
  • 网络Niche market;niche marketing
  1. 有机纺织品行业的创新与利基市场理论研究

    A Theoretical Study of Innovation and Niche Market in Organic Textile

  2. 因为这算是一个利基市场

    Because it is a bit of a niche market ,

  3. PC市场在规模化市场之外还有许多新兴的利基市场,例如为建筑师和设计师服务的专门市场。

    Out of the mass market for PCs there ultimately emerged some niches , such as the specialist market for architects and designers .

  4. 英国其它小型出版商如profilebooks和quadrillepublishing也同样成功找到了有利可图的利基市场,并成功地从事图书出口业务。

    Other small UK publishers such as profile books or quadrille publishing have been similarly successful in finding a profitable niche and exporting books .

  5. ABC公司为一家从事投影仪替换灯泡的新创贸易公司,凭借其敏锐的利基市场嗅觉,获致初期的成功。

    ABC Corporation is a new entrepreneurial venture in the projector replacement lamp market , and has tasted some early success due to its niche market sense .

  6. 尽管eharmony直到五年之后才出现,但它开发了自己的利基市场。

    Although eHarmony did not arrive until five years later , it developed its own niche .

  7. 以便专注于Yellowberry的运营。格拉塞进入大学后可能会学习商科,不过她已经成功实现了大多数MBA毕业生们的梦想:她发现了一个未得到满足的利基市场,设计了具有针对性的产品来满足市场需求。

    While Grassell may study business when she gets to college , she has already managed to do something that most MBAs dream of : She identified an unfulfilled niche in the marketplace and designed a specifically targeted product to fulfill the demand .

  8. 这位曾担任律师的心理治疗师在纽约翠贝卡区(Tribeca)工作,他开拓了一个专门针对法律人士的利基市场;

    Based in Tribeca , New York , the former lawyer is a psychotherapist who has carved out a niche seeing clients from the legal profession ;

  9. 站在一间布满电视屏幕的房间里,百视通(bestv)首席执行官李怀宇对于能够在数字世界中找到自己的利基市场颇感自豪。

    Standing in a room full of television screens , Li Huaiyu is proud of finding his niche in the digital world .

  10. 与食品杂货不同,手工食品通常被认为是一个利基市场。

    Unlike groceries , artisanal foods are generally considered a niche market .

  11. 预设看起来明明不错,但“大店家”是个利基市场。

    It looks really good but Big Boss is a niche product .

  12. 南极假日游是一个利基市场。

    Holidays in the Antarctic be a niche market .

  13. “我认为,我们已经发展出了一个利基市场,”梅雅女士说。

    I think we have developed a market niche , says Ms Meja .

  14. 在音乐产业,小公司只能从利基市场中获利。

    In music industry , small companies could only profit from niche market .

  15. 大环境不景气,作为利基市场的新兴风电市场竞争激烈。

    With the climate gloomy , competition for niche emerging wind markets is fierce .

  16. 随着华润创业对商店进行升级,并开设针对利基市场的专卖店,该公司的销售额不断攀升。

    Sales have climbed , as the company has upgraded stores and opened niche outlets .

  17. 他补充道,即便是那些增长最快的利基市场,如今的情形似乎也不那么乐观了。

    Even the fastest-growing niche markets are beginning to look less positive , he adds .

  18. 兰色的线条表示的是来自量小的利基市场类的产品收入。

    The blue line represents income from those products in the low volume niche market category .

  19. 但亚马逊品牌和强大的影响力,使其成为该利基市场的一支直接推动力量。

    But Amazon 's big name and reach makes it an immediate force in the niche .

  20. 托普索把公司的成功归结为两点:其一,他在催化剂产业找到了完美的利基市场。

    Mr Topsoe ascribes its success to two things . He found a perfect niche in catalysis .

  21. 血橙也在香醋式敷料受欢迎,有时被用来风味利基市场的啤酒。

    Blood oranges are also popular in vinaigrette-style dressings , and are sometimes used to flavour niche-market beer .

  22. 豪厄尔斯表示:我们希望在中国市场中努力寻找到高价值的利基市场。

    We want to seek out high-value , niche areas in the Chinese market , said Mr Howells .

  23. 在资金有限的情况下,利基市场的选择至为重要。

    With limited financial support , the selection of niche markets as the entrepreneurial subject becomes extremely important .

  24. 与工业机器人的市场规模相比,服务机器人的应用多多少少仍是个利基市场。

    Compared to the size of the industrial robotics market , service robot applications are still somewhat niche .

  25. 资金和政府支持应该以针对大型市场(而不是利基市场)的项目为目标。

    Funds and government support should be directed at situations that address large markets , not tiny niches .

  26. 考虑注射用碳水化合物制造的挑战,为什么罗盖特公司决定投资在这个利基市场?

    Considering the challenges in injectable carbohydrate manufacture , why did Roquette decide to invest in this niche market ?

  27. 他们要么必须重组业务,开发更加高端的出口利基市场,要么必须对自身进行重新定位,转向国内市场。

    They must retool to tap more sophisticated export niches or reorient themselves to sell to the domestic market .

  28. 开发商认为,政府工作报告将引导他们在利基市场中寻找机会。

    Developers said that the Government Work Report provided insights that may lead them to seek opportunities in niche markets .

  29. 能够有充足财力在这种环境中交易的银行为数不多,它们自身也将成为未来的利基市场。

    The rare banks that have the resources to operate in this environment will have a business niche to themselves .

  30. 尽管如此,这些早期的车辆将成为利基市场的一部分,且以高价售卖。

    Those initial cars , though , will be part of a niche market and come at a premium price .