
tǒnɡ jì shī
  • statistician
  1. 回答者:迈克o杜加斯,统计师兼创业�

    Answer by Mike Dugas , statistician and entrepreneur

  2. 高校固定资产会计核算论入世后统计师职业面临的挑战与重塑

    Discussion about the accounting and assessing system of higher educational fixed property The Challenges Statistician Profession Faces After China 's Entry of WTO and the Reconstruction of Statistician Team

  3. 例如,10年前与Skype发挥同样功效的产品贵得离谱,而如今却是免费的,这提高了人们的生活水平,而无须麻烦统计师编纂国内生产总值(GDP)数据。

    Equivalents to Skype , for instance , were prohibitively expensive a decade ago but now are free , giving people higher standards of living without troubling the statisticians compiling gross domestic product data .

  4. 统计师自己不用说话,数字帮他们说话。

    Statisticians let the numbers speak for themselves rather than rely on small talk .

  5. 采取人工计票的方法,每位统计师负责总票数的四分之一。

    The ballots are counted byhand , with each accountant responsible for one fourth of the total .

  6. 在一间没有窗户的房间里,四位统计师在两位计票总管的监督下开始计票。

    All ballots are opened by four accountants overseen by two " balloting leaders " in a room with one door and no windows .

  7. 2015年统计师薪资中位数为80110美元,最高130630美元(或更高),最低44900美元(或更低)。

    Statisticians made a median salary of $ 80110 in 2015 . The highest-paid earned $ 130630 or more , while the lowest-paid statisticians made $ 44900 or less . 2 .

  8. 统计师在整个颁奖过程中不能离开自己的位置,并老早就记住了全部获奖者名单&如果主持人报错了名字,他们必须立刻走上颁奖台,纠正错误。

    Both men are prohibited from leaving their posts during the telecast and have memorized all the winners & if a wrong name is announced , they must immediately approach the podium and correct the presenter .

  9. 展望未来,统计师将与生物医学、计算机、环境、遗传学和社会科学等多种学科的工作人员通力合作,同时会为人权和反恐等问题贡献大量解决方案。

    Going forward , we see statisticians working closely with collaborators from the biomedical , computer , environmental , genetics and social sciences , as well as contributing to quantitative solutions involving human rights and counter-terrorism .

  10. 第一部份:为一般资料,即个人基本资料,是统计中医师之各项基本数据,旨在了解样本的基本统计变项与其处理晕针的关联性。

    Part I : general information , namely , basic personal information , practitioners of the basic statistical data , to understand the basic statistical sample processing variables and their relevance fainting .

  11. 该算法具有直观、无需先验统计知识、无师学习等特点,目前已经成为数据挖掘技术的理论和应用研究方法之一。本文主要研究了K近邻分类算法。

    The algorithm has become one of the ways in data mining theory and application because of intuitive , without priori statistical knowledge , and no study features . The main works of this thesis is k nearest neighbor classification algorithm .

  12. 第三年的头半年,根据不完全的统计,一百四十七个师,内有一百一十一个整师。

    And in the first half of the third year , according to incomplete figures , 147 divisions , including 111 divisions entirely wiped out .

  13. 以中图分类法为标准,统计分析了重师学报(自科版)1991-2000年载文的学科分布情况。

    According to the Chinese Library Classification , the authors analyse the distribution of subjects of papers published during 1991-2000 in the Journal of Chongqing Normal University ( Natural Science Edition ) .

  14. 国家统计局一名高级统计师表示,中国的总体通货膨胀保持稳定。

    A senior statistician with the NBS says the country 's inflation remains generally stable .