
yìng shù jù
  • hard data
硬数据[yìng shù jù]
  1. 诸如OvercomingBias和LessWrong这样的网站成为了那些认为变得高效——无论是改变饮食习惯或是改变世界——的最佳方法就是积极参考科学经验和硬数据的人士的活动中心。

    Websites like Overcoming Bias and Less Wrong serve as communities for those who believe the best way to be effective , whether in changing eating habits or changing the world , is to actively look at the lessons of science and hard data .

  2. 没有硬数据表明这些药品流行到什么程度,或者危害有多大。

    There are no hard data on how prevalent such substances are , or how harmful .

  3. 事实上,软文化和硬数据一样重要。

    In fact , soft culture matters as much as hard numbers .

  4. 如果可能的话,使用百分比、硬数据和美元数字。

    Wherever possible , use percentages , hard numbers , and dollar figures .

  5. 同时也为地震数据(软数据)和井孔数据(硬数据)的结合提供了一条新途径。

    The method also serves as a new way to combine seismic data with borehole data .

  6. 以河道的观测深度为硬数据,利用贝叶斯理论通过随机建模的方法生成描述河道的方向线和河道几何参数。

    The direction lines and geometry parameters of channel have been simulated conditioning to hard data by stochastic simulation by using Bayesian theory .

  7. 纵观他的职业生涯,罗斯林建立起了一个以事实为基础的世界观,即一种观念&全球健康趋势如何来充当基于硬数据的信号物。

    Throughout his career , Rosling has maintained a fact-based worldview – an understanding of how global health trends act as a signifier for economic development based on hard data .

  8. 因此,人们越来越难以察觉这一问题,有关打电话焦虑症涉及人群的硬数据也无从查找。最终,通电话的恐惧会对生产力和就业流动性造成毁灭性的后果。

    As a result , the problem has become harder to spot , and there 's no hard data on the prevalence of telephobia . Ultimately , the fear of talking on the phone can have disastrous results for productivity or job mobility .

  9. 它是一个包含一些字段的硬编码数据结构。

    It is a hardcoded data structure that contains some fields .

  10. 注意:您所参考的这些示例使用的是硬编码的数据源。

    Note : The samples you 're looking at are using hard-coded data sources .

  11. 出于演示的目的,我们创建响应数据对象,并返回硬编码的数据。

    In our demonstration purposes , we create the Response Data Object and return hard coded data .

  12. 硬编码的数据通常会在多个测试中重复,并分散在整个脚本中。

    The hard-coded data is usually repeated in more than a single test and dispersed throughout the script .

  13. 一种读、写硬磁盘上数据的独立的磁盘机,可以连接在系统设备端口上。

    A stand alone disk drive that reads and writes data on rigid disks and can is attached to a port on the system unit .

  14. 介绍了一种将记录在硬介质上的数据曲线数字化并自动录入计算机的方法以及相关的数据处理技术。

    This paper introduce a practicable method to digitalize various curves or drawings recorded on hard - media such as paper .

  15. 软硬件系统之间采用串口的方式进行通讯,文中详细论述了系统如何操作串口,如何通过串口向硬设备接收发送数据。

    Hardware and software systems using serial communication means , the paper discusses in detail how the system serial port , serial port to the hardware device to send data received .