
  • 网络Overseas investment funds;FIF
  1. 不过,希望利用qdii基金需求增长的国际基金公司应该清楚,中国本土基金管理公司正期望发展相关专业技能,由自己来管理海外投资基金。

    However , international managers hoping to take advantage of any increase in demand for QDII funds should be aware that domestic fund management companies are looking to develop expertise to manage international funds themselves .

  2. shih表示,希望注册新的海外投资基金的本土投资信托公司,目前都在设法通过提高其基金投资于台湾股票的比例,去除审批过程中的障碍。

    Mr Shih says local investment trusts that seek registration for new funds for investment overseas are trying to unblock the approval process by raising the ratio their funds will invest in Taiwanese stocks .

  3. 中国去年推出了大约20只海外投资基金,但这不是因为需求显著上升,而只是因为监管机构相信投资者应当分散投资,于是重新启动了对共同基金新QDII配额的审批。

    Some 20 funds investing internationally were launched last year , not because there was a significant pick-up in demand but simply because regulators began to approve new QDII quota for mutual funds in the belief that investors needed to diversify .

  4. 这只基金是中国基金管理公司迄今发行的第四只海外投资基金。

    This fund launch is the fourth so far for fund managers in China .

  5. 类似的压力也适用于其它拥有大规模国家海外投资基金的国家。

    Similar pressure should be applied to other countries with large state funds that invest overseas .

  6. 中美控股在金融行业已与境内外银行、券商、财务公司、信托公司、境外投资机构、海外投资基金、知名投行界等众多境内外金融机构建立了密切的合作关系。

    China and America holding company has established close cooperation relations with financial organs such as : the bank within and outside boundaries , tickets business , financial company , trust company , the investment organizations beyond the border and so on .

  7. 大力发展保险投资基金的品种:市政债券基金、基础设施债券基金、教育投资基金、海外证券投资基金。

    Developing such varieties of the insurance investment funds : Municipal Bond Fund , Infrastructure Bond Fund , Educational Investment Fund , Overseas Security Investment Fund , Secured Loan Fund .

  8. 这一悲观看法在中国首批从事海外投资的共同基金的表现身上得到了体现。自去年末发行以来,这些基金的跌幅都超过了20%。

    That pessimistic view is reflected in the performance of the first Chinese mutual funds based on offshore investments , all of which are down more than 20 per cent since they debuted late last year .

  9. 它们指出,对拥有海外投资组合的本土基金新筹资规模设限,是在给予海外基金一种不公平的优势。

    They argued that the cap on new fundraising by onshore funds with an offshore portfolio was giving offshore funds an unfair advantage .

  10. 海外国家创业投资引导基金的运作模式主要包括两种:参股支持模式与融资担保模式,在我国,绝大部分的政府创业投资引导基金采取的是参股支持模式。

    There are mainly two modes of Venture Capital Leading Fund overseas : joint stock and guaranteed financing . And in China , the vast majority of Venture Capital Leading Funds adopts the joint stock mode .

  11. 中国资本市场已经在逐步放开,允许投资者向海外投资,但开放步伐较为缓慢:最初是允许通过一项受到严格监管的计划投资海外股市,直到今年才过渡到允许建立向海外投资的私募股权基金。

    The capital markets have been opening up gradually to allow outbound investment but the process has been slow , starting with equities through a tightly regulated scheme and moving on to outbound private equity funds only this year .