
  • 网络Common Geographic base;Geography Basics
  1. 宁夏固原县城的地理基础与发展前景

    On the geographical foundation and vistas of Guyuan Town in Ningxia

  2. 论中国古文化的地理基础

    Study on the Geographic Base of the Chinese Culture

  3. 成都城市兴起的地理基础

    Geographical foundation for the booming of Chengdu City

  4. 河西地区的地理基础与国土开发整治

    Key to the Territory Management of Hexi Area

  5. 新世纪我国地理基础课程改革的研究

    Research on the Reform of Geography Foundation Course in Our Country in the New Century

  6. 二者从而构成了九边总兵镇守制度的制度渊源与地理基础。

    Both composed the system origin and the geography foundation of the Nine FrontierZongbing defense system .

  7. 其划分方法和思想深度与黑格尔历史的地理基础概念极为相似。

    This division method is similar to the concept of " geographical basis of history " of Hegel .

  8. 民国前期关中农田水利发展的历史地理基础。

    The second part is about the historical and geographic background of the irrigation and water conservancy development .

  9. 春秋战国时期金属铸币的空间特征与地理基础

    Space Characteristic and Geographical Foundation of the Mental Coins ' in the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods

  10. 其中,第一章介绍惠州城市形成和发展的自然地理基础和人文地理环境。

    The first chapter introduces the formation and development of Huizhou city ' snatural geography and human geography environment based on .

  11. 城市型政区建置历史地理基础及其效应分析&以广东省江门市为例

    An Analysis on Historical Geographical Basis of Urban Type Administrative Region and Its Effects & A Case Study of Jiangmen City in Guangdong Province

  12. 在地理基础教育改革之际,进行地理技能的理论与实践研究具有重要意义。

    For the reform of basic education in geography , studying the theory and practice of geographical skills ( GS ) is of significance .

  13. 中国的地理基础教育问题研究&兼论我国中学地理课程标准的目标与内容结构

    The study on geography of elementary education in China ── Includes goals and content-structure of the geographical curriculum standard for middle school in China

  14. 河南历史名人墓祠文化有它形成的特定的历史地理基础,表现出特有的意义和作用。

    Celebrities ' mausoleum culture in Henan shaped on the given historical geographical foundation , reflecting unique character and styles and representing proper sense and function .

  15. 信息素养是信息时代的需求,学生信息素养的培育是当代地理基础教育的一项重要目标。

    It is the need of the information ages , an important goal of the foundation geography education on contemporarily age in cultivating the students ' information-literacy .

  16. 这些相对优越的地理基础和社会经济发展条件为推动这些内陆地区的就地城市化进程也奠定了重要的基础。

    These relatively superior geographic basis and social conditions of economic development play important foundation roles for the development of in situ urbanization in these inland areas .

  17. 两关键:首先提出地理基础教学的改革是地理基础课程改革成功的途径。

    Geography foundation the course reform of realize . Bring up first reformation that " geography foundation the teaching is a geography foundation course reformation path that succeed " .

  18. 文章还分析了影响图集开本的因素和确定开本的依据,以及地理基础要素综合取舍和图幅无图廓等图幅整饰上的特色。

    The paper also discusses factors and bases interfering and determining the atlas format , how to make comprehensive choice of geographic basic elements and the characteristics of map decoration .

  19. 20世纪90年代起,国际地理基础教育课程改革的一个重要趋势是重视培养地理技能。

    Attaching importance to the development of student 's GS ( Geography Skills ) has been one of the important trends of curriculum reform of international geography elementary education since 1990s .

  20. 论文第二部分主要论述清代嘉陵江中下游地区城镇发展的自然和人文地理基础。

    The second part of the paper mainly discusses the qing dynasty the jialing river middle and lower reaches of the development of the towns in nature and human geography basis .

  21. 主要内容及结论分述如下:首先,从宏观区域层面论述了近代呼和浩特城市发育的历史地理基础(第二章)。

    Main contents and conclusions are as follows : First , from a macro perspective of the region discussed the geographical development basic of the modern history of Hohhot ( Chapter ⅱ) .

  22. 张家口市气候避暑效应形成的地理基础主要是偏居内陆的地理位置、相对较高的海拔高度和高原、山地相间的地貌格局。

    The main geological bases of the climate summering effect of Zhangjiakou are the sea-land position in the remote land , the relative higher height above sea level and the landforms between plateaus and mountains .

  23. 正是国际分工的基础深化和扩展支撑培育了整个正日益膨胀的国际分工体系,主要表现在地理基础的深化扩展、物质基础的纵深发展和体制基础的进一步融合。

    It is the deepening and extending bases that support the ever-expanding system of international production division . This is shown by the expansion of geographic basis , by the deepening development of matter basis and by the fusing system bases .

  24. 介绍了湖北省导航电子地图基础平台数据库的关键技术、工艺流程、数据属性结构等,为制定导航地理基础数据库的标准、技术、质量等规范提供一些切实可行的方法。

    This paper introduced key technologies , process and attribute 's fabric , of navigation electron map foundation platform database of Hubei . It provides methods in practical and feasible , for standard , technology and quality of instituting navigation geography foundation database .

  25. 首先分析了大西安地区空间结构的演变,然后分析该区域发展的地理基础,根据点&轴理论,详细分析了组成空间结构的点、轴的现状,指出了存在的问题。

    First , analyzes Big Xian d the evolution of spatial structure , and then analyzes the geographic basis for regional development , according to points - axis theory , analyzes details of the spatial structure composed of points , axis status , points out the problems .

  26. 本文认为,为应对地理基础教育课程改革,适应现代地理课程的发展,21世纪中学地理教师必须要有认真敬业、主动负责、热情教学和开展研究的专业精神;

    First , for answering to geography fundamental education and curriculum reform , adapting for modern geography curriculum 's development , the 21st century middle school geography teachers must hold the spirit of love of their profession , the enthusiastic teaching , the responsibility and the spirit of research .

  27. 他从国防安全和地理基础的角度出发,研究国都选址问题,提出并论证了北平和武汉是战后中国首都的最佳位置。

    With the defense security and the geographic basis in mind , He researched the problem of the choice of the location of the capital . Finally , he put forward and argued that Peking or Wuhan was the best location of the capital of China after the Sino-japanese war .

  28. 城市地理空间基础数据库更新方法研究

    Research on the Updating Method of Urban Geo - Spatial Database

  29. 2003-2004年自然资源和地理空间基础信息库建设概况

    Natural Resources and Space & Geographic Basic Database in 2003-2004

  30. 论数字化地理空间基础框架的建设与应用

    Discussing the Development and Application of Digital Geo-spatial Framework