
  • 网络unstable state;Instability State
  1. 计算结果表明,在未支护前,该边坡安全系数为0.67,处于不稳定状态,边坡滑动面为两组节理结构面切割形成的贯通面。

    The calculation shows that before reinforcement , safety factor of slope is 0.67 which shows that the slope is in instability state , the slip planes are two sets of transfixion plane in slope .

  2. LQR控制器用于倒立摆的控制模式,保持摆锤稳定在竖直向上不稳定状态点附近,使小车位移跟踪给定信号。

    The LQR controller uses the pendulum control mode to keep the pendulum near the vertical up unstable state points and gives signals of car displacement tracking .

  3. 这支队正处于赛季中期的不稳定状态。

    The team is experiencing a mid-season wobble .

  4. 因此,在目前的开采条件下,II区、III区处于相对稳定状态,I区处于不稳定状态。

    So , regions II and III are stable and region I is unstable at present exploitation condition .

  5. 多agent敏捷虚拟企业的态势是一个信息不对称下的协作态势,盟员企业间得意关系失衡或失损关系的失衡均可形成动态联盟的不稳定状态。

    The state of multi-agent agile enterprise is a coordinate state under the asymmetry condition . The loss or revenue of leaguer enterprise can cause the instability of the alliance .

  6. 吐哈盆地层间氧化还原带型铀矿化前锋处于相对不稳定状态,在上新世以后成矿物质U仍具有迁移活动发生;

    The front of the interlayer oxidation zone type mineralization in Turpan-Hami basin is in a relatively unstable condition , and the ore-forming material U still migrated after Pliocene .

  7. 此网络应用logsigmoid函数作为基函数,避免了学习过程中的不稳定状态,并且比传统的RBF有更好的学习性能和函数逼近能力。

    The proposed RBF uses Log Sigmoid function as a basis function to eliminate any risk of instabilities , and it has much better learning properties and function approximation capabilities .

  8. 为避免在暂态稳定分析中稳定与不稳定状态的漏报,文中结合模糊子集理论和高阶Taylor级数,提出了一种用于在线暂态安全分析的快速事故筛选方法。

    For avoiding missing of reporting insecure cases , this paper integrates fuzzy set theory with Taylor series expansions techniques , and presents an efficient method for contingency screening of dynamic security assessment .

  9. 本文是对内燃机凸轮-挺柱副不稳定状态承载弹性流体动力润滑(简称动态弹流润滑或动态EHL)油膜厚度和其他润滑参数的计算及其润滑性能分析研究的继续。

    This paper is a continuation of the computation of unsteady loaded EHLfilm thickness of cam-tappet pairs of IC engines and analysis of its lubrication performance .

  10. 并以Hep-2细胞系为代表,应用免疫荧光方法检测喉癌中心体扩增情况;常规和高分辨G显带及荧光原位杂交(FISH)分析染色体不稳定状态。

    Meanwhile Hep - 2 cell line was used as an example to detect centrosomal amplification by immunofluorescence and chromosomal instability by routine and high - resolution G - banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization ( FISH ) .

  11. 动脉粥样硬化斑块(Atherosclerosis,AS)由稳定状态进入不稳定状态,斑块破裂,血小板粘附聚集,血栓形成阻塞血管是急性心脑血管疾病共同的病理基础,因此AS的防治始终是研究领域的重点和热点之一。

    As atherosclerotic plaque gets into the unstable state from the stable state , plaque ruptures , and enhanced platelet aggregation and adhesion bring about thrombogenesis and angiemphraxis , regarded as a common pathological basis on acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases .

  12. 在食管鳞状细胞癌发生发展中,是否有错配修复缺陷途径的参与,是否存在基因组不稳定状态,MSI和LOH各自发挥了什么作用,都是需要阐明的问题。

    The role of MSI and LOH is not very clear in the oncogenesis and process of esophagus squamous cell carcinoma , as well as of MMR genes and genome instability .

  13. 钢渣内因含有一定数量的f-CaO,遇水后会生成氢氧化钙发生体积膨胀,使得钢渣在自然状态下呈现不稳定状态。

    Steel slag contains certain f - CaO which will create calcium hydroxide and make its volume expanding while meeting water , All these make steel slag unsteady under the state of nature .

  14. 用该方法对广西兴业&六景高速公路一处挖方膨胀土边坡工程实例进行了分析,结果表明,边坡高度为14.3m,坡率为1∶1.5时,稳定系数为0.91,处于不稳定状态;

    This method is applied to an example , whose height is 14.3 m . When the slope ratio is 1 ∶ 1.5 , the safety factor is ( 0.91 ), the slope is instable .

  15. 同时有很强的湿度锋区,大气处于不稳定状态。

    The air is rather unstable near the moisture frontal zone .

  16. 当时公司的编制正处於不稳定状态

    Organization of the company be then In a state of flux

  17. 他的酗酒和全面的拙劣行为说明了其性格的不稳定状态。

    His drinking and general poor behaviour shows instability of character .

  18. 当时公司的编制正处于不稳定状态。

    Organization of the company was then in a state of flux .

  19. 因此,全球经济仍将处于不稳定状态。

    The global economy thus remains in a precarious position .

  20. 否则,最外层的不稳定状态首先尝试作出反应。

    Otherwise the outermost unstable state is first tried for a reaction .

  21. 反挤压不稳定状态的研究

    A Research on Unstable State of Backward Extrusion Pressing

  22. 因此,研究机床的稳定性对其运转状态进行监测,及时发现切削加工不稳定状态具有重要的意义。

    Therefore it is important to carry out the research on machining stability .

  23. 结果表明,西马峪滑坡侵蚀体处于临界&不稳定状态;

    Results show that the Ximayu landslide-body is unstable .

  24. 这种不稳定状态阻碍了经济发展的步伐。

    Such instability hampers progress toward economic development .

  25. 新的多边体系必须对全球发展与国际金融给予同等重视。在我们成功实现更具有共享性的全球化之前,不管资金援助力度有多大,全世界仍将处于不稳定状态。

    The New Multilateralism must put global development on a par with international finance .

  26. 由于市场不稳定状态,买主们都踌躇不前。

    Because of the uncertain state of the market , buyers are holding back .

  27. 结果表明病人的胆汁是一个非均匀体系,处于相对不稳定状态;

    The result showed that the patient bile was in a heterogenetic and unstable state .

  28. 边坡处于不稳定状态,必须进行加固支护设计。

    Under such condition , it must be given a design for consolidation and support .

  29. 盟主企业的协调,不稳定状态会达到一种新的均衡,这种突变式的稳定状态变化是系统自发的一种自组织行为。

    The hegemony enterprise coordinates to reach a stable state that is a self-organized behavior .

  30. 当踝关节跖屈时处于不稳定状态,容易损伤。

    The ankle joint was in unstability at plantar flexion and easy to be damaged .