
  • 网络Santander;Banco Santander;Grupo Santander
  1. 西班牙国家银行是一家西班牙银行,其70%的经营收益来自西班牙以外国家。

    Santander is a Spanish bank and earns 70 % of its operating income from outside Spain .

  2. 西班牙国家银行亚洲结构贸易与出口金融主任AntonioHuang说,中国企业借贷的利率很高,而他们根本不可能达到这么高的回报。

    ' Many Chinese companies are borrowing at very high rates and there is no way that they can make this kind of return , ' said Antonio Huang , head of Asia structured trade and export finance at Banco Santander SA .

  3. 西班牙国家银行(Santander)经济学家在本周的一份报告中写道,低增长与高通胀并存成为了决策者的噩梦。

    ' This combination of low growth and pressured inflation makes for a policy makers ' nightmare , ' economists at Santander said in a report this week .

  4. 西班牙国家银行(bancosantander)最近在巴西进行了创记录的ipo发行价格即使不比纽约更高,至少也是一样部分原因在于,有大量的资金聚集在巴西。

    And in Brazil , Banco Santander recently conducted a record IPO , at a price that was as good , if not better , than anything that might have been seen in New York , partly be-cause there is so much money swirling around Brazil .

  5. 银行高管在新闻发布会上说,去年西班牙银行巨头西班牙国家银行(BancoSantanderSA)计划进军巴西的举措促使两家银行开始了有关创建合资企业的谈判。

    At a news conference , executives said talks for the deal , which they call a joint venture , began as a response to Spanish banking giant Banco Santander SA 's move into Brazil last year .

  6. 此举主要是为了帮助西班牙,这个国家的银行业已经陷入资金匮乏的窘境。

    This change was primarily aimed at helping Spain as its banks have become starved for capital .

  7. 在欧洲各国内部,法国、西班牙、瑞典等国家银行保险业务实现的保费收入占到寿险市场业务总量的60%。

    In France , Spain , Sweden and so on the premium income that bancassurance business realized accounted for 60 percent of life insurance market business amount .

  8. 希腊退出欧元区(特别是假如无序退出),很可能在葡萄牙、爱尔兰、意大利、西班牙甚至其他国家引发银行挤兑,还可能造成金融资产和其他资产价格暴跌。

    A Greek exit , particularly a disorderly one , is likely to trigger bank runs in Portugal , Ireland , Italy and Spain , and even further afield . It could also cause collapses in the prices of financial and other assets .