
  1. 反垄断是市场经济国家面临的共同任务。

    Anti-monopoly is the common task of the market economic countries .

  2. 垄断是市场经济的大敌。

    Monopoly hinders market economy too much .

  3. 垄断是市场经济自身无法克服的痼疾.破坏了公平与效率原则。

    Monopoly is the incurable disease of market economy , which breaks the fairness and efficiency principle .

  4. 经济发展史表明垄断是市场经济发展的结果。

    The history of economy development indicates that monopoly is the outcome of the development of the market system .

  5. 垄断是市场经济的产物,在我国经济转轨过程中,垄断又呈现出其特殊形态,即行政性垄断。

    Monopoly arises from the market economy . In the transformation of Chinese economy , monopoly presents a special form , i. e. , administrative monopoly .

  6. 同时,实施客户关系管理也是我国图书出口企业由国家控制和垄断向市场经济转变的必然选择。

    Meanwhile the implementation of customer relationship management ( CRM ) is also a necessary option for China books export industries transforming from state control and monopoly to market economy system .

  7. 知识产权性质上是一种私权垄断,在市场经济条件下易于被滥用。

    Intellectual property is a sort of private monopoly in nature and tends to be abused in the market economy .

  8. 规制经济垄断、建立市场经济体制、维护国民经济安全需要反垄断法。

    The enactment of Anti trust law is necessary to the regulation of economic monopoly , the establishment of market economy system and the security of our national economy .

  9. 为了抑制在经济发展过程中形成的企业经济力量过度集中或垄断从而维护市场经济的有效竞争,韩国于1980年制定了《反垄断法》。

    To prevent business monopoly and maintain effective competition of market economy in the process of economic development , the Korean government formulated anti-monopoly law in 1980 which gave rules on business merger .

  10. 反垄断立法是市场经济的本能要求,制定反垄断法要确立平等的竞争观,要设计和确立合理的反垄断法的立法框架。

    Anti-monopoly legislation is the instinct demand of the market economy . To make anti-monopoly law should form a competition on an equal basis outlook , design and establish a rational legislation frame of the anti-monopoly law .

  11. 消除行政垄断,完善社会主义市场经济体制,是新世纪我国的一项艰巨任务。

    To eliminate monopoly and to improve the socialist market economy system are the task of the new century .

  12. 行政垄断已经成为完善市场经济体制的首要体制性障碍和法律规制难题。

    Administrative monopoly has already become the chief systematic obstacle and the challenge of legal regulation of perfecting the system of market economy .

  13. 确保一个公正自由的市场竞争秩序的反垄断法是现代市场经济的基本法律之一。

    Anti-monopoly law which safgude free fair competitive order is one of the basic law of moden market economy , and its function can not display without an authority and independent enforcement organs .

  14. 行政垄断是我国市场经济发展的主要障碍,其危害性更甚于经济垄断,其规制问题一直都是我国立法在难点。

    The administrative monopoly has been a main obstacle to the development of market-economy of China , it is more harmful than economic monopoly . How to regulate administrative monopoly is a difficulty of our country .

  15. 由于发展国民经济的核心就是合理竞争机制与市场机制,因此,反垄断法是规制市场经济的重要手段,是经济法的核心。

    As the core of developing the national economy and reasonable competition mechanism and market mechanism , therefore , anti-monopoly law to regulate the market economy system , an important means is the core of economic law .

  16. 在对经济自由价值进行集中论述的基础上,笔者比较了合同自由和经济自由,并提出合同法和反垄断法应为市场经济的基本法。

    Focusing on the exposition of the value of economic liberties , the author compares the contract freedom with economic liberties and then suggests that the contract law and antimonopoly law should be the principle laws in the market economy .

  17. 在传统的政府管理体制下,公共事业由政府垄断提供,随着市场经济改革的深入,这种垄断供给的模式日益暴露出公共资金投入不足,生产、管理效率低下等问题。

    In the traditional government management system , provided by the government monopoly of public utilities , with the market economy reform , such a monopoly supply of public funds increasingly exposed pattern of insufficient investment , production , inefficient management and other issues .

  18. 由于交易费用的存在,自发的市场必然存在不完善的环节,而反垄断恰是完善这些环节,维护和促进市场的运行,所以反垄断在市场经济中具有必然性。

    As a result of transaction costs , there are inevitably imperfect places in the market . While antitrust regulation is just to perfect these places and to protect and enhance the market competition , and thus antitrust regulation is also inevitable in the market economy .