
  • 网络advanced refractory materials
  1. 它开创了1700℃以上自控燃油抽屉窑国产化的先例,是现代技术陶瓷和高级耐火材料理想的烧成设备。

    It has shown that the kiln has specific characters and is an ideal equipment for firing advanced ceramics and refractories by comparison with conventional down draft kilns .

  2. 我国已成为耐火制品与原料的生产和出口大国,为国家获取了较多外汇,但锆矿、铬矿与少量高级耐火材料仍需要进口。

    China has become a major country in producing and exporting refractory products and raw materials . Much foreign exchange has been earned . But zircon ore , chrome ore and some high grade refractories still need to be imported from abroad .

  3. 是制作各种高级不定形耐火材料的优良结合剂。

    It is the bonding agent for producing all kinds of high performance monolithic refractories .