
  • 网络Social Intermediary Organizations
  1. 为此,海关总署专门成立课题组,开始对海关稽查借助社会中介机构这一课题进行重点研究。

    To this end , General Administration of Customs set up a special Task Force , which has been focusing research on the subject of using social intermediary organizations in Customs inspection .

  2. 二是在社会中介机构准入退出及配套机制方面:设立准入条件;启动选择程序;建立退出机制;注重培训机制。

    Second , access to exit in the social intermediary organizations and supporting mechanisms : establishing access conditions ; starting the selection process ; constructing exit mechanism ; emphasizing on training mechanism .

  3. 监理单位作为社会中介机构进行ISO9000质量认证不同于工业生产企业。

    Supervision Unit , as a social intermediary organ , is different from industrial enterprise to be carried on ISO9000 Quality Attestation .

  4. 四是社会中介机构和海关自身管理存在风险。

    Fourth , there is risk in social agencies ' management and Customs ' own management .

  5. 税务筹划的行为人既可以是税务筹划主体,也可以是社会中介机构。

    The behavior person may be the tax planning entity , also may be the social intermediate .

  6. 再次要加强社会中介机构的建设,建立独立、公正和客观的第三方信誉评价机制。

    Thirdly , intermediary organizations should be widely establish to form independent fair and objective goodwill evaluating mechanism .

  7. 必须通过健全法制、规范社会中介机构执业行为以及强化政府管理等途径来解决。

    All these problems can be solved by improving legal system , regulating brokers'operations , and strengthening government management .

  8. 产生不规范出资行为的原因比较复杂,涉及企业、社会中介机构、法律法规和政府管理等因素。

    The resulted reasons are more complicated and involved in enterprise itself , brokers , laws and regulations , and government management .

  9. 第四部分分别从政府、社会中介机构和法律方面提出了促进和保障中小企业融资顺利实现的辅助措施。

    Part Four Put forward accessorial measures to promote and ensure the financing of SME through government and social intermediary institution and law .

  10. 人民法院应当分别编制社会中介机构管理人名册和个人管理人名册。

    A people 's court shall prepare a roster of social intermediary agencies as administrators and a roster of individuals as administrators , respectively .

  11. 其中,社会中介机构按照《政府采购法》及相关规定,通过国内公开招标产生。

    In particular , the social intermediary agencies shall be selected through public bidding in China under the Government Procurement Law and other relevant provisions .

  12. 中小企业服务机构联系和引导各类社会中介机构为中小企业提供服务。

    The service institutions for small and medium-sized enterprises shall contact the various kinds of public intermediary agencies and encourage them to serve such enterprises .

  13. 业户可自行建帐,也可聘请社会中介机构代理建帐。

    Business households can establish accounting books on their own . They can also employ intermediate agencies of society to establish accounting books as agents .

  14. 建筑监理企业作为一种特殊的社会中介机构,它是一种知识密集型、技术密集型和人才密集型企业,它承担特殊的社会职能和责任。

    Construction supervision enterprise is a kind of special social intermediary organization , also a knowledge-intensive , technology-intensive and personnel-intensive enterprise and bears special social responsibilities and functions .

  15. 为弥补这种不足,完善独立董事的生成机制,必须优化股权结构,增加法人股比重,培育机构投资者,建立社会中介机构选择、推荐独立董事的制度。

    To improve the generation mechanism , we must optimize ownership structure , cultivate institutional investers , establish the system of choosing and recommending independent director by social intermediary institution .

  16. 三是在评估借助社会中介机构的工作绩效时,忽视了对借助社会中介机构过程和企业规范管理的评估。

    Third , in assessing the performance of social intermediaries , we ignore the expense of the process of using social intermediary organizations and the effect of standardizing enterprise management .

  17. (六)由于法定职责而参与证券交易的社会中介机构或者证券登记结算机构、证券交易服务机构的有关人员;

    Personnel of intermediary organs , organs of securities registration and settlement , and organs providing security exchange services , who take part in securities trading because of their official responsibilities ;

  18. 二是社会中介机构对海关知识掌握不足,工作方法上与海关稽查存在差距,社会中介机构经济人的本质。

    Second , social intermediary agencies lack Customs knowledge . There is difference of methods of work between Customs and intermediary institutions . Social intermediaries are born with the nature of " economic man " .

  19. 合理的民办高等教育运行机制应该是正确地处理民办高等学校、劳动力市场、居民个人和家庭、政府、社会中介机构等主体之间的相互作用和关系。

    Rational circulating mechanism of private higher learning should be correctly dealing with interaction and relation among private institutions of higher learning , work force market , resident individual and family , government and social intermediary agency .

  20. 本文从高职教育、高职毕业生就业服务体系等概念入手,提出高职毕业生就业服务体系的构成要素:政府、学校、用人单位、社会中介机构、毕业生。

    This article from the higher vocational education and higher vocational graduates employment service system concept , proposed elements of higher vocational graduates employment service system : Governments , schools , employers , community agencies , graduates .

  21. 关于企业经营实力评估方法和标准的研究,从战略管理中的多种模式到企业价值评估的多种体系,再到社会中介机构组织的多种标准,成果也很多。

    As for the research on the valuation method and standard of the power of enterprise operation has also attracted much attention from the various modes of strategy management to various evaluation systems then to the various standards of social medium organization .

  22. 第七十七条证券交易所、证券公司、证券登记结算机构、证券交易服务机构、社会中介机构及其从业人员对证券交易中发现的禁止的交易行为,应当及时向证券监督管理机构报告。

    Article 77 . Securities exchanges , securities companies , organs for securities registration and account settlement , and organs providing security trading services , intermediary organs and their workers must promptly report to securities regulatory organs any trading activity banned in securities trading .

  23. 加强与社会中介机构、社会公益性机构、政府、投融资机构、其他创业投资、大型企业、医药企业服务机构的合作,逐步整合这些资源,提高创业投资与孵化器的服务能力。

    Strengthen the relationship among the service agencies , social public-spirited organizations , government , investment organizations , other venture capitals , and the medicine business service organizations , integrate these resources gradually , and raise the service ability of venture capital and business incubator .

  24. 禁止证券交易所、证券公司、证券登记结算机构、证券交易服务机构、社会中介机构及其从业人员,证券业协会、证券监督管理机构及其工作人员,在证券交易活动中作出虚假陈述或者信息误导。

    During securities trading , securities exchanges , securities companies , organs for securities registration and settlement , organs providing securities trading services , and intermediary organs and their workers , and securities regulatory organs and their workers are now allowed to give falsified statements or provide misleading information .

  25. 简论安全生产社会中介服务机构的形成与管理试论Java与木材加工业自动化控制和安全生产的关系

    Brief Discussion about Relation between Java and Automatic Control and Production Safety of Wood Processing Industry

  26. 制度缺陷以及利益冲突导致我国高等教育评估实践存在着行政行为化、社会中介评估机构的合法性等问题。

    The system shortages and profit conflicts result in some problems , such as bureaucracy or the legitimacy of social evaluation organizations .

  27. 在法律性质上,将征信机构视为企业法人或政府机构等都具有较大的弊端,而将其视为社会中介服务机构更具合理性。

    It is more reasonable to regard agencies on credit investigation as social service agencies than regarding it as enterprises or government agencies from legal nature .

  28. 本部分从企业自身因素、银行体系经营机制、政府政策影响及社会中介服务机构四个方面,对中小企业的融资问题的成因作出全面的剖析以寻求解决融资问题的办法。

    This part analyzes completely on the cause of formation of financing problems of SME in order to find the ways of settling financing problems , from four sides on factor from enterprise itself , managing mechanism of bank system .

  29. 另外,要有政府有关部门通过政策导向、营造氛围等方式推进民营企业文化建设,高校和社会中介培训机构积极创新企业文化培训项目等配套措施。

    Moreover , the authority should promote the private domestic enterprises culture construction with the guidance of the policy , and the creating of the fit atmosphere . The colleges and the intermediary organization should launch more projects on enterprise culture .

  30. 要治理会计信息失真,提高会计信息质量,就要充分发挥内部审计和社会会计中介机构的监督作用,加大处罚力度,提高违法成本。

    It 's necessary for fathering accounting information distorts and improving accounting information quality to put the regulatory role of internal auditing and social accounting agencies into full play , to take great efforts in punishment for an increase of violation cost .