
  • 网络map data;Cartographic Materials;map collection
  1. 现在你已经有地图资料了,你可以用它轻松找到自己的位置。

    Now that you have the map data , you 'll find your way around easily with the automap .

  2. 注:数码地图资料订购表格内收集的资料只会在订购过程中使用。

    Note : The information collected in the Digital Map Data Order Form will be used for the purpose of processing the Order only .

  3. 基于GIS和MARC的地图资料管理系统

    Map based on GIS and Marc management system

  4. 利用Whip!Viewer建立网上地图资料检索系统

    To Build the Query Systems of Topographic Map Using Whip ! Viewer

  5. 然而,如果利用已有的地图资料,借助GIS技术进行数据采集,就比较省时省力。

    Whereas , if we make use of current map , with the help of GIS technology , collecting data will become easy , precise and convenient .

  6. 地图资料源自不同的媒体报导。

    The map has incorporated information obtained from multiple sources in the media .

  7. 和我一起再次进入地图资料室,你将了解到这些情况。

    And you will hear about thatif you come and join me over in the map room once again .

  8. 帮你找到一些可能无法透过别种方式找到的第一手历史地图资料。

    Help you find some primary source historical maps that may not have been available to you through other means .

  9. 选用最新地图资料作为编制基础,并及时补充和修改现势变化内容;

    Using the latest data as the basis for compilation of maps , and making additions or revisions in accordance with the current changes ;

  10. 地图资料源自德国联邦统计局、世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处及罗伯特‧科赫研究所。

    Data for the map were obtained from Federal Statistical Office of Germany , World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and Robert Koch Institute .

  11. 本文主要采用社会调查方法获取宜居北京生活便利性的主观数据;同时利用数字北京数据库、北京市遥感影像图、相关地图资料和相关统计数据等获取宜居北京生活便利性的客观数据。

    The subjective data of Beijing life convenience are mainly derived from a field survey . The objective data are from Digital Beijing Database remote sensing data sources , and other related map and statistics data .

  12. 对地图资料进行收集和分类,根据色彩学基本理论,对各种地图的用色进行了分析,总结出地图用色的特点和规律,丰富了地图用色理论。

    I collected and sorted the maps . And on the basis of the basic theories about color , I analyzed the colors of the maps and summarized the characteristic and the principle of the maps ' colors .

  13. 这种地图资料在中国以外根本无人提供,他说,阿里巴巴做了真正了不起的工作,而我们能够率先利用这些数据,利用这些地图。

    This kind of map material is not even available outside of China , he said . Alibaba has done a really great job and we 've been the first to use this data , to use these maps .

  14. 大比例尺地图资料缩编小比例尺地图的核心是制图综合,而目前研究大都集中在几何特征的综合上,尤其是点状和线状特征的自动综合,很少涉及面状综合。

    Cartography generalization is the kernel of larger scale map miniature smaller scale map , but current research is mostly concentrated on the generalization of the geometric feature , particularly in the aspects of automated map generalization about point figures and line figures , seldom involved polygon figures .

  15. 这是加拿大地形信息中心的主页,提供许多的地图产品资料。

    Provides a selection of information products from the Centre for Topographic Information in Canada .

  16. 试验数据库输出的勘界地图等资料符合勘界工作的要求。

    Boundary survey maps and other documentations out of the testing database are conform to the requirements of the boundary survey .

  17. 作为收藏家,他以独到的学术眼光,收藏有关中国的各种图书、小册子、地图等资料,给后人留下了研究中国历史文化的宝藏。

    As a collector , with his outstanding academic insight , he made a collection of various books , pamphlets , and maps concerning China and thus left a great legacy for studies on Chinese history and culture .

  18. 地图文献和资料中心该资料摘自参考文献18。

    Map Documentation and Reference Centre The material is extracted from ref 18 .

  19. 地图文献和资料中心

    Map Documentation and Reference Centre

  20. 它是目前正在进行全面的质量检查和竣工后,通知电子邮件将被发送给您确认,提供了参考和电网站点地图位置详细资料。

    It is current undergoing extensive quality checking and upon completion a notification email will be sent out to you to confirm location details by providing a grid reference and a site map .

  21. 通过对国内外100余项电子地图相关产品资料文献及已发表成果的研究,综述了电子地图应用领域、关键技术及相关产品开发模式。

    By making scientific researches on related data and literature of 100 items of electronic maps at home and abroad , we summarize the application of key technology to the field of electronic maps and related product development mode .

  22. 地图上有什么资料?

    What information is on a map ?

  23. 代码转换:把数据从一种代码转成另一种代码。例如把[电传打字码]转为[雅舒码]。地图上有什么资料?

    Code conversion : The changing of data from one code to another , as in changing from TTS to ASCII code . What information is on a map ?

  24. 收藏品包括动物标本、植物标本、蕈类标本、地球科学标本、古老的地图和民族学的资料、及艺术历史资料等等。

    The collection includes animal specimens , plant specimens , fungus specimens , Earth Science specimens , old maps and Ethnological materials , and materials of art history , * Etc.

  25. 基于数字地图与遥感影像资料,通过分析土地利用格局与沙尘传输关系,研究了生态安全条件下土地利用结构优化的模式、方法与技术。

    Based on the digital maps and remote sensing images , through analyzing the relationship between land use and sand dust transmission , this paper mainly talks about the mode , method and techniques of the land use structure optimization at the ecological security level .

  26. 另外,实现了「互动地图」,使地图与数据库资料相连结,达到快速搜索及显示查询点信息;

    In addition , have realized ' the Interactive map ' and made the map link with database materials to form , reach and search for and show fast that inquires about some information .

  27. 该方案的特点是实现了「互动地图」,使地图与数据库资料相连结,达到快速搜索及显示查询点信息、可计算距离、面积等。

    The project has realized the interactive map and makes the map link to database , in order to realize the fast search and show the local information of the inquired spot , the project can calculate the distance and area .

  28. 多元数据综合利用是全数字条件下地图生产工作面临的新问题,地图制图资料的运用效率决定了地图产品的质量。

    When produced maps under the entire digital condition , we wi 11 face a new problem : the synthesized use of multi-source data . The quality of maping products is decided by the efficiency of use the material of maping and cartography .

  29. 数字图书馆中元数据的描述和检索地图与天图的坐标及其著录&兼谈《地图资料著录规则》的疏漏

    Description and retrieval technique of metadata in digital library