
  • 网络Uk independence party;United Kingdom Independence Party
  1. 支持脱欧的英国独立党(UKIP)在一夜之间从政治的边缘变成主流。

    The United Kingdom Independence Party ( UKIP ), which wants to leave the EU , has abruptly moved from the political margins to the mainstream .

  2. 英国采取AV似乎会带来的好处就是大量的首选票投给诸如反泛欧英国独立党的小党派,但在议会的席位并不会因此巨变。

    One plausible effect of moving to AV in Britain would be hefty first-preference votes for small parties such as the anti-European United Kingdom Independence Party , but without a corresponding haul of Westminster seats .

  3. 对多元化的自豪之情已经为英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)反移民的民粹主义让路。

    Pride in diversity has made way for the rise of the anti-immigrant populism of the UK Independence party .

  4. 萨尔蒙德是个完美的政客,他会利用民众的反政治情绪。英国独立党(UKIndependenceParty)在欧洲议会选举中取胜,靠的就是这股情绪。

    Mr Salmond , a consummate politician , will play to the mood of anti-politics that carried the UK Independence party to victory in the European elections .

  5. 我们不应把这份研究结果置之不理,因为这是由英国独立党(ukindependenceparty)发布的,康登曾代表该党参与上次大选。

    This should not be brushed aside because the research is published by the UK Independence Party , for whom Mr Congdon stood at the last general election .

  6. 对于5月7日将要举行的大选,新变化在于,最能成功讲述这个故事的不是保守党(Conservatives),而是反移民的英国独立党(UKIndependenceparty)。

    The novel twist of the coming election , on May 7 , is that the story will be told most effectively not by the Conservatives but by the anti-immigrant UK Independence party .

  7. 路易丝在去年的大选中投给了绿党(GreenParty),很惊诧身为工党(LabourParty)传统选民的母亲转而投给反欧盟、反移民的英国独立党(U.K.IndependenceParty)。

    Louise Driscoll voted for the Green Party in last year 's general election and was appalled that her mother , traditionally a Labour voter , had opted for the anti-Europe , anti-immigration U.K. Independence Party .

  8. 相比之下,英国独立党(UKIP)和法国国民阵线(NationalFront)等欧洲民粹主义反移民政党的崛起正将移民辩论推向更右倾的方向。

    In Europe , by contrast , the rise of populist anti-immigration parties , such as Britain 's UK Independence party and France 's National Front , is still driving the debate to the right .

  9. 主张退出欧盟的英国独立党(ukip),助燃了保守党内憎恶欧盟的情绪。

    The UK Independence Party , which advocates complete EU withdrawal , adds fuel to the fire of Tory Europhobia .

  10. 英国独立党领导人奈吉尔法拉奇(NigelFarage)高兴地接受了这些调查结果,并调侃道:我很高兴看到欧共体并没有瓦解欧洲各国给人留下的刻板印象,毕竟正是这些造就了一个个伟大的民族。

    Nigel Farage , the leader of the UK Independence Party , welcomed the findings , joking : I am delighted that the Eurocrats have failed to crush national stereotyping , which is what makes Europe a great continent .

  11. 英国独立党领导人奈吉尔法拉奇(NigelFarage)高兴地接受了这些调查结果,并调侃道:“我很高兴看到欧共体并没有瓦解欧洲各国给人留下的刻板印象,毕竟正是这些造就了一个个伟大的民族。”

    Nigel Farage , the leader of the UK Independence Party , welcomed the findings , joking : " I am delighted that the Eurocrats have failed to crush national stereotyping , which is what makes Europe a great continent . "

  12. 英国独立党正获得保守人士的支持。

    The UK Independence party is taking support from the Conservatives .

  13. 卡梅伦担心选民会转而支持以反对大量移民为中心议题的英国独立党。

    Mr Cameron fears losing support to Ukip , which has made opposition to mass immigration its central theme .

  14. 但与英国独立党和德国新选项党形成反差的是,瑞典民主党起源于边缘的右翼极端主义,而不是传统的保守主义。

    In contrast to Ukip and AfD , however , the origins of the Sweden Democrats lie in fringe rightwing extremism rather than traditional conservatism .

  15. 民调专家预计,反欧盟的英国独立党的支持率激增,这一定程度上归因于一场报销丑闻,该丑闻击碎了公众对于英国议员们的信任。

    Pollsters predicted a surge in support for the anti-EU UK Independence Party , partly thanks to an expenses scandal that has shattered public trust in members of the Westminster Parliament .

  16. 德国新选项党、法国国民阵线和英国独立党崛起的背后有一项关键因素:他们的领导人决定不诉诸露骨的种族主义,更别说身着制服实施暴力行为了。

    One crucial element in the rise of AfD , the National Front and Ukip is the decision of their leaders to steer clear of explicit racism , let alone uniformed violence .

  17. 在英国,反欧盟的英国独立党在选举中拔得头筹,赢得了英国在欧洲议会73个席位中的三分之一。

    In Britain , the anti-EU UK Independence Party topped the vote , and now holds a third of Britain 's 73 seats in the European Parliament .