
  1. 周一晚上,在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅,37岁的梅根身穿单肩黑色长裙走到舞台前,她的婚纱的设计者——纪梵希设计大师ClareWaightKeller颁发奖项。

    Meghan , 37 , wowed guests at the star-studded event when she stepped out on stage to present a gong to her wedding dress designer , Clare Waight Keller of Givenchy , at the Royal Albert Hall on Monday evening , wearing a beautiful black one-shoulder dress .

  2. 很多建筑装饰设计大师也不乏此类作品。

    Many architectural design master is also similar to those works .

  3. 美国现代园林设计大师&詹姆士·罗斯

    James Rose & The Master of the American Modern Landscape Architecture

  4. 美国当代景观设计大师皮特·沃克的艺术与作品

    Design Art and Works of American Landscape Architect Peter Walker

  5. 当然,还有所有的摄影和设计大师。

    And of course , all the masters in photography and design .

  6. 20世纪主流家具设计大师的设计思想及其作品(十五)

    The Trajectory of Modern Furniture Design ( X V )

  7. 贝基·安德森访问了这位设计大师。

    Becky Anderson sits down with the master designer .

  8. 人、尺度和比例&芬兰设计大师布隆斯泰特与毕达哥拉斯式和谐的传统

    Human , Measure Scale and Proportion & Finnish Master Architect Blomstedt and Pythagoras Harmony Tradition

  9. 怀念建筑设计大师张开济先生

    Memorial for Architectural Design Master Zhang Kaiji

  10. 国际服装设计大师&高田贤三作品选

    Works by International Fashion Designer-Takata Kenzo

  11. “牛仔裤设计大师”一词诞生于上世纪80年代,斜纹布进入高级时装的高雅殿堂。

    The term " designer jeans " was born in the1980s , and denim entered high-fashion circles .

  12. 日本设计大师福田繁雄曾说:“海报是人类智慧和文化的象征。”

    Japanese designer and artist Shigeo Fukuda said : " Poster is the symbol of human wisdom and culture . "

  13. 不像其它的法国设计大师或逃离家乡,或违抗纳粹,香奈儿反而亲近敌人。

    Unlike other major French designers who fled the country or otherwise defied the Nazis , Chanel befriended the enemy .

  14. 但是众所周知,无论是在世界的哪个城市,设计大师们从没有放弃对新奇、怪诞的追求。

    But as we all know , the designers in the world never give up their desires for novelty and singularity .

  15. 20世纪50年代,丹麦著名现代设计大师阿耐·雅各布森设计的丹麦皇家宾馆充分体现了从汤匙到城市的设计理念。

    The Royal Hotel designed by Danish great designer Arne Jacobsen in 1950s is a wonderful sample of this design idea .

  16. 真正的设计大师从来都是打破了所有界限,在理性与感性之间游刃有余、收放自如。

    A real master is always the one who breaks the boundaries of rational and emotional thoughts and use them easily and freely .

  17. 在现代设计大师威廉·莫里斯的红房子里享用英式下午茶。

    Have afternoon tea in William Morris 's historic Red House in Bexleyheath , an internationally significant home of the Arts & Crafts movement .

  18. 莱昂纳多?达?芬奇是一位设计大师、工程大师、科学大师、发明大师,还是一位艺术大师。

    Leonardo da Vinci was a master of design , engineering , science , and invention , as well as a master of art .

  19. 以坚固耐用,款式时尚取胜,其款式采用意大利现代派设计大师根据运动学原理精心设计和加工而成。

    We maximum satisfe our end customers with updating products , which was designed by Italian modernistic design masters , featured by solidity and fashion style .

  20. 首先介绍了一些设计大师的最新作品,包括厨房的功能多样性设计,灯光设计等。

    Firstly , it introduces some lately works of leading designers , including the diversity of the kitchen 's function , light design and so on .

  21. 太阳能十项全能竞赛得到了学校的大力支持,学校成立了以山东省设计大师刘?副校长为组长的设计团队。

    Solar Decathlon competition has been strong support from schools , school was established in Shandong province master Liu ? as leader , Vice President of design team .

  22. 法国设计大师,法国哥特式风格的大门作出的最新技术,从根本上保证了哥特式木门纯法国的起源。

    French master design , the French Gothic style door made the latest technology , a fundamental guarantee of the Gothic wooden doors of the pure French origin .

  23. 国际婚纱设计大师蔡美月小姐,是目前台湾兼具“婚纱设计师”与“婚纱生产厂负责人”双重优点于一身的设计师。

    Miss caimeiyue , a international weddingdress designer , is a designer had double merit of " weddingdress designer " and " director of factory made weddingdress " .

  24. 通过当代设计大师的设计作品,分析如何更好的运用图腾元素在现代服饰的设计。

    What 's more , this papers analyzes some masterpieces by a few great designers and indicates how to make a better use of totem elements in contemporary designs .

  25. 周大兵副总经理在“国家电力公司全国工程勘察设计大师和优秀院长表彰座谈会”上的讲话

    Speech given by Zhou Dabing vice president at " the Symposium of commendation to the national great engineering survey design masters and outstanding directors within the state power corporation "

  26. 为纪念20世纪法国时装设计大师保罗·波烈,美国大都会博物馆服装协会近日举行了一场名为“波烈&时尚之王”的波烈作品展。

    The Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art honors early20th century designer Paul Poiret in its latest exhibition " Poiret : King of Fashion ," on view through Aug.5,2007 .

  27. 本文阐述了丹麦现代主义设计大师楠娜·迪兹尔关于椅子设计的创新历程;结合设计个案分析,对照丹麦设计传统,对大师的设计思想、设计风格作了点评与论证。

    This paper introduces the creative chair design practice of Danish designer Nanna Ditzel and comments on her design thoughts and design style on the basis of case study and Danish design tradition .

  28. 本文从书籍设计大师杉浦康平先生提出的的五感论出发,讲述从视觉到触觉,材质与工艺对书籍设计产生的效果。

    Based on the theory of five senses proposed by the prominent book designer Mr. Pu Kangping , this thesis discusses the effects on book design from sense of sight to sense of touch , and from material to craft .

  29. 海德维克是最近伦敦废弃花园大桥的幕后设计大师;而就在去年,英格斯完成了被他称为“courtscraper”的建筑--一种将公共庭院与摩天大楼的密度相结合的结构。

    Heatherwick was the mastermind behind the recently scrapped garden bridge in London , and last year , Ingels opened what he calls a " courtscraper " -- a structure that combines a communal courtyard with the density of a skyscraper -- in New York .

  30. 欧洲平面设计大师柯里莫夫斯基说过在各种艺术形式走到尽头的时候,对片段的截取与整合成为后现代的标志之一。在现当代综合绘画中,拼贴也成了最基本的表现手法。

    European Graphic Design Masters said , " come to an end in a variety of art forms , when the interception and integration of the fragments as a sign of post-modern one . " Integrated in modern and contemporary painting , collage has become a fundamental means of expression .