
duǎn piān xiǎo shuō
  • short story
短篇小说 [duǎn piān xiǎo shuō]
  • [short story] 字数较少,篇幅不长,人物不多,结构紧凑的小说

短篇小说[duǎn piān xiǎo shuō]
  1. 短篇小说是一种很难掌握的艺术形式。

    The short story is a difficult art form to master .

  2. 他将诗人与编剧作了角色换位的短篇小说

    a short story in which he transposes the roles of poets and screenwriters .

  3. 他是以几部短篇小说集成名的。

    He made his name with several collections of short stories .

  4. 他的短篇小说往往情节牵强。

    His short stories tend to be weak on plot .

  5. 她一直因其优秀的短篇小说享有很高的声望。

    She has always had a high reputation for her excellent short stories

  6. 他出了本短篇小说集。

    He published a collection of short stories .

  7. 这种残忍的现实和浪漫美好事物的并存始终贯穿于帕克的短篇小说中。

    This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park 's stories .

  8. 两年前,他出版了短篇小说集《勇敢面对》。

    Two years ago he published a collection of short stories called ' Facing The Music '

  9. 这本集子是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分组合而成的。

    This collection is made up of three parts : poems , essays and short stories .

  10. 他把他的短篇小说扩充成一本书。

    He expanded his short story into a book .

  11. 他根据笔记里归纳起来的东西写了一些短篇小说和小品文。

    He turned out stories and sketches to exemplify the generalized jottings of his notebook .

  12. 她记日记,通过创作短篇小说和诗歌来充裕自己的时间。

    She kept a diary , filling her time with short stories and poems she made up .

  13. 《都柏林人》Dubliners本书是詹姆斯·乔伊斯的短篇小说集,讲述了20世纪初爱尔兰中产阶级的生活。

    A collection of short stories by James Joyce , about the life of Irish middle class at the beginning of the 20th century .

  14. 他的脑海里装满了有关新的剧本和短篇小说的构思

    Ideas of new plays and short stories teemed in his head .

  15. 《马可瓦尔多》是伊塔洛·卡尔维诺的20篇短篇小说集。

    Marcovaldo is a collection of 20 short stories written by Italo Calvino .

  16. 我也写短篇小说。

    I am also writing a short story .

  17. 长篇小说和短篇小说是不同的类别。

    Novel and short story are different genres .

  18. 解析短篇小说IfItComesBack的语篇功能及其它

    An Analysis about the Context Function of the novel " If It Comes Back "

  19. 他的父母不愿读他的第二本短篇小说集《在我们的时代里》(InOurTime),1925年,他在一封感人的信中对他们说:

    In a moving 1925 letter to his parents , who refused to read " In Our Time , " his second story collection , he writes :

  20. 有一本D·H·劳伦斯写的短篇小说集刚出版。

    There 's a collection of short stories by D. H. Laurence that has just come out .

  21. HillsLikewhiteElephants是海明威的一篇著名的短篇小说。

    " Hills Like White Elephants " is a short story written by Ernest Hemingway .

  22. Bob很少写短篇小说。

    Bob seldom writes short stories .

  23. 《少年chen女》获1981年全国优秀短篇小说奖,引起强烈反响。

    The Juvenile Chen Girl got the award of excellent short story of China in 1981 , and evoked strong repercussions .

  24. 他的短篇小说《士兵之家》(Soldier’sHome)的第一稿写在显然是从电报局偷回来的纸片上。

    The first draft of the short story " Soldier 's Home " is written on sheets he appears to have swiped from a telegraph office .

  25. 我喜欢俄国小说家,契诃夫(Chekhov)的短篇小说,还有托尔斯泰(Tolstoy)和陀思妥耶夫斯基(Dostoyevsky)。

    I like the Russians , the Chekhov short stories , Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky .

  26. JK罗琳表示,她将于万圣节当天在网站上发布哈利波特系列的一篇短篇小说,作为给粉丝们的万圣节惊喜。

    JK Rowling is set to publish a special Harry Potter story on her website as a Halloween surprise for fans .

  27. 大卫•伊戈尔曼的《生命的清单:关于来世的40种景象》(Sum:FortyTalesfromtheAfterlives),这是一本短篇小说集,其中探讨了死去之后的生活。

    Sum : Forty tales from the afterlives by David eagleman , a collection of short stories examining what life is like after you die .

  28. 在法国阿尔卑斯山区的首府城市格勒诺布尔市(Grenoble),一家名为ShortEdition的出版业初创公司在该市人流最密集的几处公共场所安置了8台免费短篇小说自动售货机。

    In Grenoble , France , a city known as the capital of the French Alps , a publishing start-up called Short É dition has installed eight free story-dispensing vending machines in some of its most popular public spaces .

  29. 在1781年的短篇小说《描画者》(TheDelineator)中,“活泼”的人物哈里奥特(Harriot)“穿着法式高跟鞋摇摇晃晃的,脑袋就像她的脚一样不稳定”,这代表了18世纪女性的理想典型。

    The " lively " character Harriot " tottering on her French heels and with her head as unsteady as her feet " in a 1781 story " The Delineator , " represented the typical 18th-century feminine ideal .

  30. 这一名单风格多样,除了克雷的短篇小说集,还有玛丽琳娜·罗宾逊(MarilynneRobinson)的《莉拉》(Lila),这是她所创作的三部曲小说的第三部,故事发生在爱荷华州一个虚构的吉里德小镇;

    Along with Mr. Klay 's short story collection , the stylistically diverse group of finalists included Marilynne Robinson 's " Lila , " the third novel in a trilogy set in the fictional town of Gilead , Iowa ; Rabih Alameddine 's " An Unnecessary Woman , " about a reclusive older woman in Beirut , Lebanon ;