
lǒnɡ duàn zǔ zhī
  • monopoly organization
  1. 垄断组织是垄断资本主义的主要表现形式。

    Monopoly organization is the exhibition form .

  2. 国际能源机构甚至警告称,可能会形成一个天然气垄断组织。

    The IEA even warned of the possible formation of a cartel for natural gas .

  3. 一百多年来竞争政策在不断完善,同时垄断组织也在不断扩大。

    Generally speaking , competition policies have been perfecting while monopoly organizations have been expanding in more than one century .

  4. 首先,山田博士辩称,将这个慈善机构称为一个正在形成的垄断组织是“大错特错”。

    First of all , argues Dr Yamada , calling this organisation an emerging monopoly is " way off base " .

  5. 各种垄断组织取代了自由竞争,资本主义由自由竞争阶段过渡到帝国主义阶段。

    Each kind of Monopolistic organization has substituted for the free competition , Capitalism transits from the free competition stage to the imperialism stage .

  6. 鉴于我国的国情,行政垄断组织的存在,有些是合理的,有些是不合理的。

    In view of our country 's conditions , some of the existence of the administrative monopoly are rational and the other are unreasonable .

  7. 过去3个月,这个石油垄断组织已证明了自己将油价保持在每桶60美元上方的决心与能力。

    In the past three months the oil cartel has proved its resolve and its ability to keep prices above $ 60 a barrel .

  8. 根据欧盟法律,调查人员只需证明存在构建垄断组织的企图,不需证明其对产品市场的确切影响。

    Under EU law , investigators simply need to demonstrate that there was an attempt to form a cartel , rather than prove its exact effect on the product market .

  9. 对于靠垄断组织支撑的美国政府来说,实现国家利益和垄断组织利益最大化是美国政府一切行动的指南。

    As for the U.S.government supported by monopolies , how to realize the maximization of its national interest and that of the monopolies is the guide to all actions of this government .

  10. 三大经济组织在建立时期,服从于美国及西方大国的利益需要,具有国际垄断组织的性质;

    The " Three Economic Organizations " were subordinated to the requirements of economic benefits of U.S. and the major western countries , the Three Economic Organizations have the feature of monopoly organizations ;

  11. 政府干预经济旨在对垄断组织实施公共控制,反对坏托拉斯,调整企业与社会、企业与政府、企业与企业间的关系,维护公平竞争秩序。

    American Government intervention economic affair contained : American Government attempted to control monopolies publicly , to keep fair contest order , to adjust mutual relations enterprise and society , enterprise and government , enterprise and enterprise .

  12. 大的垄断组织采用较高价格生产较低的产量,使消费者利益减少并造成社会福利的无谓损失引致社会分配不公平等。

    For instance , big monopoly organizations usually manufacture products with high price while low production , which will result in the loss of consumer benefits , the unnecessary waste of social welfare and the unbalance of social resource allocation .

  13. 由于工业化程度加剧和发展不平衡,垄断组织发展迅速以及工业国家之间的高关税保护盛行,倾销在国际贸易中达到空前程度,成为国际社会普遍关注的问题。

    Because of the aggravation of the industrial degree , the unbalanced development , monopolies developed so fast and high tariff protection between industrial countries , dumping is unprecedented in the international trade ; it draws more and more attention from the international community .

  14. 中国自然垄断产业组织模式演进问题研究

    Research on Problem of Natural Monopoly Industry Organization Model in China

  15. 第7章研究了我国自然垄断产业组织优化的主要对策。

    Chapter 7 mainly studies the countermeasures to optimize the natural monopolistic industrial organization in China .

  16. 第二章重点评述了影响较深的针对自然垄断的产业组织理论、规制理论与国际贸易理论,并得出自然垄断走向国际化的趋势。

    Chapter Two primarily comments the significant parts of industrial organization theory , regulation theory and international trade theory concerning natural monopoly , which lead to the internationalized tendency in natural monopoly .

  17. 公开叫价、会员垄断与非赢利组织地位&论期货交易所传统交易机制与组织形式的关系

    Open Outcry , Membership Monopoly , and Non-profit Status : & On the Interrelationship between the Traditional Trading Mechanism and Organizational Form of Futures Exchanges

  18. 通过研究行业协会与国有控股公司间的关系来发现政府推动型行业协会的行为逻辑。政府推动型行业协会独特的行为逻辑导致了政府推动型行业协会成为行业垄断的一种组织形式。

    The behavioral logic of those trade associations of this kind can be evidenced by studying the relationship between the trade associations and the state-controlled corporations .

  19. 并基于当前铁矿石市场格局,从企业管理的角度,为中国钢铁企业提供了一个可供选择或是借鉴的集中采购方案,作为个体钢铁企业应对原料市场垄断力量的内部组织方案。

    And from the perspective of business management , to provide an alternative or centralized purchasing plan for Chinese steel enterprises , to enhance the competitiveness of steel enterprise .

  20. 运营活动中的政府行为体现在:(1)对募捐市场的行政化垄断,使慈善组织的发展丧失了必要的动力机制;(2)劝募行政化,导致慈善组织公信力降低。

    Operating , activities reflected in government action : ( 1 ) Fund-raising executive of market monopoly , so that the loss of charitable organizations the necessary impetus for the development of mechanisms ; ( 2 ) Fundraising executive , resulting in reduced credibility of charitable organizations .

  21. 微观经济理论认为竞争是有效的、垄断是无效的。但寡头垄断已成为产业组织结构的主流。

    Microeconomic theory suggests that competition is efficient while monopoly is inefficient in spite of the fact that oligopoly has become the main stream of the structure of industrial organization .

  22. 美国的反垄断法在全球范围内也是较为完善的,反垄断法是产业组织法的重要组成部分。

    U.S. Antimonopoly Law is more perfect on a global scale ; Monopoly Law is an important part of industrial organization law .

  23. 国外的《反垄断法》都有适用除外制度,即基于社会整体利益,在某些特定行业或领域中允许垄断组织和垄断行为存在,中国的立法也不能例外。

    Chinese scholars often regard legal monopoly , exception and exemption as synonyms and refer to them as a monopolistic conduct which is not banned by the anti-monopoly act .

  24. 传统的产业组织政策着眼于国内市场垄断与竞争的协调与处理,为保护国内消费者自由选择和生产者自由竞争的权利,反垄断成为产业组织政策的主流。

    Traditional polices on industrial organization stresses the coordination of domestic monopoly and competition , and antimonopoly is their mainstream .

  25. 电信行业一直被作为自然垄断行业,由政府或政府委托的公司垄断经营。但随着电信的逐步发展和壮大,垄断的产业组织结构又在很大程度上制约了电信业的发展。

    Although telecommunication has always been seen as the nature monopoly industry operating by government , such monopolistic industry structure great limit its development when it evolve and expand larger and larger .