
  • 网络monopolistic competition;Monopolistic Competition Market;Monopolistic Competitive Market
  1. 垄断竞争市场中上市公司混合式多元经营战略研究

    A Study on Conglomerate Diversification Strategy of Stock Corporation in Monopolistic Competition Market

  2. 在垄断竞争市场下,这种定价体系不但可以实现网络外部效用的内部化,同时也能够增进社会福利。

    In the monopolistic competition market , this system can not only internalize the external effect but also maximize the social benefits .

  3. 新增长理论与新贸易理论的发展实际上是同源的,都是沿袭DS模型将报酬递增与垄断竞争市场结构相结合。

    New growth theories and new trade theories actually share the same origin , both of which combine increasing return and the market structure of monopolistic competition into the model .

  4. 构建我国农产品垄断竞争市场结构

    Building a New Structure of Monopolistic Competition in the Agricultural Products Market in China

  5. 从高度分散的自由竞争市场结构向集中的垄断竞争市场结构发展是市场经济发展的必由之路。

    The direction of market economy development is from a highly decentralized free competition structure toward monopoly competition .

  6. 垄断竞争市场结构不利于企业进行技术创新,企业往往通过价格战和增加广告投入进行市场竞争。

    Under Monopolistic competition market structure , which is not conducive to technological innovation , enterprises often compete through price wars and increasing advertising input .

  7. 我国电力市场现阶段只开放发电侧,其电力市场的主要特征为:不完全信息下的寡头垄断竞争市场。

    The electrical power market in our country is open only to generate electricity side and oligarch competitive market with incompleteness information is its main character .

  8. 高校的教育服务产品面临学生的就学市场、社会人才市场的选择和竞争,高等教育产品的市场竞争类型是垄断竞争市场。

    Education and service product of institutions of higher education faces the selection and competition of enrollment market and talent resources market , competition type is monopolization .

  9. 文中讨论了完全竞争市场和垄断竞争市场中发电公司的竞价策略。

    In this paper the bidding strategy of power generation companies under the circumstance of monopolistic competition and that under the circumstance of complete competition are presented .

  10. 根据国内相关研究材料,结合市场的五大特征,本文认为当前我国咨询业市场从整体上讲基本属于垄断竞争市场,这样的定位对于当前咨询市场结构是基本准确的。

    Based on the five characters of market and relative research material , current consultation market structure is defined as monopoly & competition . The conclusion is right .

  11. 接着,结合垄断竞争市场的特点和信息商品自身的特点,提出了几种定价策略和方法;

    Then combining the characteristic of the monopoly and competitive market and the characteristic of information price itself , it puts forward several strategy and method of price making .

  12. 第六章对垄断竞争市场上两种类型多媒体产品厂商的市场均衡及收益前景进行了分析,并提出了投资机会的识别方法;

    Chapter 5 is a research on the products in a monopoly market , it makes it clear that what makes a producer to get profit in such a market ;

  13. 从产业组织理论和贸易类型两个角度看,目前中国电子信息产业属于垄断竞争市场结构,不适宜实施战略性贸易政策。

    From the perspective of industrial organization and trade type , the current market structure of Chinas electronics and information industry is monopolistic competition , for which STP isn t applicable .

  14. 在中国加入世贸组织之后,商业银行市场开放进程进一步加快,银行业竞争格局由寡头垄断竞争市场向一般垄断市场过渡。

    After China 's access to the world trade organization , the opening of the commercial banking market is accelerating . The competition in the market is changing from monopoly to the oligopoly .

  15. 与以往汽车产业贸易政策基于寡占市场结构的经验研究不同,本文试图在垄断竞争市场结构下考察关税升级对中国汽车产业发展趋势的影响。

    Different from those automobile trade policy literatures which based on oligopoly , this paper reveals tariff escalation 's effect to Chinese automobile industry development based on the market structure of monopolistic competition .

  16. 国际药品市场是典型的垄断竞争市场,药品价格由供方因素和需方因素共同决定的,证据显示需方因素(产品特征)在价格的决定中扮演了更重要的角色。

    International pharmaceutical market is the typical oligopoly market and the price is determined by supply factors and demand factors together . The evidence shows that demand factors ( product characteristics ) are more important .

  17. 基本的政策含义在于,在竞争市场上,解决产权问题是首要的,而在垄断竞争市场上,解决行政性的市场垄断最为关键。

    The basic policy implication is that in a competitive market the first priority should be given to property rights reform while in a monopoly market the key problem is to eliminate administrative monopoly forces .

  18. 基于目前国际分工模式发生了深刻的变化以及制造业投资出现了一些新特征,笔者对垄断竞争市场及产业集群中这些新特征的相关文献进行了介绍与评论。

    The international division pattern has undergone a profound change , so investment in manufacturing now appears some new features . We are talking about these features in monopolistic and competitive markets and the industrial clusters .

  19. 文中论述了发展趋向市场集中度较高的垄断竞争市场,对做强做大企业,增强开拓国内外市场能力和提高市场绩效具有的积极作用。

    This paper describes that establishment of monopoly competitive market with higher concentration degree plays an active role in making enterprises stronger and bigger , as well as strengthening competitiveness in domes-tic and international markets and improving market performance .

  20. 目前,我国食糖市场正处于由类似完全竞争市场形态转变为垄断竞争市场形态的阶段,市场上的食糖产品同质化程度高,价格竞争仍然是最主要的竞争手段。

    The domestic sugar market is currently transforming from fully competitive market pattern to the form of monopoly competitive market . Sugar products of various enterprises are so similar that price competition is still the most important means of competition .

  21. 本文的创新之处主要有以下几点:(1)尝试将完全竞争市场结构纳入中小企业集群演进的分析框架,并论证了:中小企业集群演进的实质就是完全竞争市场向垄断竞争市场的演变过程。

    The market structure of perfect competition is put into the framework of small-medium enterprise clusters ' evolution , and this thesis suggests that the nature of the small-medium enterprise clusters ' evolution is the evolution from perfect competition to monopolistic competition * 2 .

  22. 完全竞争市场中,各发电公司应基于边际成本竞价。而垄断竞争市场中,具有市场势力的发电公司可以通过撤掉一部分电量或抬高报价来提高市场电价。

    In the former circumstance the power generation companies possessing market power can raise the electricity price by driving up the quoted price or by withholding some power output , and the latter circumstance the bidding of the power generation companies should be based on the marginal costs .

  23. 国内银行业集中度较高,具有垄断竞争的市场特征。

    Bank industry has great centrality and demonstrates the characteristics of imperfect competition .

  24. 有效的银行业市场结构应是垄断竞争的市场结构。

    The effective market structure of banking should be the coexistence of monopoly and competition .

  25. 揭示了垄断竞争型市场中的兼并行为与寡头垄断型市场的基本差异。

    The conclusions in this paper reveal the basic difference of merging behavior between monopolistic competition and oligopoly .

  26. 中国成品油市场是一个特殊的双寡头垄断有限竞争市场。

    This paper analyzed the refined oil market , thought that the refined oil market was a duopoly market structure .

  27. 在垄断竞争的市场结构条件下,企业集团由于规模经济的优势适宜采用进攻型技术创新战略;

    By scale economy vantage , enterprise-group applying to adopt attack type technology innovation stratagem when market structure appears monopoly compete .

  28. 垄断竞争的市场结构,以混合所有产权结为特征,非国有产权为主,国有产权参与;

    In monopoly and competition market structure , we should make mixed property rights structure dominate and state owned property rights are concerned .

  29. 从长远来看,从消费者利益考虑,垄断竞争的市场结构将是较为理想的选择。

    From a long-term point of view , the market structure of monopolistic competition is an ideal choice under the consideration of consumers'benefit .

  30. 政府应鼓励发展垄断竞争型市场格局,并从四个方面规范与发展定点医疗市场。

    So the government should advocate to develop the monopolistic competition market and regulate the assigned medical markets in the followed four aspects .