
jiè yònɡ hé tonɡ
  • contract for the loan of objects;contract of loan for use
  • commodatum
  1. 在无偿使用自助式寄存柜寄存物品的场景中,顾客与超市形成的是一种借用合同关系。

    In the situation that the consignation is free and self-service , both parties has entered into a contract of loan for use .

  2. 进而言之,它属于保管合同而非借用合同。

    And what 's more , this contract belongs to contract of deposit , not the contract of loan for use .

  3. 有些学者认为自助寄存的性质为寄存柜的借用合同,超市不应承担场主的法定保管义务。

    Some scholar hold that the nature of self-deposit is contract of commodatum and supermarket should not take the responsibility of deposit .