
xué xí dònɡ jī
  • learning motivation;academic motivation
  1. 学习动机在语言学习诸个体因素中是最具能动性的因素之一。

    Academic motivation is the most dynamic one among a good many individual factors in language learning .

  2. 中等卫生学校高职生自我概念与学习动机关系研究

    Research on the Relationship between Self-concept and Academic Motivation of the Advanced Vocational Students in Secondary Medical School

  3. 面对大学生对物理学科兴趣的逐渐丧失,应用ARCS模型进行教学设计有助于激发学生的学习动机。

    Although freshmen are losing their interest on physics , applying the ARCS model to teaching design can help us inspire the learning motivation of undergraduates .

  4. 基于Gardner和Lambert关于学习动机的理论,对学习动机和外语学习成绩的关系进行探索性研究。

    The present paper makes a tentative study of the relationship between motivation and EFL achievement based on Gardner and Lambert 's theory of motivation .

  5. 外语学习动机,词典使用策略及词汇学习

    Language Learning Motivation , Dictionary Using Strategies , and Vocabulary Learning

  6. 学习动机与学习态度有显著相关关系,学习动机水平高,学习态度就积极。

    The relationship between learning motivation and learning attitude is related .

  7. 在《机械制图》教学中激发学生的内在学习动机

    Arousing the inherent learning motive of student for teaching mechanical drawing

  8. 培养和激发学习动机提高对病理学的学习兴趣

    Cultivating and irritating the motivity improving the activity in learning pathology

  9. 这是一项关于特定领域语言学习动机的研究。

    This is a study on domain-specific motivation for language learning .

  10. 学习动机具有激励功能、向功能、化功能。

    Study motivation has inspiriting function , directional function and intensifying function .

  11. 不同性别的学生,其英语学习动机也有所不同。

    Students of different gender have different English learning motivations .

  12. 4~6年级小学生学习动机的结构分析

    A Structural Analysis of Grades 4 ~ 6 Pupils ' Learning Motivation

  13. 澳门初中学生英语学习动机与学习策略之研究

    English Language Motivation and Strategy Use among Macau Junior High School Students

  14. 激发大学生英语学习动机提高大学生英语学习效果

    Stimulate the English-learning Motivation and Improve the English-learning Achievement of College Students

  15. 学习动机是教育心理学的重要概念,也是职业教育研究的一个重要命题。

    Learning motivation is an important concept in educational psychology .

  16. 从自我效能感的视域看学习动机的激发

    On the Stimulation of Learning Motivation from Sense of Self - efficacy

  17. 中学数学学习动机激发策略

    The Mathematics Learning Motive of the Middle School Stimulation Strategy

  18. 介绍了学习动机的相关理论与研究模式。

    Introduce the study of motivation theory and research mode .

  19. 谈体育教学中学生学习动机的激发与维持

    On Stimulation and Maintenance of Students ' Learning Motivation in PE Teaching

  20. 浅谈孔子学习动机理论的人本主义取向

    Opinions on Humanism Orientation of the Theory of Confucius 's Learning Motive

  21. 关于中国中学生英语学习动机的调查研究

    On Chinese Middle School Students ' Motivation of English Learning

  22. 激发学习动机;优化教学方式方法,使学生成为学习的主人;

    To stimulate their motivation and optimize the teaching method ;

  23. 成就目标取向与体育学习动机的激发

    Research on target orientation of achievement and inspiration of sports study motivation

  24. 论武术散打学习动机的转化与功效

    On Transformation of Wushu Free Combat 's Learning Motive and Its Efficiency

  25. 体育专业学生学习动机的特点及激发对策探析

    Discussion on PE Major Students ' Learning Motivation Characteristics and the Stimulating Strategies

  26. 教师应该运用各种方法来激发学生的英语学习动机。

    Teachers should make efforts to motivate their own students to learn English .

  27. 本文将阐明这个重要问题,并且进一步探讨如何有效激发我国初中学生的英语学习动机。

    This paper expounds this important problem and explores ways to motivate students .

  28. 英语教学中培养学生学习动机与兴趣略论

    Promoting Students ′ Motivation and Interest in English Teaching

  29. 学习动机的培养与激发

    The Cultivation and Stimulation of the Motive of Learning

  30. 学生的英语学习动机与交际意愿具有显著意义的正相关性。

    There are significant positive lineal correlations between motivation and WTC . 7 .