
  • 网络learning performance
  1. 成就目标定向的掌握目标、成绩趋近目标,与学习绩效呈显著正相关。

    Achievement-approach and mastery-approach have significant positive correlation with Learning Performance .

  2. 文本结构和认知风格对超文本学习绩效的影响

    Effects of Hypertext Structure and Cognitive Style on Web-based Learning Performance

  3. 负向情绪调整与学习绩效有正相关性存在。

    Negative mood regulation has no relativity with learning performance .

  4. 基于网络学习绩效的个别化交互设计

    The Design of Individual Interaction Based on E-learning Performance

  5. 多媒体教学界面中帮助方式对学习绩效影响的研究

    A Study on Effect of Help Format on Learning Performance in Multimedia Instruction Interface

  6. 网络组织的适用条件及其绩效分析技术创新网络中跨组织学习绩效研究

    Study on Index System and Evaluation Method of Inter-Organizational Learning Performance in Technological Innovation Networks

  7. 大学生学习绩效评估刍议

    A Discussion of the Assessment of University Students ' Study Achievement performance praise . On Learning

  8. 时间管理倾向在其前因变量成就目标定向与学习绩效之间具有中介作用。

    The agency effect of Time Management Disposition on Achievement Goal Orientation and Learning Performance is marked .

  9. 学习绩效对时间管理倾向与成就目标定向有正向影响作用。

    The Learning Performance has the forward influence function to Time Management Disposition and Achievement Goal Orientation .

  10. 调查问卷的定量和定性分析表明目前大学生英语学习绩效整体不高。

    Quantitative and qualitative analysis to the survey shows English learning performance of college students is not satisfactory .

  11. 借助这种人机结合的系统表达了人格与学习绩效的复杂关系。

    Through the combination of man-machine system to express the complex relationships of personality and learning performance . 5 .

  12. 本文设计了一个比较全面的二层次指标体系,综合考虑了企业物流财务绩效、客户绩效、市场绩效、业务绩效以及创新学习绩效等五类的绩效指标。

    This paper designs an indexes system with two levels , considering financial affairs , customer , market , business , and innovation .

  13. 以此为基础,建立U/I合作创新中学习绩效与各影响因素的函数关系模型。

    Based on it the function model of learning performance of U / I collaboration innovation and its influence factors has been developed .

  14. 而在学习绩效上,会计习作课的设计有助于学生学习会计课程的帮助,则其有用性提高。

    In terms of the learning effectiveness , the results document that the course content of practical training helps students improve their accounting skills .

  15. 教学中学生的动机对学生的学习绩效和素质发展有着重大影响,教学中的学生动机是教育心理学研究中的一个新热点。

    Students ' motivation in teaching exerts a significant effect on their learning performance and the development of quality and is a focus researched by educational psychology .

  16. 本研究结论认为:文本类型、内容组织图和时间压力对网上学习绩效存在显著的交互作用。

    From the present study , it was concluded that there were some significant interactions among text structure , organizer and time stress on learning performance in WWW.

  17. 根据建好的网络模型,采用计算机和人工神经网络等技术开发出了大五人格与学习绩效的关系系统。

    According to the established network model , we using the computer and artificial neural network techniques to develop a big five personality and learning performance relationship system .

  18. 这两种模型分别是以任务驱动教学法和问题驱动教学法为基础,希望通过本模式的提出来提高大学课堂合作学习绩效。

    These two models are based on the task-driven and issue-driven approach teaching , and hope that these models could put forward to improve the performance of cooperative learning .

  19. 学风影响高校教育质量和人才培养水平,影响学生自身的学习绩效,乃至今后的成长和进步。

    The style of study has an influence on university education quality , talent training level , the students ' own study achievements , and future growth and progress .

  20. 第二,提出了学习绩效观这一全新的概念和学习嵌入的跨国经营战略绩效管理理念,并构建了其系统模型、评价模型和过程模型。

    Second , the new concept of performance view embedded by learning and transnational operations strategic performance management embedded by learning is conducted , and its system model , measurement model and process model are established .

  21. 近年来,知识可视化被人们广泛应用于知识的存取、交流、评估和日常管理等方面,在帮助人们提高学习绩效和有效解决信息过载等问题方面有着举足轻重的作用。

    In recent years , knowledge visualization has been widely used in knowledge access , communication , assessment and daily management , etc. Knowledge visualization has a pivotal role in helping people to improve learning performance and effective solution to such issues as information overload .

  22. 首先对当前大学课堂合作学习绩效进行了调查分析,并把对合作学习绩效分为了四个维度,即:学业成绩、学习兴趣、学习积极性、合作学习技能。

    First of all , the current performance of the cooperative learning in the university classroom conducted a survey analysis , and performance of cooperative learning is divided into four dimensions , namely : academic performance , interest in learning , active learning and cooperative learning skills .

  23. 先前的工作绩效文献从任务绩效和关系绩效、组织公民行为和亲社会组织行为、额外角色行为和角色行为以及学习绩效和创新绩效等方面进行研究,但明显存在缺陷。

    Several studies in previous literature about employee performance have focused on the task performance and contextual performance , organizational citizenship behavior and prosocial organizational behavior , extra-role behavior and role behavior , and learning performance and innovative performance to clarify and delineate the construct of employee performance .

  24. 本研究选取IT企业知识型员工的职业承诺和学习绩效作为研究对象,探讨二者的关系,为在管理实践中提高知识型员工的绩效提供参考。

    For this reason , this research selected the occupational commitment and learning performance of the knowledge employee in the IT enterprise , as the object of research . This research hope to find the relationship between them , and explore the way to enhance the performance of knowledge employee .

  25. 怎样把您组织培训部门转变为一个职场学习与绩效(wlp)部门?为什么这种转变值得考虑?

    How can your organization 's training department transition to become a WLP department , and why that might be worthy of consideration ?

  26. 迈克尔·穆尔博士(MichaelG.Moore),美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学学习和绩效系统系教育学教授,《美国远程教育杂志》主编,国际远程教育界著名的理论家和实践家,美国远程教育研究与实践的开拓者之一。

    Dr. Michael G. Moore , professor of education , Department of Learning and Performance Systems of Pennsylvania State University , is one of the most distinguished theorists and practitioners in international distance education and also one of the pioneers in contemporary American distance education development .

  27. 组织创新、组织学习与绩效&一个调节效应模型的实证分析

    Moderating Effect of Organizational Learning on the Relationship between Organizational Innovation and Performance

  28. 组织中学习与绩效相互作用机理研究

    Interplay mechanism of learning and performance in organizations

  29. 网络学习低绩效现象与习惯的适应性研究

    Low-performance Phenomenon and Habit Adaptation in Web-based Learning

  30. 组织学习与绩效的关系:基于动态能力的中介效应

    The Relationship Between Organizational Learning and Organizational Performance : A Mediating Effect based on Dynamic Capabilities