
  • 网络social work agency
  1. 社会工作机构正发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Social service organizations are playing an irreplaceable role .

  2. 但与此同时,社会工作机构也开始面临成长期的烦恼。

    At the same time , those social work agencies have began to face the " growing pains " .

  3. 目前,国内许多民营企业中并没有设立专门的社会工作机构,没有配备专业的社会工作人才。

    At present , many domestic private enterprises do not have special social work units equipped with professional personnels of social work .

  4. 上海社会工作机构已逐渐发展起来,并已形成不同的类型,它与政府和弱势群体之间存在着一定的互动关系。

    Institutions of social work have gradually been shaped in Shanghai , and can be classified into different types , which are in a reciprocal relation with government and vulnerable groups of people .

  5. 可以使失独父母在原有的生活环境中得到社会工作机构、社区等多种部门提供的养老服务,更好的解决了失独父母今后的养老问题。

    Single parents can get lost pension service a variety of department of social work , community , etc. provided in the original living environment , a better solution to the loss of single parents in the future pension problems .

  6. 本文试图通过对社会工作机构发展现状以及社会企业发展模式的研究,初步探讨社会工作机构向社会企业转型的可能性以及转型的方式。

    This paper attempts to study the status of the social work institutions ' development situation and the social enterprises ' development model , to explore the possibility of social work agencies translate into social enterprise and to search the way of transformation .

  7. 建立高校+社会工作机构+学生的社会工作专业硕士生培养模式。第三,利用各种媒介加强对社会工作的宣传,提高社会工作专业的社会知名度。

    Try to establish a professional master training mode of social work called " university and social work agencies and student " . Thirdly , make use of various media to strengthen the propaganda of social work and to improve the professional social popularity .

  8. 本文采用文献研究、参与观察及访谈法进行研究,并得出如下结论,传统社会工作机构需要向社会企业转型,转型为社会企业后的适用模式是:政府支持+企业化经营+公益目标。

    The research methods of the paper include literature research , participant observation and interview . And the conclusion of the thesis is that social work organization needs transform into social enterprise , and the applicable mode is government support + enterprise management + public interest objectives .

  9. 民间社会工作服务机构的特点与功能分析

    Characteristic and Functional Analysis of Civil Social Work Service Agency

  10. 民办社会工作服务机构可以利用与公众不同形式的互动,达到资源的有效利用,从而解决机构发展中的遇到的问题。

    With various interactions with the public , private nonprofit organizations are able to use the resource effectively , and thus work out solutions to the problems they face .

  11. 这些专业社会工作服务机构还是一个新生的事物,既有一些自身独特的优势与功能,也遇到了一些困境与问题。

    These social work professional service agencies are new social phenomenon . They not only have some strength , but also encounter some difficulties due to their unique characteristics and functions .

  12. 根据这些发现,本文将双因素理论与兰州市社会工作服务机构现实情况结合起来,提出完善及优化社会工作者激励措施的对策及建议。

    According to the findings , this paper combines The two-factor theory and the actual situation of social work agencies in Lanzhou . Finally , this paper put forward some suggestions on the improvement of incentive mechanism .

  13. 社会工作服务机构是吸纳社会工作人才的重要载体,是有效整合社会工作服务资源的重要渠道,是开展社会工作专业服务的重要阵地。

    Social work agencies is an important carrier to attract social work professionals , and is an important channel to integrate social work resources . Social work agencies is an important position to carry out social work professional services .

  14. 随着我国在城市化和现代化进程中的发展,现在的民间社会工作服务机构已成为积极探索和适应城市社区建设需要的一种新型社区服务方式。

    Along with our country in the process of urbanization and modern development , the folk social work service agencies have now become the city community construction , actively explore and adapt to the need of a new type of community development .

  15. 并为社会工作介入X机构后为其残疾人士所开展的服务内容、服务方式、服务过程等工作过程以及给他们提供服务过程中存在的问题和解决措施研究分析。

    Existing service content , and in the X agency for social work for the disabled the service mode , service process , service process , work process and to provide them with services and the measures to solve the problems in the process of research and analysis .

  16. 医科院校社会工作专业实习机构建设探索

    The Explorations for Establishing Social Work Practice Institution in the Medical University

  17. 近年来社会组织尤其是社会工作服务机构的大量涌现已是不争的事实,社会组织的运作模式及其生存之道亦成为实务界与学术界关注的热点之一。

    It is an indisputable fact that a large number of social organizations especially social work organizations emerged in recent years . The theme about models of social organization operation and existing has drawn much attention from practitioners and scholars .

  18. 根据社会工作的使命与任务,社会工作机构对正义的追求最重要体现为对公共责任的承担。

    As per the missions and tasks of social work , we think , the pursuit of justice of social work agencies is embodied as the shouldering of public responsibility in the foremost .

  19. 要有建立、健全社会工作专业大学、中专与其他社会工作培训机构的意识。

    We should set up training departments for social workers such as colleges and schools with its major .

  20. 多重性的纪律培训和部门也将投入到社会化的行为中,流线型和管理社会的工作流程要求机构予以集合和改编。

    Multiple disciplines and departments will socialize , and the assembly or adaptation of infrastructure is required to streamline and manage social workflow .

  21. 作为一种新兴组织,社会企业有其自身的优势,可以顺利规避目前社会工作机构所遇到的种种尴尬局面。

    As a new organization , social enterprise has its own advantages and can successfully circumvent all of the difficult position that social work organization encountered recently .

  22. 深圳社会工作的发展引进香港社会福利发展经验选择了一条政府推动,民间运作的路径:推行政府购买服务,发展民间专业社会工作服务机构。

    The Hong Kong social welfare development experience was brought into The development of social work in Shenzhen as the path of government to promote civil operation .