- 名financial business

The Development Situation of Financial Business in Nanhai City and Some Suggestions
With the development of Financial Business , self-service device for bank are widely applied .
The United States was tops in finance and services
A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith .
Economic experts believe the world financial industry is moving towards recovery but with more losses to come .
Unlike many past Fed leaders , Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry 's argument that it should be left alone to regulate itself .
China 's Access to WTO : Opportunity , Challenge and Strategies
After WTO entry , it is impossible for China to stay away from the world financial trend .
As we all known , the finance including the banking in our country has been influenced with our entry into WTO .
At present the finance industrial in china faces great challenges , and the proclamation of Basel Agreements makes a higher requirement on the capital quality 、 free capital and internal risk controlling .
WTO has brought great developing chance for China economy . But , at the same time , the banking of China are faced with great challenge , which they have never experienced before .
According to relative requirements on the open market of our financial industry in WTO , our financial industry would be totally opened gradually . Presently , our banking business is facing fierce international competition .
Through inspecting the reality of the real estate finance of China and analyzing the challenge and chance for WTO entry , this article tells us the countermeasure for development of China 's real estate finance .
As a new theory angle , some theory concerning of micro-efficiency such as the Total Consignment Predilection and Inertia-zone theory in X-efficiency Theory system could be well used to explain the reason of financial conglomeration .
We can cope with the challenges facing China 's financial affairs after entering WTO in terms of speeding up the reform of banking system , raising management proficiency , developing financial tools and improving personnel qualities .
Since the new century , Chinese financial industry faces not only more impetuous competition of economy globalization after entry WTO , but also the impact of new trends of western countries deregulation and mixed business operation .
Some certain industries , such as finance and insurance , may require high level of security , so the GPRS should cover the authentication , data confidentiality and integrity .
After our country join the WTO , the financial industry opens outward completely , financial movement of inside the exterior environment took place huge variety , the finance audit also face many new circumstance , new problem .
With the development and reform of finance industry in China , especially after the entering of WTO , more and more finance corporations speed the pace of establish a professional management system in order to take advantage in competition .
PFS is the reform breach of financial industry multi-operation in our country , and also is the main battlefield competing with the foreign banks after joining WTO . Therefore , various financial setups all extremely pay attention to developing PFS .
In China , mixed operation will also be able to become a business model to face the financial challenges of entering WTO . From the legal point , building mixed business banking system also becomes an important topic of the times .
Especially after the entry of WTO , the finance industry carries on an all-round opening policy and it must operate strictly according to the international rules and usual international practice , so the process of financial system reform is speeding up .
During the 1980s , the merging of the banking and insurance business with the rapid development of the financial industry has brought a new management mode & bancassurance .
With the gradual opening of China 's financial industry after its accession to WTO , criminals , taking advantage of its rapid economic development and imperfect legislation , regard China as their new base for money laundering , bringing about severe challenges to China 's anti-money-laundering operations .
Under the background that China will inter WTO immediately and implementing the strategic decision of the development in a large scale in the West , the financing of our country , especially the local middle-sized and small-sized financial organs will confront with opportunities and ordeal which never known before .
Challenges of Banking Industry in the New Economy Age and Countermeasures
Integration Operation : A Realistic Choice for China 's Financial Industry
Effect of Rural Financial Growth on the Rural Economy of China
But the risks are not only manifest in the financial sector .
Financial Trade of China after China 's Acceding to WTO