
  1. 简述了国内外BOPP薄膜装置的产能、产量、产品性能和用途以及市场供求状况。

    The production capacity , effective output , product quality , properties and uses , market supply and demand of BOPP film at home and abroad were introduced .

  2. 国内柴油市场供求状况及价格走势

    The domestic diesel market : supply , demand and price trends

  3. 第五部分根据长沙市房地产市场供求状况并结合实际,对政府部门、房地产开发企业及相关部门提供相应的建议。

    The fifth part provides some appropriate recommendations to government departments and relevant departments of real estate development enterprises .

  4. 第四部分从全国、山东及巨野本地分析了电力市场供求状况。

    The fourth part of the country , Shandong and Juye local analysis of the situation of market supply and demand of electricity .

  5. 菜单定价是餐饮企业通过市场供求状况,对菜肴价值进行标定的过程。

    Menu pricing , it fact , is a course of determining dish values according to the market condition of supply and demand .

  6. 而对外贸易的增长受多种因素的影响,其中主要因素一是国内外市场供求状况,二是对外经济贸易政策。

    Many factors influence the growth of foreign trade , including the supply and demand in foreign and demotic market and the foreign policy .

  7. 而后通过对银行与企业的贷款供需分析,研究了市场供求状况对银行不良资产形成的影响。

    Second , analysis on the demand-supply between banks and enterprises leads to the summing-up that market situation can also impact the accumulation of problem assets .

  8. 如果我们放宽用汇需求,就可能改变外汇市场供求状况。

    If we relax control over the demand for foreign exchange , the current situation of supply and demand on the foreign exchange market may be changed .

  9. 药品定价不仅要考虑成本因素,还要考虑药品的创新性和市场供求状况。

    The price management departments should not only take into account the cost , but also the innovation of medicines and supply demand conditions during the pricing .

  10. 通过分析有机农产品的市场供求状况,对我国发展有机农业的优势和存在的问题进行探讨,最后,提出了相应的对策和措施。

    Considering the characteristics of agricultural machinery , and based on the existed balancing methods , an assembly line balancing method with computer aided design is proposed in this paper .

  11. 随着电力市场供求状况的变化,其行业垄断地位已逐渐被打破,电力企业的竞争日益加剧。

    With the change of the electricity market supply and demand situation , the competition in the electric power enterprises is increasing , and its industry monopoly has been gradually broken .

  12. 我不相信,美联储大幅降息会解决美国房地产市场供求状况的极度失衡这种失衡在一段时间内将推动房价持续走低。

    I do not believe that aggressive Fed rate cuts will resolve the extreme imbalance between supply and demand in the US property market that will be pushing housing prices lower for some time .

  13. 专有技术的评估:专有技术的使用期限、预期获利能力、市场供求状况、领先程度和成熟程度、开发成本。

    It is urgent to unfold the work of assessment , development and protection of know-how . Assessment : service period , predicted profitability , market demand , degree of advance and maturity and development cost .

  14. 本文系统分析了四川省入境旅游发展的资源优势、特点、市场供求状况,存在的问题,面临的机遇,最后给出对四川省入境旅游的可持续发展具有针对性的对策建议。

    In this paper , a systematic analysis of the development of inbound tourism in Sichuan Province , its resource advantages , features , market supply and demand situation , the existing problems and opportunities is made .

  15. 随着改革的深入和电力市场供求状况的变化,我国现行的电力体制已难以适应社会主义市场经济体制的要求。

    With the deep reform and the change of the supply and demand situation in power market , the current electric power system was difficult to suit the requirement of the socialist market economy system in China .

  16. 生产性服务业利用电子商务可以向生产者提供更加全面服务,使其能在生产前更深入地了解市场供求状况,经过充分的信息交换,从而降低企业生产成本,提高生产效率。

    E-commerce enables the productive service sector to deliver broader services to producers , helping them to gain a better understanding of the supply and demand in the market , and to reduce production costs and to increase productivity through full information exchange .

  17. 模具劳动力市场人才供求状况调查报告

    Mold Talent Supply and Demand Situation in the Labor Market Survey

  18. 第二部分着重分析了中国培训市场的供求状况及特点、影响供求的因素及供求平衡分析。

    The second analyzes the supply and demand and major influential factors .

  19. 并对我国信息市场的供求状况及对策进行了分析探讨。

    It discusses the condition and countermeasures of supply and demand of information market of our country .

  20. 因此也可以说,流动性实际上就是投资者根据市场的供求状况,以合理的价格迅速交易一定数量资产的能力。

    So , liquidity is the capability that investors can rapidly trade large volume assets by rational prices according to market'demand and supply .

  21. 对武汉市商品住宅市场的供求状况做了简要分析,发现商品住宅需求略高于供给。

    This paper makes brief analysis in supply-demand state of commodity residential market ; found that the supply of residential commodity is slightly lower than the demand .

  22. 而信贷约束程度能反映资金市场的供求状况,从而能够较好的反映资金价格的变动。

    However , the degree of credit constraints could reflect the supply and demand situation of the capital market , and thus be able to better reflect the changes in the prices of funds .

  23. 该模拟器是一种重现现实商业环境的交互模型,旨在帮助学生预测世界石油市场中的供求状况。

    The simulator , an interactive model that reproduces real-life business conditions , aims to help students forecast supply and demand in the world petroleum market .

  24. 本文综述了我国含氟精细与专用化学品的生产企业、主要品种、市场供求和科研开发状况,并介绍了日本的部分有机氟产品及其开发与应用情况。

    This article summarizes the producer , major products , supply and demand , R & D of organofluorine fine and Specialty chemicals at home , introduces some organofluorine products and its exploiture and application in Japan .

  25. 劳动力市场改革、劳动力市场供求状况的变化以及产品市场竞争程度的加剧是导致劳动合同期限短期化的主要原因。

    The labor market reforming , the change of the condition of the labor market supply and demand , and the increasing competition of the product market are the main reasons that cause the labor contract term 's shortening .

  26. 介于此,通过分析我国第三方物流的市场竞争环境,得出市场供求状况,对我国物流企业提出相应的要求。

    And this article will mainly through analyzing the market competition environment of Chinese 3PL , get the conclusion of its supply condition . Then put forward some requests accordingly on our logistics enterprises .

  27. 然后分析了公司现状,包括对产品的市场进行分析、分析市场供求状况以及竞争者状况以及公司分销渠道管理发展现状,并分析了分销渠道症结及原因,为后文的渠道建设和管理提供了借鉴;

    The third chapter analyzes the company status , market demand , competitive situation , then introducing the company 's sales channels development , analyzing disadvantages and reasons of distribution channels , which provides reference as charnels construction and management .

  28. 本文从我国物流管理信息系统软件市场的供需状况出发,通过对市场供求状况的分析,找出制约我国物流信息化发展的原因,提出我国物流管理信息系统市场的发展策略。

    This paper analyzes the supply and demand condition of the logistics information system software market , finds out the facts which limit the development of logistics informationization , and then gives out some development strategies of logistics information system market .

  29. 在金融系统层面上,银行间市场能反映出整个金融市场的资金供求状况,并为中央银行制定和实施货币政策提供平台,例如实施公开市场操作等等。

    In financial system aspect , capital supply and demand of financial market can be reflected through interbank market . In this way , it will provide central bank a platform to establish and implement monetary policy , such as the open market operations .

  30. 经理报酬原本主要由市场决定,特别是要受到管理者市场上的供求状况和商品市场上公司绩效共同决定。

    Originally , manager reward should be determined by market , especially by both supply and demand in manager market and company performance in commodity market .