
  • 网络monolithic refractory;unshaped refractory
  1. 国内外不定形耐火材料在冶金工业的应用

    The Application of Unshaped Refractories in the Metallurgical Industry

  2. 不定形耐火材料的发展和应用

    Development and application of unshaped refractories

  3. LH-2H不定形耐火材料在加热炉上的应用

    The application of LH-2H non-shaped refractories in reheating furnace

  4. 超细粉在不定形耐火材料中的应用

    The Application of the Ultra Fine Powders in the Monolithic Refractories

  5. 熔抽耐热不锈钢纤维及其在不定形耐火材料中的应用

    Melt extracted stainless steel fibers and their applications for refractory reinforcement

  6. 浅议不定形耐火材料在包钢炼铁炼钢的应用

    Discussion on application of amorphous refractory to Ironmaking and Steelmaking Plant

  7. 不定形耐火材料中结合剂的性能及应用

    The Property and Application of Agglomerant in Non shaped Refractory Material

  8. 不定形耐火材料中的原位反应与相组成设计

    In-situ reaction and phase composition design of monolithic refractories

  9. 微机控制不定形耐火材料配料和混料系统

    Microcomputer controlled batching and mixing systems for monolithic refractories

  10. 采用不定形耐火材料喷补修复石灰窑炉衬的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Unshaped Refractory for Gunning Repair of Lime Kiln Lining

  11. 不定形耐火材料在电厂锅炉中的应用

    Application of Non-forming Refractory Materials in Power Plant Boilers

  12. 高炉出铁沟用不定形耐火材料的发展与应用

    Development and application of unshaped refractories for BF troughs

  13. 不定形耐火材料结合方式及其结合剂的发展

    Binding form and binder development in monolithic refractories

  14. 加热炉不定形耐火材料应用技术

    Application of unshaped refractory to reheating furnace

  15. 不定形耐火材料应用专题学术会议纪要

    Summary of Symposium on monolithic refractories application

  16. 是制作各种高级不定形耐火材料的优良结合剂。

    It is the bonding agent for producing all kinds of high performance monolithic refractories .

  17. 不定形耐火材料使用中几个值得注意的问题

    Several important problems in non-shaped refractory application

  18. 新型锆质不定形耐火材料的研制

    Development of new zirconia unshaped refractory

  19. 是制砖、不定形耐火材料优质原料。

    It is the excellent raw material for the brick making and the unshaped refractory material making .

  20. 主要用途:陶瓷辊棒、高铝瓷球、瓷衬、定形与不定形耐火材料等。

    Main Purpose : ceramic roller , high alumina ceramic ball and lining , Shaped and monolithic refractories etc.

  21. 因地制宜发展转炉炉衬耐火材料不定形耐火材料在步进梁式加热炉上的应用

    DEVELOPMENT OF REFRACTORY MATERIAL FOR CONVERTER LINING UPON PRACTICAL CONDITION The Application of the Non-setting Refractory Material in the Heating Furnace

  22. 本文讨论了不定形耐火材料的结合方式和结合机理,在此基础上介绍了不定形耐火材料结合剂的演变趋势。

    In this paper the bonding form and bonding mechanism of monolithic refractories are discussed and the developing trend of bonding agents is introduced .

  23. 耐火喷涂料属不定形耐火材料,具有独特的成型方法和施工工艺,在工业炉窑上有着广泛的使用价值。

    The refractory coat-injecting materials belong to monolithic refractories and have a special forming process and construction techniques , and could be widely applied in industrial furnaces .

  24. 本文叙述了国内外碳化硅质不定形耐火材料在循环硫化床锅炉、大型液态排渣炉及城市垃圾焚烧炉上的开发应用情况。

    The development and application of the amorphous SiC refractory in the circulating fluidized bed boilers , large slag tapping furnaces and refuse burners at home and abroad were described in this paper .

  25. 介绍了高炉出铁沟用不定形耐火材料的评价方法、研制的铁沟料所用原料和应用场合不同时的原料组合情况以及理化性能。

    The evaluating methods , raw materials and their combinations , properties and applications in different Blast Furnace of developed unshaped refractories for BF trough including castables and their precast shapes , ramming mixes and gunning mixes are introduced .

  26. 用不定形耐火材料砌筑工业窑炉,具有导热系数低,整体性能好,热散失小和使用寿命长等优点,几年来在我国得到广泛应用。

    The industrial furnaces built with monolithic refractories have many advantages such as low coefficient of heat conduction , good integral property , low heat-dissipating loss and long service life , monolithic refractories are extensively used in China in recent years .

  27. 介绍了隔热不定形耐火材料的原料、特点、结构设计要求、施工时注意事项及其应用领域和使用效果,指出了隔热不定形耐火材料在工业炉领域将得到日益广泛的应用。

    The paper introduced material , characteristics , design demand , notice in operation , applied field and using effects of unshaped heat insulation refractory , pointed out that the refractory would be gradual applied widely in the field of industrial furnace .

  28. 用这些加工处理后的再生料,不但可以生产优质的不定形耐火材料,而且还能再生出优质的定形产品,有些可以作为冶金辅料,同时也可以在建筑、水泥和农业方面得到应用。

    Not only producing prime amorphous refractory , but also can producing prime shaped refractory by using these working over recovery materials . Some can be used as metallurgy accessories , and can be used in architecture , cement and agricultural fields .

  29. 不定形耐火材料喷涂工艺与传统的使用定形的耐火材料砌筑工艺或浇注料浇注工艺相比,具有便于机械化施工、整体性能好的优点,对于较复杂的不规则的曲面内村尤其适用。

    Compared with the traditionally used bricking or casting processes for shaped refractory , the spraying process for no-shape refractory has advantages in mechanized construction and good entirely performance and is especially suitable for the inner lining with complicated , irregular curved surfaces .