
hé huǒ xié yì
  • partnership agreement
  1. 依照合伙协议约定的有关事项。

    The relevant matters set forth in the partnership agreement .

  2. 我对查克的合伙协议一清二楚

    Look , I know Chuck 's partnership agreement chapter and verse .

  3. 合伙协议约定的解散事由出现;

    A cause for dissolution stipulated in the partnership has occurred .

  4. 我们从未签订过正式的合伙协议书。

    We never signed a formal partnership agreement .

  5. 浅谈个人合伙协议的要点

    Essentials on the Personal Agreement of Partnership

  6. 有没有签订合伙协议书?

    Is there any written partnership agreement ?

  7. 该法的默认规定可在合伙协议中予以修改。

    These default provisions of the Act may be changed by entering into a partnership agreement .

  8. 合伙人依照合伙协议享有权利,承担责任。

    The partners shall have the rights and bear the liabilities as prescribed in the partnership agreement .

  9. 该外国律师事务所的合伙协议或者成立章程以及负责人、合伙人名单;

    Partnership agreement or establishment articles and a list of the names of leading officers and partners ;

  10. 除合伙协议另有规定外,缺少普通合伙人会导致合伙企业解散。

    Unless otherwise agreed to in the partnership agreement , a loss of general partners dissolves the partnership .

  11. 必须随表附上合伙协议,并且填写及签署合伙附件。

    Partnership agreement must accompany account application , and partnership addendum enclosed infra must be completed and signed .

  12. 经全体合伙人协商一致,可以修改或者补充合伙协议。

    The partnership agreement may be amended or supplemented after agreement is reached by all the partners after consultation among them .

  13. 全体普通合伙人签署的变更决定书或者合伙协议约定的人员签署的变更决定书;

    A written decision on change signed by all general partners or all persons stipulated in the partnership agreement ; and3 .

  14. 合伙协议可以载明合伙企业的经营期限和合伙人争议的解决方式。

    The partnership agreement may prescribe a term for the partnership and the method for the resolution of dispute among the partners .

  15. 在积极面上,如果合伙协议允许的话,新合伙人可以不经现有合伙人同意就获得承认。

    On the positive side , new partners can be admitted without the consent of existing partners if the partnership agreement allows .

  16. 当两个或更多的人同意成为合伙人时,这个合伙协议就成为一个合伙合同,合伙企业自动成立。

    When two or more persons agree to become partners , such an agreement constitutes a contract and a partnership is automatically created .

  17. 在没有合伙协议的情况下,由统一合伙条例确定合伙人之间的关系。

    A partnership can arise simply out of the acts of the partners particularly if them hold themselves as partners to the general public .

  18. 根据合伙协议,菲亚特最初将获得克莱斯勒20%的股份,不过如果能实现某些目标的话,它在克莱斯勒的持股比例可提高到35%。

    Under its partnership , Fiat initially will receive a20 % stake in Chrysler but it could rise to35 % if certain targets are met .

  19. 由于合伙人通常提供不同价值的个人服务,合伙协议常常在分配利润时考虑合伙人薪金。

    Because partners often contribute different amounts of personal services , partnership agreements often provide for partners ' salaries as a factor in the division of profits .

  20. 根据合伙协议平均分配本年度净收益。对配股进行收益分析,则是运用净资产收益率这一指标展开的。

    To divide net income for the year in accordance with partnership agreement to share profits equally . The analysis of revenue is done by appling to ROE .

  21. 合伙协议不得约定将全部利润分配给部分合伙人或者由部分合伙人承担全部亏损。

    A partnership agreement shall not stipulate for the distribution of all profits to part of the partners or for the sharing of all losses among part of the partners .

  22. 假设罗亚尔、西蒙和塔特的合伙协议规定平均分配损益,则出售企业的损失12美元分配如下

    Assuming that Royal , Simon , and Tale share profits and losses equally , the entry to allocate the $ 12 loss on the sale of the business will be as follows

  23. 除非合伙协议明确了合伙的条件,否则,在合伙企业解散时,合伙人平等分享该合伙的资产和责任。

    Unless there is a partnership agreement which spells out the terms of the partnership , partners share equally in the assets and liabilities of the partnership upon the dissolution of the partnership .

  24. 利润分配以合伙协议为依据,如果新的合伙合同没有提及利润分配,则可假设三个合伙人愿意平均分配损益。

    Profit sharing is a matter for agreement among the partners ; if the new partnership contract contains no mention of profit sharing , the assumption is that the three partners intended to share profits and losses equally .

  25. 这与原合伙协议合伙人平均分配损益的要求相一致。合伙企业的损益在合伙人之间按他们约定的方式进行分配。

    This action is consistent with the original agreement of the partners to share profits and losses equally . The profits or losses of a partnership may be divided among the partners in any manner agreed upon by the partners .

  26. 普通合伙人转让权益的能力通常受到限制,而有限合伙人的权益通常可依据有限合伙企业协议的规定进行转让。

    The ability of a general partner to transfer his interest is usually restricted , while a limited partner 's interest is usually made transferable by provisions of the limited partnership agreement .