
  • 【大气】range [wea ther] forecast 未来1—3天内的天气预报。
  1. 双子地震P波谱比在地震短期预报中的应用研究

    Research on Short Term Earthquake Prediction by P-wave Spectral Ratio of Earthquake Doublet

  2. BP神经网络在吴淞口潮位短期预报中的应用

    Application of BP neural network in tidal level short-term forecast of Wusong estuary

  3. 所得结果对x射线事件的短期预报是有用的。

    The results are useful for the short-term solar activity predictions of x-ray events .

  4. 大型舰船姿态运动极短期预报的一种AR算法

    AR Algorithm for Extremely Short-term Prediction of Large Ship 's Motion

  5. 冕洞相关地磁Ap指数中短期预报方法研究

    Medium and Short Term Forecasting of Ap Index Related to Coronal Holes

  6. 基于电离层暴时f0F2经验模型Kalman滤波短期预报

    Short-term Forecast of f_0F_2 Based on Ionospheric Storm Empirical Model and Kalman Filter

  7. 震源系统小震调制比(r_m)和异常面积(Sr_m)起伏加剧的时空特征与强震的中、短期预报

    The time-space characteristics of r_m and sr_m fluctuation intensification in the earthquake source system and the mid-short-term strong earthquake prediction

  8. 30万吨FPSO运动响应短期预报

    Short-term Forecast of Motion Response for a 300 000 DWT FPSO

  9. 分析结果表明,初始谱误差是以指数形式增长或衰减的,即使在衰减情况下,持续时效也至少有1~2d的量级,初始场精度是影响海浪短期预报准确度的一个重要因素。

    The results indicate that the initial spectral errors can increase or decay in the form of exponential growth , so the initial quality is also important for short-term wave prediction .

  10. 通过对混沌序列的吸引子的相空间重构原理及方法的研究,进行重构混沌吸引子,可以求得某个分量的最大Lyapunov指数,进而对混沌序列进行短期预报。

    This paper presents the phase space reconstruction theory and algorithm , by reconstructing the chaos attractor , can get the maximal Lyapunov exponent , then predicts the chaotic series .

  11. 本文基于河段先验知识与神经网络结构相结合的思想.给出了一种新的BP网络模型,它比传统模型更符合实际,在紫坪铺河段洪水短期预报中的应用结果令人满意。

    In this paper , based on the idea of the integration of the prior knowledge and the selection of the structure of ANN , a new BP model is proposed . The application result is satisfactory .

  12. MT重复测量在地震中短期预报中的应用&祁连山中段MT剖面监测研究

    Application of the MT repeated measurements to the medium and short term prediction of earthquake ── monitoring and studying a profile in the middle segmentof Qilian Mountain by MT

  13. 但直至目前,还没有形成适合于我国及周边地区电离层TEC的短期预报方法。

    Up to now , there is no suitable method for short-term forecasting of the ionospheric TEC in China and its surrounding area .

  14. 本文对这种新的信号分析方法进行FORTRAN编程计算,结合极短期预报的需要深入研究。

    The paper made calculations based on this new signal analysis method by FORTRAN program . Further research combing the requirement of the shortest time prediction is done .

  15. 主要进行了以下几个方面的工作:1.电离层TEC短期预报的数据处理及内插方法。

    The main results are listed as follows : 1 . Data preparing and interpolation methods for the short-term forecasting of the ionospheric TEC .

  16. 将单站预报方法和区域重构方法结合起来,可实现中国及周边地区电离层TEC的短期预报。

    The single station forecasting and the reconstruction is putted together to realize the short-time forecasting of TEC in China and its surrounding area .

  17. 本文根据组合模式原理提出了一种用小震调制比(rm)异常区出现高频次的空间异常图,进行强地震中短期预报的方法,简称rs法。

    This paper proposed an intermediate and short term prediction method for strong earthquake using spatially anomalous distribution map with high frequently occurrence of small earthquake modulation ratio ( rm ) based on the constitution model .

  18. 首先,阐述了基于传统时间序列的AR模型船舶运动极短期预报算法,并将实船实测船舶运动时间序列用于预报,验证了算法的可行性,但是传统的时间序列预报算法的预报效果较差。

    First , describing the traditional time series algorithms of extreme short term prediction of ship motion based on AR model , verify the feasibility of the algorithm . However , the traditional time series prediction algorithm is less effective . 3 .

  19. 二级课题85-04-01-05从非线性科学和Weibull分布出发,提出和引进研究了3种新的单项地震学短期预报指标和一种新的综合预报方法。

    Based on non-linear science and Weibull distribution , 3 new indexes and a new comprehensive prediction method are proposed and studied in the project 85-04-01-05 . Some old indexes and comprehensive prediction methods are also studied for shortening the prediction period .

  20. 一种强对流天气短期预报方法的研究和试报

    A study and experiment on short-range prediction of severe convective weather

  21. 江西省新一代中短期预报业务流程介绍

    Introduction Of The New Generation Middle-short Forecast Flow Of Jiangxi Province

  22. 北京城区8月日花粉总数量和致敏花粉数量短期预报

    Daily Total Pollen and Allergic Pollen Forecasting in August in Beijing

  23. 对1976年陕西关中地震短期预报的反思

    Rethinking about 1976 short-term earthquake prediction in guanzhong , Shaanxi Province

  24. 短期预报新技术在特长隧道施工中的应用研究

    Application of new short-term forecast technology in exceptional long tunnel construction

  25. 东北地震活动性短期预报方法研究

    Study on the short-term prediction method of seismicity in Northeast China

  26. 太阳能自然变率分析和短期预报试验

    Natural variability analysis and short range forecast test about solar energy

  27. 地震异常平静用于短期预报的研究

    Study on Application of precursory seismic quiescence to short-term earthquake prediction

  28. 基于相空间重构技术的舰船摇荡极短期预报

    Extreme short term prediction of ship motions based on phase-space reconstruction

  29. 西北区东部寒潮天气短期预报

    Short range weather forecast of cold wave in Eastern Northwest China

  30. 多普勒雷达资料对中尺度系统短期预报的改进

    Use of Doppler-Radar data in improving short-term prediction of mesoscale weather