
  • 网络Cancer Research UK;Institute of Cancer Research;CRUK
  1. 根据英国癌症研究院所的看法,任何对于夜班的恐慌都还太早。

    And according to Cancer Research UK , any night-shift panic would be premature .

  2. 研究的合作者、伦敦大学学院英国癌症研究院健康行为研究中心主任简·沃尔德教授表示:在全世界范围内,不健康的生活方式都是导致患慢性疾病致死的一个主要原因。

    Study co-author Professor Jane Wardle , director of Cancer Research UK 's Health Behaviour Research Centre at UCL , said : ' Unhealthy lifestyles are a leading cause of death from chronic disease worldwide .

  3. 英国癌症研究院(CancerResearchUK)称,在英国,肥胖是仅次于吸烟的最大的、可预防性的致癌因素。在英国,肥胖是仅次于吸烟的可预防的最大致癌因素。

    Obesity1 is the biggest preventable cause of cancer in the UK after smoking .

  4. 据英国癌症研究院统计,每二十个癌症病例中就有超过一例是因体重超标而导致的。

    More than one in 20 cancer cases are caused by excess body weight , according to Cancer Research UK .

  5. 英国癌症研究院的MargaretFrame指出,本研究提示:即使在肿瘤扩散后,我们仍有可能瞄准并消灭肿瘤。

    This study suggests that we could potentially target and destroy cancer even after it has spread , says Margaret Frame of Cancer Research UK .

  6. 夜班工作导致妇女患乳腺癌的风险并没有完全显示出来,博士KatArney说,她是英国癌症研究院的高级科学信息主任。

    The breast cancer risk has not been conclusively shown , says Dr Kat Arney , senior science information officer at Cancer Research UK .

  7. 英国癌症研究院剑桥研究所的癌症研究专家卡洛斯·卡尔达斯称:“这是一项突破性的研究。”

    Professor Carlos Caldas , a cancer expert from Cancer Research UK 's Cambridge Research Institute , said : " This is groundbreaking research . "

  8. 英国剑桥大学癌症研究院的一项研究发现了四种与乳腺癌患病风险增加相关的基因。

    A study by Cancer Research UK 's Cambridge Research Institute has discovered four new genes as being responsible for increasing the risk of breast cancer .