
  • 网络settlement risk;Risks in cross-border links
  1. 运用人工神经网络、博弈论和对等比较原理对企业国际结算风险进行了论证分析,提出BP算法下的前馈型人工神经网络风险预测模型。

    Third , it analyzes the international settlement risk through ANN , game theory and reciprocity comparative principle , and brings forward the forecast model of the BP neural network .

  2. 外汇结算风险由称为“赫斯特风险”。

    Foreign exchange settlement risk is also called the Herstatt risk .

  3. 德国福伊特公司国际结算风险及防范研究

    The Risk and Precaution of International Settlement for Voith Paper Company

  4. 银行结算风险的出现使银行资金直接造成损失。

    However , settlement risks bring about great losses for banks .

  5. 金融衍生工具的风险主要有市场风险、信用风险、流通性风险营运风险、结算风险和法律风险。

    The main risks of Financial Derivatives involve market risk , credit risk ;

  6. 第一百五十五条证券结算风险基金应当专项管理。

    Article 155 . Securities settlement risk funds shall be under special management .

  7. 企业国际结算风险研究

    A Research on International Settlement Risk of Enterprises

  8. 我国证券结算风险控制与管理

    Securities Settlement Risk Controls and Management in China

  9. 企业国际结算风险管理。

    International settlement risk managements in enterprises .

  10. 美元支付系统会大大降低区内的交易成本,以及减低结算风险。

    The US dollar payment system will significantly lower costs and reduce settlement risks for businesses throughout the region .

  11. 本论文主要探讨公司如何避免发生新的拖欠,防范贸易风险,目的是给目前与本公司面临同样问题的跨国公司提出有适用性的解决结算风险的方法,做到防患于未然。

    Therefore , this dissertation mainly discussed how to avoid new behind payment and how to be on guard of trade risks .

  12. 由于外汇交易的跨境及跨时区性质,结算风险一直是外汇市场关注的问题。

    Settlement risk has historically been a concern in the foreign exchange market because of the cross-border and cross-time zone nature of foreign exchange transactions .

  13. 结算风险商品或服务供给商已交货,而买主无力或不愿付款的风险。

    Settlement Risk The risk where a supplier of goods or services has delivered and the buyer is unable or unwilling to pay for them .

  14. 现有套期保值研究侧重于规避价格风险,忽略了期货市场另一个重要的风险因素-结算风险。

    The existing hedging researches emphasize particularly on price volatility risk , and ignore another significant risk factor we call settlement risk produced by mark to market system .

  15. 期货结算风险的大小,影响的范围受到期货结算制度、期货交易机制、结算银行体系,投资者交易行为,以及外部法律环境等多方面因素的制约。

    The level and influence scope of settlement risk are subjected to future settlement system , transaction mechanism , settlement bank system , investor behavior and exterior environments .

  16. 本文对期货结算风险的定义是期货结算机构在结算过程中面临的不确定性,而结算过程是指期货交易撮合登记后至合约交割或对冲平仓前的阶段。

    In this paper , the future settlement risk is defined as the uncertainty encountered by clearing house in the settlement process from contract registering to contract delivery or settlement .

  17. 结果表明:北京奥运会面临的汇率风险主要有外汇交易结算风险和外汇融资借贷风险。

    The results of the research show that risk of foreign exchange rate for Beijing Olympic games mainly lies in transaction exposure of foreign exchange and risk of financing indebtedness .

  18. 众所周知,商业银行在经营过程中面临着信用风险、市场风险、流动性风险、结算风险、操作风险和法律风险。

    As known to all , commercial banks are facing credit risk , market risk , liquidity risk , settlement risk , operational risk and legal risk during business operating .

  19. 为控制结算风险,建立中央债券托管系统成为各国金融市场基础设施建设最具革命性、最具实质性意义的举措。

    To control this kind of risk , the establishment of central securities depository ( CSD ) has become the most revolutionary and substantial measure in many countries ' infrastructure construction .

  20. 新的联网安排可大大减低结算风险及提高结算效率,使亚洲投资者可透过债务工具中央结算系统成员,在安全稳妥的环境下结算及交收国际债券。

    The new link will improve settlement risk and efficiency such that investors in this region can clear and settle international securities in a secure and robust environment through CMU members .

  21. 结算风险基金用于因技术故障、操作失误、不可抗力造成的证券登记结算机构的损失。

    The settlement risk fund shall be used to pay for losses incurred by the securities registration and settlement organization due to technical malfunctions , operational mistakes , and other uncontrollable factors .

  22. 证券结算风险基金的筹集、管理办法,由国务院证券监督管理机构会同国务院财政部门规定。

    Together with relevant finance departments under the State Council , the securities regulatory body under the State Council shall jointly formulate procedures governing the collection and administration of securities settlement risk funds .

  23. 试想像一下由你付钱至收货之间的那段时间内可能会发生甚么事故,大家就能体会到实在有需要管理好结算风险。

    Imagine what could happen during the long time lag between parting with your money and receiving what you have bought . hopefully , this will illustrate the need to manage settlement risks .

  24. 论文根据风险管理的相关理论和风险管理的基本知识,提出了国际贸易结算风险的概念和风险管理的意义,并对各种国际贸易结算方式的流程和优缺点进行了阐述。

    The paper uses the risk management theory to bring forward the concept of the international trade settlement risk and the meaning of risk management , and summarize the strength and weakness of different settlement methods .

  25. 本文将从内、外部因素两个方面对防范化解结算风险进行了系统论述,提出的防范措施具有全面详细、可操作性强的特点,对银行会计工作具有指导作用。

    And this thesis will discuss how to relax and eliminate such risks with internal and external factors and furthermore , propose some detailed and effective measures accordingly in hoping to guide the accounting of banks correctly .

  26. 目前,对国际结算风险的研究主要集中在进出口企业结算方式的探讨,并形成了一定的风险分析与防范方法,但是对国际结算中最重要的结算风险研究较少。

    Currently , scholars ' research of the risk in international settlement is primarily about the international settlement ways , which produce certain ways of risk analysis and risk protection , but put little emphasis on international settlement risks .

  27. 基于DVP制度的证券结算体系风险控制策略研究

    Risk Control Strategies Study of DVP-based Securities Clearing System

  28. 论证券结算客观性风险之法律控制

    To Minimize by Law the Objective Risks in Respect of Securities Settlement

  29. 外贸企业国际贸易结算的风险及防范

    Risks and their prevention in international trade settlement of import and export enterprises

  30. 商业银行人民币对公支付结算业务风险点及对策

    The Countermeasure and Risk Point of Payment Settlement Business of RMB-to-Public of Commercial Bank