
  • 网络start-up;New Venture Creation;startups
  1. 让我们深入了解人称“硅谷教父”的科技天使投资人罗恩•康威,他曾向《财富》(Fortune)表示,自己目睹了硅谷近70%的新创企业交易。

    An in-depth look at tech angel investor Ron Conway , aka the " godfather of Silicon Valley , " who once told fortune he sees roughly 70 % of all start-up deals in the area .

  2. 硬件新创企业Ouya于今年早些时候在大众融资平台Kickstarter网站展开募资活动,目标是融资95万美元。

    Hardware start-up Ouya began a KickStarter campaign earlier this year hoping to raise $ 950,000 .

  3. 为了此次的项目,永旺银行与拥有先进的指纹识别技术的新创企业Liquid进行合作。

    For this project , Aeon Bank is partnering with startup Liquid , which boasts advanced fingerprint recognition technology .

  4. 而且和Danger不一样的是,布里特和赫汉森现在加盟的是一家科技巨头,而非新创企业。

    And unlike with danger , Britt and hershenson are involved with a Goliath , not an up-and-comer .

  5. 布兰科曾创立过多家新创企业,目前已退休。他在斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校哈斯商学院(HaasSchoolofBusiness)和哥伦比亚大学授课。

    A retired serial entrepreneur , Steve teaches at Stanford University , U.C.Berkeley 's Haas School of Business and Columbia .

  6. 简的新创企业MoonExpress正在制造一台价值2000万美元的月球登陆器(如右图所示),并计划于2013年发射。

    His startup , moon express , is building a $ 20 million Moon Lander ( right ) slated to launch in 2013 .

  7. 基于CMM的新创企业软件开发管理实践策略

    The Practice Strategy based on CMM to Manage Sofeware Development of the New Enterprise

  8. 或者更直接点:希腊国债价格和互联网新创企业的IPO有什么关系?

    Or more to the point : what does the price of Greek bonds have to do with the IPO of a web startup ?

  9. 周二,发展迅速的移动支付新创企业Square推出支架式硬件设备Stand,iPad装在Stand上,就能变成一款台面销售终端系统。

    On Tuesday , fast growing mobile payments startup square introduced stand , a hardware device that cradles an iPad , turning it into a countertop point of sale system .

  10. 本文作者史蒂夫•布兰科是《四步的顿悟》(TheFourStepstotheEpiphany)一书的作者。布兰科在书中详述了自己发掘客户的方法,它能帮助新创企业降低风险、提升成功几率。

    Steve Blank is the author of " The Four Steps to the Epiphany ," which details his customer development process for minimizing risk and optimizing chances for startup success .

  11. Facebook和Twitter的成功上市为其它新创企业的上市铺平了道路。

    The recent debuts of Facebook ( FB ) and twitter ( TWTR ) have paved the way for other startups to dive into the public markets .

  12. 科技作者罗伯特•斯科博讲述自己最近采访23家新创企业的收获,其中包括iPad如何给一些企业带来启发。

    Tech author Robert Scoble on what he learned from recent interviews with 23 startups , including how the iPad is inspiring some ventures .

  13. 上世纪90年代末,一位名叫托尼o法德尔的年轻企业家试图说服记者出身的风险投资家斯图尔特o艾尔索普投资于自己的新创企业FuseSystems。

    In the late 1990s a young entrepreneur named Tony Fadell tried to persuade Stewart Alsop , a journalist who had recently become a venture capitalist , to invest in his startup , Fuse Systems .

  14. NestLabs是硅谷炙手可热的新创企业,融合了苹果的设计风格和互联网产品理念,而且还低碳。

    Fortune & nest labs is on of the hottest companies in Silicon Valley , combining the internet-of-things with Apple-style design and an ability to reduce carbon consumption .

  15. 20世纪90年代以后,国外产生了一些国际新创企业(internationalnewventure,简称INV),引起了国际学者的广泛兴趣和关注,研究文献也呈快速发展之势。

    Since the 1990s , the international new venture ( INV ) appearing in some foreign countries has aroused a large number of interests and attention of the international scholars , and the related literate has increasingly developed .

  16. 本周早些时候,技术巨头霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell)对硅谷新创企业NestLabs提起诉讼,称后者广受欢迎的NestLearning智能恒温器设计侵犯了自己的专利。

    Earlier this week , the technology giant Honeywell filed a lawsuit against Silicon Valley startup nest labs for allegedly infringing on Honeywell patents in designing its acclaimed nest learning thermostat .

  17. 而新创企业们纷纷支付费用,希望能在TechCrunch举办的自我营销大会TechCrunchDisrupt上,将自己和TechCrunch挂钩。

    Startups are paying money for the privilege of being associated with techcrunch , via its self-promotional techcrunch disrupt conference .

  18. 新创企业Lytro的发明对全世界学艺不精的摄影师来说就宛如上帝的恩赐一般。

    It could be a godsend for awful photographers around the world .

  19. 位于旧金山的新创企业Lookout移动安全公司最近发布报告指出,今年,30%的Android手机用户将会遭遇网络安全威胁。

    According to a recent report from San Francisco-based startup lookout mobile security , three out of 10 Android phone users will encounter a web-based threat on their device this year .

  20. 今年二月,Facebook宣布豪掷190亿美元收购WhatsApp,震动了外界。这也是Facebook收购新创企业最大手笔的一次。

    Then last February , Facebook stunned the world when it announced it was scooping up WhatsApp for a jaw-dropping $ 19 billion - the most it had ever paid for a startup .

  21. 移动安全新创企业Lookout公司的安全研究员马克•罗杰斯表示,苹果的指纹扫描技术在方方面面完胜传统加密方法。

    According to Marc Rogers , a security researcher for the mobile security startup Lookout , Apple 's implementation of fingerprint scanning trumps the old method for myriad reasons .

  22. 至于进入本已竞争激烈的市场(比如说团购市场)的新创企业,没了TechCrunch将有利于竞争。

    And for those startups entering markets already clotted with competitors say , daily deals the absence of techcrunch would allow for more competition .

  23. 一些颇有名气的公司(这些公司通常来自TechStars或YCombinator创立的新创企业孵化基金)有实力不买TechCrunch的帐。

    The buzzy firms usually ones coming out of startup incubators , like techstars or Y combinator have a bit more power to ignore the blog .

  24. Ayasdi位于加州帕洛阿尔托,是众多大数据新创企业中的一家。

    The Palo Alto , Calif. - based company is one of an exploding number of big data start-ups .

  25. 许多硅谷人都知道,只有极少数新创企业能取得成功。而且即便真的成功了,也只有很少的企业能在如此短的时间里,达到Dropbox那样的增长。

    As many in Silicon Valley know , very few start-ups succeed , and even if they do , even fewer stumble upon the kind of growth Dropbox has in such little time .

  26. 格雷厄姆创建的风险投资公司YCombinator极富盛名,曾孵化出创新公寓出租服务Airbnb和云存储技术公司Dropbox等新创企业。Pebble最初经过了YCombinator的孵化,但直到登陆Kickstarter,Pebble才真正得以立足。

    And while Pebble first passed through Paul Graham 's famed YCombinator , the same startup incubator that yielded Airbnb and Dropbox , it wasn 't until Kickstarter that Pebble really found its footing .

  27. 取代菲尔德的是电子邮件公司Brightmail前首席执行官苏尼尔•保罗,后者曾和Zynga首席执行官马克•平克斯一起创立过新创企业FreeLoader。

    He will be replaced by Sunil Pau , the former CEO of brightmail who once co-founded a startup called freeloader with Zynga CEO Mark Pincus .

  28. 中国廉价太阳能面板的冲击令FirstSolar等老牌公司不堪重负,而一些原本资金充裕的新创企业更是不幸夭折:Solyndra已经破产,Miasole近日被低价出售。

    The culprit has been cheap solar panels from China that have whacked established manufacturers , like first solar , and rendered stillborn well funded startups , including solyndra ( now bankrupt ) and miasole ( recently sold on the cheap ) .

  29. 如果一切都在新创企业Scanadu掌握,未来不会出现机器人医生。

    There will be no robot doctors in the future & at least not if scanadu can help it .

  30. 当迈克尔亚伯拉罕斯(michaelabrahams)称自己认为amteus具备“成为一家大型公司的能力”时,他成了敢对其新创企业发表大胆宣言的创业型董事长之一。

    When Michael Abrahams says he believes amteus has " the capacity to become a very big company " , he joins a long list of entrepreneurial chairmen willing to make bold claims about their start-ups .