
  • 网络design reference period
  1. 结构可靠度分析中设计基准期的敏度分析

    The Sensitivity Analysis of Design Reference Period in Structure Reliability Calculation

  2. 设计基准期、设计工作寿命及重要性系数间的关系

    Relationship of Design Reference Period , Design Working Life and Important Coefficient

  3. 获得应力在设计基准期〔0,T〕内的最大值概率分布及统计参数估计;正态-复合非时齐Poisson过程模型结构可靠度及结构可靠性当量正态设计表达式。

    Obtains the formulas of probability distribution of maximum and statistical parameter estimation , the formulas of the structural reliability and of design of equivalent normal random variable of structural relia-bility for normal distribution-compound non-homogeneous poisson process model , the standard period [ 0 , T ] of the design .

  4. 混凝土简支梁设计基准期内的可靠度

    Reliability of concrete simple-supported beam under fire during design period

  5. 设计基准期内水库最高水位的概率分布模型

    Probability Distribution Model of Reservoirs ' Maximum Water Level in Design Reference Period

  6. 应调高设计基准期等参数;

    Such parameters as design benchmark period , etc.

  7. 在桥梁的设计基准期(生命周期)内,如何合理地选择维修方案,就有着相当重要的现实意义。

    How to choose repair plan reasonably in the lifetime of bridges will be critical .

  8. 本文的研究可为结构设计基准期的合理确定和结构的耐久性设计提供一定的参考。

    The studies may be used as reference for deciding structural design lifetime and durability design .

  9. 明确了小城镇桥涵设计基准期为100年;

    Defined 100 years as the design reference period of the small town bridges and culverts ;

  10. 设计基准期和设计工作寿命是结构可靠度设计中的两个基本概念。

    Design reference period and design working life are two basic variables in structural reliability design .

  11. 其要点之一是如何确定结构在设计基准期内容许的失效概率。

    One of its main points is how to determine the allowable failure probability in the design reference period .

  12. 在氯离子侵蚀环境下,钢筋混凝土桥梁受弯构件抗力的衰减,主要是由于钢筋腐蚀造成的,因而引起了结构在设计基准期内的可靠性下降。

    Under chloride environment , the decline of resistance of concrete bridge is caused by steel corrosion , so the reliability also decline .

  13. 同时还分析了采用月最大、年最大及设计基准期最大风荷载对设计基准期内结构抗风动力可靠度的影响。

    The structure dynamic reliability of reference period may be different when monthly , yearly and the reference period maximum wind loads are adopted .

  14. 根据可靠度理论,引入临时结构的设计基准期,探讨了极限状态法在临时结构设计中的应用。

    Based on the reliability theory , this thesis introduces the design reference period and discusses the limit state method used in the temporary structures .

  15. 本文讨论结构应力S(t)在设计基准期[0.T]内变动规律。

    In this paper , we discuss the law of structural stress variance during the standard period of the design of [ 0 , T ] .

  16. 本文将工程结构寿命作为一个随机变量,分析了结构可靠度、结构使用寿命和设计基准期三者的关系;

    The service life of structure is taken as a stochastic variable , the relationship among structral reliability , service life and design lifetime are studied ;

  17. 在此基础上,确定了设计基准期内车辆荷载的最大值分布,并对车辆荷载进行了蒙特卡洛模拟。(4)车辆荷载效应研究。

    The maximum value distribution of effects caused by vehicle loads during the reference period is determined , and standard values of vehicle load effects are given .

  18. 以轴压构件和弯曲构件为例,对比分析了在不同抗力变化形式下,混凝土结构在设计基准期内可靠性的变化规律;

    The variation regularity of the concrete structural reliability of the axial forced component and the bending component was studied with different types of the resistance varied with time .

  19. 讨论了钢轨的失效模式和设计基准期,建立了钢轨极限状态方程的功能函数。

    The failure mode and the design reference period of the steel rail are discussed , and the steel rail 's performance function at limit state is established too .

  20. 最后对工程实例BZ28-1SPM单点系泊海洋导管架平台结构在20年设计基准期和50年重现期进行了体系可靠性分析。

    By use of the FEA model , with Monte Carlo method , the reliability of the SPM jacket platform was studied . The 20-year-based-period and 50-year-return-period system reliabilities were calculated .

  21. 因此,在设计基准期预先确定条件下,化工结构的设计可靠度水平应综合考虑腐蚀性环境及其对建筑结构的影响特点来决策。

    On the condition that the design service life is confirmed , the design reliability level of the chemical structures should include the corrosive environment and its effect on the structures .

  22. 近年来,随着我国社会的发展和越来越多的建筑物达到甚至超过设计基准期,需要进行加固改造的建筑物日渐增多。

    In recent years , with the development of the society , more and more buildings have reached or even out of the design reference period , which need reinforcement and reconstruction .

  23. 本文给出了设计基准期内这两种荷载组合概率分布函数的解析解及其简化计算公式,并通过数值算例对公式计算结果与蒙特卡洛方法的模拟结果进行了比较。

    Therefore , a closed form solution and its simplification of combination of these two components were developed , and the validity of the solution was examined by the Monte Carlo simulation .

  24. 对于高速公路大桥的抗震设防,应给出80年代设计基准期63%、10%和2%三个超越概率水准的设计地震动参数;

    To the aseismic fortification of bridge of high way , three designing ground motion parameters with surpassing probabilities of 63 % , 10 % and 2 % for 80 years should be given .

  25. 在桥梁结构设计基准期内,结构混凝土的耐久性逐渐下降,由于结构的耐久性与结构的承载能力相联系,因此桥梁结构承载能力随时间衰减。

    In bridge structural design lifetime , the durability is declining gradually . Since the durability have close relationship with bearing capacity , therefore the bridge structural bearing capacity is declining with the time .

  26. 计算结果表明,在出现设计基准期内最大风速时,结构湍流脉动风压诱发的横风向风振可能大于由国外现行规范中公式计算的风振反应值。

    The results show that under the maximum wind velocity in the designing period , the turbulence induced vibration is probably larger than the results evaluated with the present methods in the overseas design codes .

  27. 上海崇明越江通道工程是上海市乃至国家重大基础设施建设工程之一,设计基准期为100年,采用盾构法施工。

    The tunnel engineering of Shanghai & Chongming is Shanghai or one of the national important foundation facilities developments engineering , designs basis period as 100 years and adopts shield tunneling method to construct it .

  28. 假定在设计基准期[0,T]内结构应力为复合指数几何过程,给出应力随机过程的样本函数的最大值分布,并获得其近似表达式。

    Considering structural stress during the standard period of the design of obeying compound exponential geometric process , give the formular of probability distribution of maximum of stress obey compound exponential geometric process S ( t ) and its approximate formular .

  29. 最后,将设计基准期内建筑物达到轰燃的概率与单构件轰燃下的失效概率组合,给出了设计基准期内建筑构件在火灾下的失效概率公式。

    At last , combined the fail probability of building under fire during design period and that of single member under fire , a formula is given for calculating the fail probability of a single member under fire during design period .

  30. 采用本文中提出的风振反应计算方法可能不至于漏失结构在非共振风速时较大的风振反应值,从而不至于低估设计基准期内最大风速下的横风向风振加速度反应值。

    With this method , the potential large wind induced vibration in the across wind direction will not be neglected when evaluating the structure vibration under non-resonant wind velocity , and that the maximum acceleration in the structure designing period will not be underestimated .