
  1. 第三产业推动合肥市经济和就业协调发展的研究

    Coordinating Development Promoting Hefei 's Economy and Employment by the Tertiary Industry

  2. 第五章提出促进经济增长和就业协调发展的政策建议。

    The fifth chapter we give policy recommendations that promote the coordinated development between economic and employment .

  3. 二元发展理论对研究我国城市对农村富余劳动力的吸纳,城乡劳动力就业协调发展意义重大;

    Dualistic development theory has important significance to research that urban absorb rural surplus labour and develop in phase of employment between urban labour and rural labour ;

  4. 论CAFTA进程中粤桂琼滇产业结构与就业结构协调

    On the Coordination of Industrial Structure and Employment Structure of Southwest China in the Process of CAFTA

  5. 随着中小企业在搞活经济、解决劳动力就业、协调市场机制及推进高新技术产业化等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,资金短缺已成为制约其发展的瓶颈。

    Small and medium sized enterprises in China are playing more and more important role in inactivating economy , resolving labor employment , coordinating market mechanism and promoting industrialization of high and latest technology .

  6. 第六条国务院建立全国促进就业工作协调机制,研究就业工作中的重大问题,协调推动全国的促进就业工作。

    Article 6 The State Council shall establish a national mechanism for coordinating the efforts made to promote employment , whereby to study the major issues arising in this field of endeavor and coordinate and push forward such efforts nationwide .

  7. 论高校培养目标与就业市场的协调性

    On harmony of training target in universities and job market

  8. 青岛市产业结构与就业结构互动协调发展研究

    A Study on the Harmonious Development between Industrial Structure and Employment Structure in Qingdao

  9. 失业的存在反过来又阻碍了产业结构与就业结构的协调发展。

    The unemployment in turn hinders the coordinated development between the industrial structure and employment structure .

  10. 解决就业与社会协调发展问题的新途径&浅谈大学生创业

    The New Way on Solving the Problem of the Harmonious Development between Employment and Society - On the College Students Entrepreneurship

  11. 如何提高城市水平及就业、如何协调城市化与就业的良性互动,是目前世界特别是发展中国家必须研究解决的重大课题。

    How to improve the level of city and employment , how to coordinate the interaction of them , are the world especially in developing countries need to resolve a major issues .

  12. 产业结构作为国家和地区经济结构的核心和基础,是对资源的重新配置,产业结构与就业结构的协调发展,关系着一个经济区的整体经济发展。

    Industrial structure is the basis and core of the economic structure of a country or a region , which can reallocate resources . The coordinated development of industrial structure and employment structure , relates to the overall economic development of an economic zone .

  13. 加强财政政策、货币政策、产业政策与就业政策的协调配合,在实施宏观经济调控、经济结构调整以及安排主要产业布局和重大项目时,优先考虑对扩大就业的影响。

    Enhance the financial policy , monetary policy , industrial policy and employment policy synchromesh , when implement the macroscopic economy regulation , readjustment of the economic structure as well as arrangement main industry layout and significant project , should consider to expand the employment first .

  14. 人口流动、促进就业和医疗保障协调发展研究

    Study on harmonious development of health security system in context of population floating to prompt the employment

  15. 为了与已经建立的公平就业工作方式相协调,行政机构实施公平住房法的手段主要是应对个人的抱怨而不是寻找出有歧视性的惯例。

    In keeping with the already-established fair-employment mode of operation , administrative agencies enforced the fair-housing laws primarily by responding to individual complaints rather than by seeking out discriminatory practices .

  16. 我们不仅要在一国之内实现就业增加、平衡协调、公平正义的发展,还要推动国家和地区之间实现和平共处、共同增长的发展。

    We need not only to increase employment and promote balanced , coordinated , fair and equitable development within a country . We also need to achieve development that features peaceful coexistence and common growth among countries and regions .

  17. 第一条为了促进就业,促进经济发展与扩大就业相协调,促进社会和谐稳定,制定本法。

    Article 1 This Law is enacted in order to promote employment , coordination between economic development and employment increase , and harmony and stability of society .

  18. 为帮助外来务工人员顺利实现就业,应尝试构建以务工人员、政府部门、用人单位为主体,培训机构、培训市场、就业市场相协调的就业促进型培训机制。

    To help migrant workers find work easily , Wuhan should try to build employment-stimulative-type training mechanism of mutual harmonization among training institution , training market and employment market by taking migrant workers , governmental sector and employment institution as the subject .

  19. 就业保障体系的建立需要科学的规划和系统的过程,具体可分为突出就业导向、完善就业制度和整体协调运转三个阶段。

    The construction of employment security system demands a scientific design and a systematic process which can be divided into three stages : the emphasis of employment guidance , the amelioration of employment system and the coordi-native running of the whole system .