
  • 网络structural inertia;Structure Inertia
  1. 企业组织结构惰性是指企业发展到一定阶段后,组织结构所带有的正规化和僵化的特征。

    Organizational structural inertia is a formal and stark feature for organizational structure when organization comes into a certain stage .

  2. 结果可从两个维度作阐述,一是创业决策和认知结构惰性的角度,二是认知投入或框定过程惰性的角度。

    Our results could be explained from two perspectives , one is construction and cognition inertia , and the other is cognitive resource expenditure or framing inertia .

  3. 从原子结构看惰性电子对效应的产生

    On cause of " inert electron pair effect " in view of atomic structure

  4. 然后,通过回归分析方法得出了路面结构信息与惰性点参数的相关关系。

    The relationship between the inertial point parameters and the structure information is established mathematically .

  5. 围护结构的热惰性指标D增大,空调机组需处理的房间下区负荷减少,节能效果好;

    When the heat inertia index D increase , the load of the lower room dealed with by the air-conditioning set decrease , the saving energy is larger ;

  6. 在许多温和气候地区,建筑结构的热惰性,与可控制的空气流动除了一年当中的少数时间外都应该避免过热。

    In many temperate climates , the thermal inertia of a building structure , combined with controlled air flow , should be sufficient to avoid excessive overheating except for a few hours each year .