
ɡuǎn lǐ jī ɡòu
  • government;administrative organization;regulatory agency;conservancy
  1. 论职业安全卫生管理机构的改革与功效

    Remarks on Efficacy and Reform of Occupational Safety and Health Administrative Organization

  2. 管理机构反映的是平均价格水平;

    Administrative organization reflects the level of the average price .

  3. 学校管理机构负有在预算范围内管理好学校的职责。

    The governing body is charged with managing the school within its budget .

  4. 体育运动管理机构特许他参加全国性的体育比赛。

    The sport 's ruling body gave him dispensation to compete in national competitions .

  5. 将会指定一个独立的管理机构来保证公平竞争。

    An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition .

  6. 该联合会成了美国业余击剑运动的管理机构。

    The league became the governing body for amateur fencing in the U.S.

  7. 该教会的管理机构投票通过接纳女性为牧师。

    The church 's ruling body voted to ordain women as priests .

  8. 联邦制意味着存在众多各自都拥有权力的政治管理机构。

    Federalism implies a plurality of political authorities , each with its own powers .

  9. 维持秩序和纪律的工作已交接给了校长和管理机构了。

    Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies .

  10. 地方管理机构应请示中央主管部门。

    Local authorities must refer everything to the central ministries .

  11. 然而,“学生反对管理机构的诉讼程序”案的宽大处理被证明是短命的。

    The liberality of SCRAP , however , proved short-lived .

  12. 因此,国内健康管理机构大可以通过构建完善的CRM系统来提升竞争力。

    Therefore , a large domestic health management organization can build a sound system to enhance competitiveness CRM .

  13. 生长激素(GH)与运动的相关性一直是内分泌学家、运动员和体育管理机构关注的问题。

    Attention was paid to the interaction between GH and exercise by endocrinologist , athlete and sports governing organization .

  14. 当前,CUBA的管理机构主要由组织委员会、新闻委员会、竞赛监督委员会三部分组成。

    Now , CUBA organized by three parts : the management committee , the Committee on Information , and the Competition Oversight Committee .

  15. 本文利用模糊聚类分析方法研究了高速公路管理机构内部平行管理部门的设置方案,利用FUZZYAHP方法建立了高速公路管理模式的综合评价模型。

    This paper adopts the fuzzy duster analysis method in the research on the setting scheme of parallel administrative departments in expressway managing institutions . It uses Fuzzy AHP method to set up the synthetic evaluation model of expressway managing pattern .

  16. 破产管理机构德勤(Deloitte)已任命地产中介第一太平戴维斯(Savills)和德勤地产(DeloitteRealEstate)负责出售这栋大楼。据了解市场行情的人士称,该大楼的市值据信至少为6.50亿英镑。

    Administrators Deloitte have appointed estate agents Savills and Deloitte Real Estate to sell the building , which is thought to have a market value of at least & # 163 ; 650m , according to those with knowledge of the market .

  17. 根据军地无线电管理机构对高时效性的无线电磁环境区域性评估系统的需求,确立《基于3S移动监测技术的无线电磁环境区域性分析》课题。

    The program of < < the wireless EM environment territorial analysis under the technology of 3S mobile monitor > > is established out of the wireless administrant organization 's need about the high time effect territorial evaluation system of wireless EM environment .

  18. 私募股权基金一般采取非公开发行的方式,向有风险辨别和承受能力的机构或个人募集(有限合伙人LP),交由专家组成的投资管理机构(一般合伙人GP)运作。

    PE raises from the individuals or institutions ( limited partners , LP ) which have the capacity of risk identification and bearing , then take the funds to the investment management sector ( General partner , GP ) which consists of experts for operation .

  19. 就加拿大对HACCP体系建立和实施的政府管理机构、法律法规和管理状况进行了探讨,总结出可借鉴针对我国HACCP体系建立和实施的政府管理及政策的有益经验。

    The government competent authorities , the laws and regulation and the administration condition of the establishment and implement of HACCP system in Canada were studied , the experience used for reference to the government administration and police for the establishment and implement of HACCP system in China was summarized .

  20. 民航管理机构按照CCAR-145对航空电子维修站质量体系进行的审查主要集中在以下几个方面:人员、工具设备、维修器材、适航性资料和厂房。

    According to CCAR-145 , civil aviation authority inspects the quality system of avionics repair station for the following items : personnel , equipment , material , documentation and facilities .

  21. 据商学院入学考试GMAT的管理机构美国研究生入学管理委员会(GMAC)的数据显示,就连一向不会考虑去国外读MBA的美国学生,也开始左顾右盼。

    Even US students , who have traditionally never looked beyond their home market to study for an MBA , are beginning to develop a roving eye , according to data from the Graduate Management Admissions Council ( GMAC ), which administers the GMAT , the business school entry test .

  22. 近代山东盐务行政管理机构的演变

    The Evolution of Salt Administrative Organ of Shandong in Recent Dynasty

  23. 对中国综合风险管理机构体系建设的建议

    A suggestion on construction of integrated risk management system in China

  24. 高校教学管理机构初探

    A research about organization of teaching management in universities and colleges

  25. 设置管理机构,配备管理人员;

    The establishment management structure , provides the administrative personnels ;

  26. 施工企业组建分级管理机构。

    The construction enterprise sets up the level-to-level administration organization .

  27. 我国西部企业财务管理机构设置分析

    On the Set-up of Business Financial Administrative Organizations in the Western Regions

  28. 这样的尴尬现象导源于同时也进一步导致了学术评估和学术批评的价值失衡,无论是学者自身还是相应的管理机构,从来没有像现在这样几乎完全失去了学术特别是人文学术质量评价的自信力。

    The academic evaluation and criticism have lost their balance of value .

  29. 项目管理机构财务管理工作浅探

    How the item management institutions manage well the financial work

  30. 技术监督管理机构设置模式,直接影响到技术监督的工作质量。

    The administrative organization model of technology supervision directly affects its work quality .