
shè jì
  • design;project;model;plan;scheme;layout;format;devise;map out
设计 [shè jì]
  • [design;project;scheme] 按照任务的目的和要求,预先定出工作方案和计划,绘出图样

  • 为解决这个问题而专门设计的图案

设计[shè jì]
  1. 首席数字官的职责包括设计出并执行能够发展品牌忠诚度、以及社交媒体支持率的社会策略。

    The CDO 's responsibilities are to devise and execute social strategies that grow brand loyalty6 and advocacy on social networks .

  2. 与Web框架集成:通过使用免费的扩展或编写定制的扩展,可以设计出与所选Web框架集成的途径。

    Integrate with the Web framework : By using freely available extensions or writing a custom one , you can devise a way to integrate with your Web framework of choice .

  3. 她指出新设计的几个显著特征。

    She pointed out the salient features of the new design .

  4. 将设立一项最具创意设计奖。

    There will be a prize for the most innovative design .

  5. 他们请我为这次运动设计一张海报。

    They asked me to design a poster for the campaign .

  6. 这方法是专为小组活动设计的。

    The method is specifically designed for use in small groups .

  7. 这种设计后来被称为东方风格。

    This design came to be known as the Oriental style .

  8. 该服务器是为存储大量数据设计的。

    The server is designed to store huge amounts of data .

  9. 建筑师正在绘制新办公楼的设计图。

    The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices .

  10. 这种汽车的设计回到了20世纪60年代。

    The car 's design is a throwback to the 1960s .

  11. 智能卡系统是专为防止信用卡诈骗设计的。

    Chip and PIN is designed to combat credit card fraud .

  12. 这辆车外形设计流畅,看起来像赛车。

    It is smoothly contoured to look like a racing car .

  13. 这辆汽车设计完美,工艺精良,开起来过瘾。

    The car is beautifully engineered and a pleasure to drive .

  14. 这个设计旨在使形式和功能协调一致。

    This design aims for harmony of form and function .

  15. 这为设计组开展工作提供了坚实的基础。

    This gives the design team a sound basis for their work .

  16. 这些背包是为携带重物设计的。

    These backpacks are designed to carry a heavy load .

  17. 新的设计最终将会取代所有现有的型号。

    The new design will eventually replace all existing models .

  18. 机器人可按程序设计模仿人的各种动作。

    The robot was programmed to mimic a series of human movements .

  19. 房子完全是按照我们的工程设计书建造的。

    The house has been built exactly to our specifications .

  20. 这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑然一体。

    The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings .

  21. 我们的设计往往流于传统而没有超前意识。

    We tend to be traditional rather than fashion-forward in our designs .

  22. 从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。

    The magazine will appear in a new design from next month .

  23. 新的城镇是为容纳伦敦的过剩人口而设计的。

    New towns were designed to house London 's overspill .

  24. 我已对设计作了几处调整。

    I 've made a few adjustments to the design .

  25. 他们请了一家咨询公司来设计新的系统。

    They hired a firm of consultants to design the new system .

  26. 我们在设计中纳入了所有最新的安全装置。

    We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design .

  27. 我们的全部课程都是针对个人需要设计的。

    All our courses are personalized to the needs of the individual .

  28. 在室内设计方面,没有人能比得上他。

    No one can touch him when it comes to interior design .

  29. 他们将在商品交易会上展出他们新的设计。

    They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs .

  30. 这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久。

    The company has a long tradition of fine design .