
  1. GIS空间分析法在代县地质灾害调查与区划中的应用

    Application of GIS dimensional analytical method to geological disaster investigation and regional partition in Daixian

  2. RS与GIS技术在库区地质灾害调查中的应用研究

    Application of remote sensing and GIS technique in survey of geological hazards in reservoir

  3. 针对矿山地质灾害调查,提出一套基于遥感和GIS综合评价的方法。

    ( 4 ) In order to deal with geological hazard survey , a method based on GIS and remote sensing was put forward .

  4. 以彩红外航片为主,TM图像为辅,经地面检验综合解译是公路地质灾害调查的最佳途径。

    Utilization of color infrared aerial photograph assisted by TM imagess in combination with field observations is optimum way to road geological hazards survey .

  5. CBERS-02B星数据地质灾害调查典型应用

    The typical application of CBERS-02B data for geological disasters

  6. 着重从“3S”技术整合的角度,探讨了在地质灾害调查评价中的基本应用模式和实施中的有关问题。

    The emphasis is put on the discussion of the basic application model in the geological hazard investigation and evaluation and related problems in the context of integration of the " 3S " techniques .

  7. 建立地质灾害调查项目社会评价指标体系

    Set up social evaluation index system of investigation projects on geological disasters

  8. 山东省枣庄市市中区地质灾害调查与防治

    Survey and Prevention of Geological Hazards in Middle District of Zaozhuang City

  9. 安徽省休宁县地质灾害调查与研究

    Survey and research of geological hazards in Xiuning county , anhui Province

  10. 抗干扰地震方法在地质灾害调查中的应用研究

    Application of anti-interference seismic method in investigation of geological hazard

  11. 探地雷达在地质灾害调查方面的应用

    The application of ground penetrating radar to the investigation of geologic hazard

  12. 回线源瞬变电磁法在地质灾害调查中的应用

    The application of the Loop-Source transient electromagnetic method to geological disaster investigation

  13. 水电工程地质灾害调查中的遥感技术应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Geological Calamity Investigation of Hydropower Engineering

  14. 舟山市定海区地质灾害调查及其防治研究

    Geo-hazards Survey and Control in Dinghai District , Zhoushan County

  15. 河北省阳原县地质灾害调查与区划

    Geological Hazard Survey and Division in Yangyuan County , Hebei Province , China

  16. 危岩崩塌地质灾害调查评价与防治

    Investigation evaluation and control of dangerous-rock slumping geological hazard

  17. 巫山县新城区主要衍生地质灾害调查与评价

    Investigation and estimation on major derivative geological hazards in the new-built Wushan County

  18. 加拿大的海洋地质灾害调查与研究

    Investigation and research of marine geologic hazards in Canada

  19. 西南地区地质灾害调查工作的思考

    Some thoughts on the geological survey of the geological hazards in southwestern China

  20. 泉州市部分石材矿山地质灾害调查分析

    On Diagnoses of Geologic Hazards in Some Stone Mining Areas of Quanzhou City

  21. 关于山西地质灾害调查与区划的思考

    Consideration about Shanxi Geological Disaster Investigation and Regionalization

  22. 遥感技术在泸定县地质灾害调查中的应用

    The application of remote sensing technique for investigation of geological hazards in Luding County

  23. 信息量模型在县市地质灾害调查与区划中的应用

    Application of Information Model in Geological Hazards Investigation and Zonation of Counties and Cities

  24. 汶川地震北川县城地质灾害调查与初步分析

    Investigation and preliminary analysis of geologic disasters in Beichuan county induced by Wenchuan Earthquake

  25. 四川荣县地质灾害调查评价与危险性区划研究

    The geological disasters investigation evaluation and risk compartment research in Rong county of Sichuan

  26. 地质灾害调查图件的编制

    Compilation of geological disaster investigation map

  27. 地面微重力方法用于地质灾害调查在我国是一新的应用领域。

    The application of groundmicrogravity to prospecting geological hazards is a new re-search field in China .

  28. 论充分发挥遥感技术在地质灾害调查、监测和预测中的作用

    Bring remote sensing technology into full play in the investigation , monitoring and prediction of geological disasters

  29. 因而进行阜新矿区地质灾害调查研究以及开展土地复垦规划工作具有十分重要的意义。

    It has significant meaning to investigate and study the geological hazards and develop land rehabilitation programming .

  30. 常规的地质灾害调查往往是进行实地踏勘,地面实测,需耗用大量的人力物力。

    The traditional geological disaster survey relies on field reconnaissance with a lot of manpower and material resources .