
lǒnɡ duàn jià ɡé
  • monopoly price;cartel price
  1. 在共有均衡中(Inpoolingequilibrium),低成本厂商索取垄断价格,而高成本厂商实行限价,以阻止进入。

    In pooling equilibrium the low cost incumbent charges its monopoly price and the high-cost one engages in limit pricing to deter entry .

  2. 在营业部较少地区,佣金基本接近垄断价格。

    Less departments , closer the commission to monopoly price .

  3. 但是,他颇具影响力的分析聚焦于垄断价格。

    But his influential analysis focused on monopoly pricing .

  4. 在勾结的情况下制定的价格,接近于垄断价格。

    Pricing decisions made in a collusive atmosphere come close to monopoly pricing .

  5. 论我国垄断价格的政府规制

    On the Regulation of China 's Monopoly Price

  6. 自然垄断价格的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on Natural Monopoly Price

  7. 最后,通过对我国规制现状的分析和对发达国家规制经验的借鉴,提出了对现有垄断价格规制进行改革与完善的建议。

    Finally , the paper gives some advice on the reform or improvement of nowadays regulation system of monopoly price .

  8. 超绝对利益商品的国际价格与绝对利益或比较利益商品的国际价格不同,它的基础是垄断价格。

    Differing from absolute advantage or comparative advantage , international price of commodity with super absolute advantage is based on oligopoly price .

  9. 问题不在于读者和广告主是否正受到垄断价格的盘剥,而是传统报纸能否生存下去。

    The question is not whether readers and advertisers are being exploited by monopolistic prices , but whether traditional newspapers can survive .

  10. 河砂资源的稀缺,导致河砂市场价格的上涨,甚至出现垄断价格、集体涨价等现象。

    Scarce resources of river sand , river sand leading to rising market prices , or even monopoly prices , prices and other collective phenomena .

  11. 农业资本有机构成与绝对地租&垄断价格绝对地租说质疑

    The Organic Composition of Agricultural Capital and Absolute Rent & A Challenge to the Argument of Monopoly of Price Leads to Absolute Rent Rent on Farming Land

  12. 当其将竞争对手排挤出相关市场后,掠夺者必定会制定一个垄断价格来弥补低价销售期间所遭受的利润损失。

    When it will keep competitors out relevant market , the Predators will definitely develop a monopoly price to compensate for low sales during the loss of profits suffered .

  13. 同时,市场价值是垄断价格的直接基础,国际市场价值是国际市场价格的直接基础。

    At the same time , market value is the immediate basis for the monopoly of price and so is the relation between international market value and international market price .

  14. 我国计划经济时期政府制定的粮食统购统销价格是国家垄断价格,其中统购价格是买方垄断价格,统销价格是卖方垄断价格。

    The government-formulated price for grain purchasing and marketing during the Planned Economy Period is state monopoly price , of which the purchasing price is buyer-monopoly price and the marketing price , seller 's monopoly price .

  15. 为了弥补这方面的不足,避免垄断价格对绩效评价的干扰,本文建议采用全要素生产率和创新绩效评价方法对现有评价体系进行完善。

    In order to remedy these deficiencies , and to avoid the interference of monopoly price , the paper suggests that total factor productivity ( TFP ) and innovation performance could be used to improve the evaluation system .

  16. 2001年,他因与佳士得合谋设定垄断价格而获罪,入狱九个半月。据说,客户们因价格垄断被诈取了一亿多美元。

    In 2001 , he was convicted in a price-fixing scheme with Christie 's that was said to have swindled customers out of more than $ 100 million . He served nine and a half months in prison .

  17. 在浮动佣金制下,营业部竞争均衡价格等于营业部成本加上投资者运输成本减去投资者偏好。在营业部较少地区,佣金基本接近垄断价格。

    The primary means of improving profit is the increase in department numbers , ( b ) when the commission floats , the equilibrium price amount to the department cost plus the transportation cost of investors subtract investor preference .

  18. 第二,没有明确的自然垄断行业价格管制的原则;

    Second : No clear principle regulating the natural monopoly industry .

  19. 中国移动通信市场:寡头垄断,价格战不可取

    Duopoly Market , Unwise Price Battle : China Mobile & China Unicom

  20. 我国自然垄断行业价格管制的对策探讨

    Solutions in the System of Price Regulation in Natural Monopoly Industries in China

  21. 西气东输自然垄断与价格机制

    " Western Natural Gas to East ( WNGE ) ", Natural Monopolization and Pricing Mechanism

  22. 第四,自然垄断行业价格管制机构存在问题;

    Forth : There are many problems in the institution of the natural monopoly price control .

  23. 目前,该领域主要被国外产品垄断且价格昂贵。

    At present , this field is monopolized by foreign companies , and foreign products are more expensive .

  24. 第一章主要论述自然垄断行业价格管制的必要性。

    Charter one chiefly discusses the necessity of natural monopoly industry and the price regulation in natural monopoly industry .

  25. 第二章主要论述我国自然垄断行业价格管制的现状及存在问题。

    Charter two chiefly describes the present situations and existing problems of price regulation to natural monopoly industry in our country .

  26. 第二,保护消费者和用户的利益是政府对自然垄断行业价格进行管制的基本诱因;

    Second : Protecting the benefits of the consumer and the user is the basic reason to control public utility and its price .

  27. 通过分析指出,政府应该保持自然垄断产品价格的相对稳定,以激励下游企业发挥主动性,降低成本。

    The conclusion is drawn out that the government should valorize the natural monopolist products to inspirit the downstream enterprises to reduce the cost .

  28. 本部分从价格规制的定义出发,结合电力产业,从自然垄断产业价格规制的两个方面即价格水平和价格结构的规制进行了分析。

    In this part , the author decomposes the price regulation into two respects : price level and price structure and studies their models respectively .

  29. 目前,产业化的无铬锌铝涂层只有三种,由于技术垄断、价格高等原因,其应用受到很大限制。

    Nowadays , there are only three kinds of non-chrome Zinc-Aluminum coating , and they are not widely used because of high prices and technical monopolization .

  30. 主要表现在:政企不分、行政垄断、价格形成机制不合理、多数机场长期亏损等;

    Such as the mix-up of the government and the enterprise , the monopolization of public administration , the unreasonable price mechanism and longterm deficit of most civil airports .