
  • 网络earthquake early warning;earthquake warning;early warning
  1. 重大工程地震预警初步研究

    Preliminary study on earthquake early warning system for significant infrastructures

  2. 加利福尼亚南部地震预警的可能性

    The potential for earthquake early warning in southern California

  3. 基于GIS的城市地震预警系统

    Warning system of urban earthquake based on GIS

  4. HuaMman博士研究墨西哥城的地震预警系统或SAS。

    Doctor HuaMman manages the Mexico city seismic alert system or SAS .

  5. 进一步的分析计算还发现,震害损失和地震预警(报)系统减少人员伤亡率Pi的极大值均不在高烈度区和低烈度区,而是在中等烈度区。

    It is found that the maximum of the seismic hazard and value are in the middle intensity area , and not in the higher and the lower intensity areas .

  6. 早期的地震预警系统造价昂贵并且极其复杂。

    Early warning system for earthquakes is expensive and also complex .

  7. 用于地震预警系统中的快速地震定位方法综述

    Summarization of the Quick Earthquake Location Method on Earthquake Early Warning Systems

  8. 地震预警(报)系统及减灾效益研究

    On earthquake prediction ( warning ) system and its disaster reduction benefit

  9. 地震预警技术研究中的参考文献

    Research Literature Catalog of Earthquake Early Warning Technique

  10. 有了地震预警系统,地震发生前火车就可以及时减速停车。

    Trains can be decelerated and brought to a halt before the shaking occurs .

  11. 采用双台子台阵方法的实时地震预警

    Real-time seismic warning with a two station subarray

  12. 京沪高速铁路地震预警系统的方案及关键参数研究

    Study on Schemes and Key Parameters of Seismic Alarm System for Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway

  13. 本文介绍了地震预警的传统方法和基于现代信息技术的地震预警理论和方法。

    This paper presents the basic theory and method of modern earthquake early warning system .

  14. 我们正在为地震预警系统建造原型

    We are prototyping earthquake early warning ,

  15. 福建及台湾海峡地震预警工程架构探索

    Explore on Earthquake Pre-Alert Engineering Frame

  16. 另外,人们在地震预警方面了解得并不多。

    Among other things , there still isn 't a lot of understanding about the quake warning .

  17. 地震预警中,快速可靠的地震定位是必须首先解决的关键问题之一。

    In the earthquake early warning , reliable and rapid location information is one of key problems .

  18. 当地政府根据震前先兆与动物的反常行为,发出了地震预警。

    Based on studies of precursor events and unusual animal behavior , a warning was issued by local authorities .

  19. 艾伦说加利福尼亚地震预警系统的模型将用三年左右的时间来完成。

    Allen said a prototype of an early warning system for California earthquakes should be completed in about three years .

  20. 本文介绍了地震预警的含义、地震预警的类型、增加地震宣传透明度和缩短地震报道时间的重要性。

    Meaning and types of early warning of earthquakes , clarity of dissemination and quickly reporting earthquake news are introduced in this paper .

  21. 现代电子技术的应用使强震仪的功能大大加强,数字强震仪和电子通讯技术的应用使得地震预警能够实现。

    Earthquake early warning system has come true by the combination of digital accelerographs and modern communication technology in the past few years .

  22. 在充分调研国外地震预警系统现状的基础上,进行了地震预警系统的研究,研制了相应的数据分析软件。

    On the basis of investigation in current situation of external earthquake alarm , earthquake alarm system is studied and relevant software is developed .

  23. 对地震预警的基本思想以及地震预警和应急控制系统的国内外建设现状进行综述。

    The basic idea of earthquake early warning and the state of the art of earthquake early warning system and earthquake emergency control system are summarized .

  24. 早期开发的地震预警系统要在公立学校开设课程进行教育,另外要解决未能预报的问题。

    T4.An early warning system for earthquakes would require a major campaign of public education . Then , another problem is the possibility of false alarms .

  25. 最后提出了一些实施地震预警等级预报前仍需认真研究的问题。

    At the end of the article , several questions that still need seriously to be studied before putting forecast of earthquake warning level in practice .

  26. 不像预测龙卷风的多普勒雷达可以观测气旋运动并在龙卷风形成之前预警,地震预警则是从地球开始撼天动地之后才发出。

    Unlike a tornado warning where Doppler radar can see the rotation and issue a warning before the tornado , an earthquake warning happens when the earth is already shaking .

  27. 本设计的目的在于研究并提出建立一个及时、可靠、有效的地震预警系统所需要的解决方案,并对整体方案进行系统测试。

    The purpose of this design is to study and propose a solution establishing a timely , reliable and efficient earthquake early warning system , and the overall system solution is tested .

  28. 最后将这些统计结果应用到了一体化强震仪中,研发出了一套实时地震预警数据处理系统,可以直接用于现地地震预警。

    Finally , these results have been applied to the integrated strong motion seismograph and a real-time EEW data processing system has been developed which can be directly used for " On-site " EEW .

  29. 本文研究结果显示,在一定的台网密度条件下,这种三维实时定位方法能在震后数秒给出震源位置,可满足地震预警的要求。

    The research in this paper shows that at a proper network density , this 3D real-time location method can give epicenter position in seconds after an earthquake happen , and this is enough for EEW .

  30. 地震预警系统包括原始波,就像他们装备的那样,我们地震传感器使他们继续听来自地球的声音并加以分析。

    The seismic alert system covers original wave that could be a quake were they equip like this , were we have seismic sensor they continue listen to the sound of the ground and analyze it .