
duǎn wěi hóu
  • stump-tailed macaque;stump-tailed monkey
短尾猴[duǎn wěi hóu]
  1. 另一种是短尾猴(红面猴),学名M.speciosa,亦较大,成年猴面部鲜红。

    Stump-tailed macaque ( red face monkey ) whose scientific name is M. speciosa is also big with gray-brown furs and bright red faces .

  2. 他是一只黑面短尾猴,住在印度以西亚的苏拉威西岛上。

    He is a black face Stump-tailed monkey , living in Sulawesi Island , Indonesia .

  3. 短尾猴与猕猴肩胛骨的比较研究

    Comparative study of scapula between rhesus monkey and stump-tailed macaque

  4. 亚洲和非洲多岩地区的短尾猴。

    Short-tailed monkey of rocky regions of Asia and Africa .

  5. 短尾猴和日本猴雄性性行为的比较研究

    A comparative study on the male sexual behavior in thibetan and Japanese monkeys

  6. 诺氏疟原虫感染四川短尾猴的研究

    On the infection of Macaca thibetanus with Plasmodium knowlesi

  7. 一项调查显示,拥有不同的基因变体促使一些短尾猴在实验中喝下很多酒。

    A study has shown that having a particular gene variant causes some macaque monkeys to drink more alcohol in experiments .

  8. 接着,当他们将动画展示给短尾猴看时,便记录该区域中单个脑细胞每次电活动的情况。

    They categorised facial dimensions such as the distance between the eyes , then recorded the electrical activity of one brain cell at a time while they showed cartoons to the macaques .

  9. 旧域猴;长尾猴;狒狒;疣猴;叶猴;短尾猴;山魈;白眉猴;长鼻猴。浣熊;长鼻浣熊;环尾猫熊;蜜熊;某些领域包括熊猫。

    Old World monkeys : guenon ; baboon ; colobus monkey ; langur ; macaque ; mandrill ; mangabey ; patas ; proboscis monkey . raccoons ; coatis ; cacomistles ; kinkajous ; and sometimes pandas .