggests that such mode has played a positive role in the improvement of English learning , in the bringing-up of students ' comprehensive quality , and especially in the increase in the students ' cooperative spirits .

  7. 建构性教学的活动理论是实践学习者共同体的理论框架,可以为我国新型的课程体系与教学制度的确立,归根结底为学校的合作文化的重建,奠定坚实的基础。

    The " activity theory " on constructive teaching can serve as the theoretical framework to practise " community of learners " and can lay a solid foundation for the establishment of a new-type curriculum system and teaching system and for the reconstruction of the cooperative culture at schools .

  8. 优化学习环境对共同体学习动力和学习能力的影响

    Effects of optimizing learning environment on learning motivation and ability of community

  9. 透过课堂学习研究培育实践共同体以促进教师学习

    Cultivating Communities of Practice via Learning Study for Enhancing Teacher Learning

  10. 本文的第二部分将论述建构学习型的科学共同体的基本建构框架。

    The second part of this article discussed the basic building framework of building learning scientific community .

  11. 和学习结合的不是共同体的原始意义,共同体在当代语境下重建的意义,使之成为支撑以知识建构与意义协商为内涵的学习的平台,成为信息时代知识创生的社会基础。

    Community , in the sense of re-constructed meaning in contemporary context rather than original meaning , constitutes the platform to support learning as knowledge construction and meaning negotiation .

  12. 本文试图将组织学习理论引入科学共同体的讨论中,并论证建构学习型的科学共同体对于重构科学家的学习能力乃至我们的科研体制的理论意义。

    This article tries to introduce organization learning theories to the discussion of scientific community and prove the theoretical significance of building learning scientific community for re-build the learning ability of scientist and our R and D system .

  13. 共生的e-Learning实践策略包括建构生命学习环境、创建资源丰富的学习情境、组建学习者共同体、鼓励社会实践参与以及开发学习交互活动等。

    Symbiotic e-learning practice strategies include the construction of life-learning environment , create a resource-rich learning context , the formation of a community of learners , and encourage participation in social practice and the development of learning interaction .

  14. 本部分作者在简要介绍相关的组织学习理论及建构模型的基础上,全面分析影响科学共同体提升学习能力的障碍性因素,并阐述了构建学习型的科学共同体所应该遵循的基本原则。

    Base on the introduction of organization learning theories and its models , the author analyzed the impediment factors that could affect the organization improving its learning ability and expatiated the basic principles we should obey .