
  • 网络structural assets
  1. 德国的银行,包括deutschepfandbriefbank在内,正在研究发行结构性资产担保债券的可能性。

    German banks , including Deutsche pfandbriefbank , are examining the possibility of issuing structured covered bonds .

  2. 一些银行正在研究,是否可以用半资产担保债券(或者结构性资产担保债券)介于资产担保债券和传统证券化之间来弥补空缺。

    Some banks are examining whether quasi - or structured covered bonds sitting somewhere between covered bonds and a traditional securitisation can help fill the gap .

  3. 投资者很难搞清楚担保支持交易“实际上”位于何处,或者任何结构性资产交易内部“实际上”是什么样的。

    It is hard for investors to work out where the collateral backing deals is " really " sitting , or what " really " lies inside any structured asset deal .

  4. mbia正试图将公共财务业务从抵押贷款业务的大本营结构性金融资产组合中分离出来。

    Mbia is trying to separate its public finance business from its structured finance portfolio , the home of its mortgage business .

  5. 如果说政府(通过法规和其他限制措施)削弱了信用违约互换(CDS)等对冲工具的使用,那么外汇将是一种最不可能受到结构性影响的资产类别&前提是政府确实改变了其他市场。

    If the government is impairing use of other hedging tools like credit default swaps [ through regulation and other restrictions ] then FX is the last asset class that would be structurally affected if a government does alter other markets .

  6. 新兴市场银行渣打银行(standardchartered)与英国上市银行汇丰银行(hsbc)也公布计划,要把结构性投资工具的资产计入自己的账面。

    Standard Chartered , the emerging markets bank , and HSBC , the UK-listed bank , have also unveiled plans to take the assets of SIVs on to their books .

  7. 结果,到7月中旬,一些投资者决定停止购买涉嫌参与次级抵押贷款的结构性投资工具的资产支持商业票据。

    As a result , by mid-July some investors decided to stop buying ABCP paper from SIVs suspected of subprime exposure .

  8. 第五,风险模型未能评估结构性投资工具等资产负债表外活动固有的风险。

    Fifth , risk models failed to capture the risk inherent in off-balance sheet activities , such as structured investment vehicles .

  9. 另一种可能性是,激进的结构性改革加上资产贱卖,掀起一波对内直接投资潮。

    Another possibility is that a combination of radical structural reforms with a fire sale of assets would draw a wave of inward direct investment .

  10. 作为很多陷入困境的结构性产品的基础资产,美国房地产价格史无前例的大起大落加剧了这些问题。

    These were compounded by an unprecedented boom and slump in the price of US houses , which were the underlying asset in many struggling structured products .

  11. 这意味着,如果结构性投资工具不能通过正常途径为商业票据筹资,银行就必须介入提供融资,除非结构性投资工具的资产评级大幅降低。

    This means banks must step in to provide finance if the SIV cannot raise commercial paper in the normal way , unless the SIVs ' assets suffer significant ratings downgrades .