
jīn rónɡ yè
  • financial business
  1. 广东南海市金融业发展状况与建议

    The Development Situation of Financial Business in Nanhai City and Some Suggestions

  2. 随着金融业的发展,银行自助设备得到越来越多的应用。

    With the development of Financial Business , self-service device for bank are widely applied .

  3. 美国在金融业与服务业方面无可匹敌。

    The United States was tops in finance and services

  4. 若是这两个强大机构之间达成交易,就会产生一个金融业的巨无霸。

    A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith .

  5. 经济专家相信全球金融业将朝着复苏的方向迈进,但是会面临更多的损失。

    Economic experts believe the world financial industry is moving towards recovery but with more losses to come .

  6. 与许多美联储前任领导人不同,耶伦并不赞同应该让金融业自行监管的观点。

    Unlike many past Fed leaders , Yellen is not one to buy into the finance industry 's argument that it should be left alone to regulate itself .

  7. 加入WTO,中国金融业面临的机遇、挑战及对策

    China 's Access to WTO : Opportunity , Challenge and Strategies

  8. 加入WTO之后,中国金融业也不可能长期游离于世界潮流之外。

    After WTO entry , it is impossible for China to stay away from the world financial trend .

  9. 众所周知,我国加入WTO后,受到冲击最大的就是金融业。

    As we all known , the finance including the banking in our country has been influenced with our entry into WTO .

  10. 目前我国金融业面临WTO的挑战,2001年新的巴塞尔协议出台,也对银行的资产质量和自有资本,内部风险控制提出了更高的要求。

    At present the finance industrial in china faces great challenges , and the proclamation of Basel Agreements makes a higher requirement on the capital quality 、 free capital and internal risk controlling .

  11. 但是,在WTO给我国经济带来极大的发展空间和机遇的同时,国内的金融业却受到了前所未有的挑战。

    WTO has brought great developing chance for China economy . But , at the same time , the banking of China are faced with great challenge , which they have never experienced before .

  12. 按照WTO中关于我国金融业开放的相关要求,我国的金融业将逐渐的全面开放,现阶段我国的银行业面临着国际上激烈的竞争。

    According to relative requirements on the open market of our financial industry in WTO , our financial industry would be totally opened gradually . Presently , our banking business is facing fierce international competition .

  13. 本文通过对我国正处于经济发展前沿的房地产金融业的现实考察,分析加入WTO对我国房地产金融业带来的挑战和机遇,并提出了相应的发展对策。

    Through inspecting the reality of the real estate finance of China and analyzing the challenge and chance for WTO entry , this article tells us the countermeasure for development of China 's real estate finance .

  14. 作为新的理论视角,X效率理论体系中有关企业微观效率的“全权委托偏好”、“惯性区域”等理论可以很好地用于解释金融业混业经营的成因。

    As a new theory angle , some theory concerning of micro-efficiency such as the Total Consignment Predilection and Inertia-zone theory in X-efficiency Theory system could be well used to explain the reason of financial conglomeration .

  15. 关于加入WTO后我国的金融业面对着巨大的挑战问题,我们应从加快我国银行体制改革,提高管理水平、发展金融工具、提高人员素质等方面来应对。

    We can cope with the challenges facing China 's financial affairs after entering WTO in terms of speeding up the reform of banking system , raising management proficiency , developing financial tools and improving personnel qualities .

  16. 进入新世纪以来,中国金融业不仅面临加入WTO后经济全球化的更激烈竞争,而且面临西方国家金融管制放松、金融混业经营新趋势的影响。

    Since the new century , Chinese financial industry faces not only more impetuous competition of economy globalization after entry WTO , but also the impact of new trends of western countries deregulation and mixed business operation .

  17. 金融业、保险业等特殊行业的高安全需求要求GPRS(GeneralPacketRadioServices)必须提供认证、数据完整性和数据机密性等安全服务。

    Some certain industries , such as finance and insurance , may require high level of security , so the GPRS should cover the authentication , data confidentiality and integrity .

  18. 我国加入WTO后,金融业全面对外开放,金融运行的内外部环境发生了巨大变化,金融审计也面临着许多新情况、新问题。

    After our country join the WTO , the financial industry opens outward completely , financial movement of inside the exterior environment took place huge variety , the finance audit also face many new circumstance , new problem .

  19. 随着国内金融业的改革和发展,特别是中国加入WTO以后,为了提高自身的竞争力,国内金融企业都开始加速建立和完善自己的管理系统。

    With the development and reform of finance industry in China , especially after the entering of WTO , more and more finance corporations speed the pace of establish a professional management system in order to take advantage in competition .

  20. 个人理财业务是我国金融业混业经营改革的突破口,也是加入WTO后与外资银行竞争的主战场,因此各金融机构都非常重视发展个人理财业务。

    PFS is the reform breach of financial industry multi-operation in our country , and also is the main battlefield competing with the foreign banks after joining WTO . Therefore , various financial setups all extremely pay attention to developing PFS .

  21. 面对加入WTO对我国金融业的挑战,混业经营在我国也将成为一种不可抵挡的经营模式,从法律上构建银行业混业经营制度成为一个重要的时代命题。

    In China , mixed operation will also be able to become a business model to face the financial challenges of entering WTO . From the legal point , building mixed business banking system also becomes an important topic of the times .

  22. 尤其我国加入WTO以来,金融业实行全面开放的政策,同时金融业必须严格按照国际规则和国际惯例来进行运作,我国的金融体制改革的步伐随之加快。

    Especially after the entry of WTO , the finance industry carries on an all-round opening policy and it must operate strictly according to the international rules and usual international practice , so the process of financial system reform is speeding up .

  23. 20世纪80年代,随着西方国家金融业的快速发展,银行业与保险业相互融合,并逐步发展成为一种新的混业经营模式&银行保险(Bancassurance)。

    During the 1980s , the merging of the banking and insurance business with the rapid development of the financial industry has brought a new management mode & bancassurance .

  24. 随着加入WTO后中国金融业的逐步开放,犯罪分子利用中国经济发展迅速而法律尚不够健全的特点,将中国作为他们洗钱的新据点,中国反洗钱工作将面临巨大的挑战。

    With the gradual opening of China 's financial industry after its accession to WTO , criminals , taking advantage of its rapid economic development and imperfect legislation , regard China as their new base for money laundering , bringing about severe challenges to China 's anti-money-laundering operations .

  25. 在我国即将加入WTO和国家实施西部大开发战略决策的背景下,我国金融业,特别是西部地方中小金融机构,在面临机遇的同时,更面临着前所未有的严峻考验。

    Under the background that China will inter WTO immediately and implementing the strategic decision of the development in a large scale in the West , the financing of our country , especially the local middle-sized and small-sized financial organs will confront with opportunities and ordeal which never known before .

  26. 略论新经济时代金融业面临的挑战与对策

    Challenges of Banking Industry in the New Economy Age and Countermeasures

  27. 综合经营:中国金融业的现实选择

    Integration Operation : A Realistic Choice for China 's Financial Industry

  28. 中国农村金融业成长的经济效应研究

    Effect of Rural Financial Growth on the Rural Economy of China

  29. 然而,风险不仅出现在金融业。

    But the risks are not only manifest in the financial sector .

  30. 加入世贸组织后的中国金融业

    Financial Trade of China after China 's Acceding to WTO