
  1. 船舶设计资质认可势在必行

    Approval for the qualification of ship design institutes is imperative

  2. 我国工程咨询、勘察、设计资质管理的研究与构想

    Research and idea of qualification management for engineering consultation , engineering prospecting and engineering design

  3. 应征者须具有专业设计资质(美国注册建筑师优先),至少10年专业经验且获得建筑学学士或硕士学位。

    Candidates must be licensed design professionals ( US license preferred ) with a minimum of10 years professional experience and a Bachelor of Architecture or Masters Degree .

  4. 中化工程公司目前是国内为数不多的具有工程总承包,工程咨询,环境影响评价和环境保护工程甲级工程设计资质的大型国有工程公司。

    The engineering company is a large and state-owned engineering company which has general contract , engineering consultation , environment influence evaluation and first grade qualification of environmental protection engineering design .

  5. 2000年11月22日,国家旅游局颁布了《旅游规划设计单位资质认定暂行办法》;

    On November 22,2000 , National Tourism Administration issued Evaluation Measures Concerning the Tourism Planning Design Units .

  6. B公司的主要劣势:缺乏钢结构设计、施工资质和能力,在市场竞争中通常处于被动局面;

    The disadvantages can be : lack of competence in design , construction , which often pushes the company into passive position in competition ;

  7. 杭州万峰装饰有限公司是一家具备国家设计与施工资质;

    Wanfeng enterprise is decorated with a national design and construction of qualification ;

  8. N设计院是一家具有甲级设计资质的国有勘察设计单位,主要承担大中型水利、水电工程、中型工业与民用建筑、交通、市政工程的勘测设计和工程项目设计工作。

    N Designing Institute is a first rate state-owned perambulation designing institute , which undertakes the designing and perambulation works for water conservancy projects , water and electronic engineering projects , industrial and civil construction and transportation projects .

  9. 转制以后的工作重点转为民防专业设计,同时也有建筑工程的设计资质,但是主要承担的是人防工程设计。

    After the transfer to the CDF professional design work , but also the quality of the design of a building , but defense is mainly responsible for the design of the project .

  10. 是首都地区拥有建筑工程设计甲级、规划设计乙级和风景园林设计乙级资质的股份制设计公司。

    UA Design has obtained class-A qualification for engineering design , class-B qualification for planning design and class-B qualification for landscape design .

  11. 报名的设计机构或联合体中需有一方具有国内建筑工程设计甲级资质。

    The design firm or one party within a consortium shall have Grade A building design certification .

  12. 随着社会的进步和发展,设计行业的竞争也将越来越激烈,建设方在选择设计公司时也越来越慎重,越来越看重设计方的资质和业绩。

    The competition will be more and more furious in comply with the development of society , and the customers will be more and more choosey , the qualification and experience will apparently be more important to the customer to pick up the design company .