
  • 网络invariable plane
  1. 一般三体问题在不变平面上的Hill零速度线

    Hill curves in the unchanging plane of the general three-body problem

  2. 这些周期轨与R-不变平面Fix(R)的交线是一些螺线段,而2-同宿轨线则对应于这些螺线段的一个或者两个端点。

    The intersections of those 2-periodic orbits with Fix ( R ) are spiral segments , while one or two ends of them are the intersections of 2-homoclinic orbits with Fix ( R ) .

  3. 贝氏体形成时呈现帐篷形浮突,不具不变平面应变特征;

    The tent-shaped relief occurs during bainite formation does not show the characteristics of invariant plain strain .

  4. R~3中二次齐次向量场过原点的不变平面的存在性

    Existence of invariant plane through the origin for homogeneous vector field of degree two in r  ̄ 3

  5. 而{2,2,5}f片状马氏体和板条马氏体的宏观点阵变形特征不符合“不变平面应变”特征。

    The { 3 , 10 , 15 } _f thin-plate shaped martensite exhibited " N " - shaped macroscopic lattice deformation , which is in agreement with the concept of " invariant plane strain " .

  6. 对切应变主轴不变的平面简单切变过程,通过无穷小应变的积分,导出了真实切应变计算公式。

    An equation for the calculation of true shear strain was derived from the integration of infinitesimal shear strain in plane shearing process with constant principal shear strain direction .

  7. 同时分析了图像坐标系的选取和对运动参数的影响,提出了随手运动的坐标系,以抽取平移不变的平面模型参数,进行手势识别。

    At last , the deviation caused by the coordinate system is also analyzed and a moving coordinate system is set up , from which translation-independent parameters of the planar model are extracted for hand gesture recognition .

  8. 以n次代数曲线为不变集的平面二次系统

    Quadratic System in Plane with N degree Algebric Curve as its Invariant Set

  9. 基于极半径不变矩的平面单足足迹识别

    Recognition for plane single-footprint based on polar radius invariant moment

  10. 结合仿射不变特征的平面目标区域矩研究

    Study on Region Moment of Planner Objects Combining with Affine Invariant Feature

  11. 具不变集的平面二次系统

    On quadratic system in plane with invariant set

  12. 根据射影几何学中几何不变量的相关理论,本文利用共面五点交比不变特性实现平面非编码标记点的匹配。

    Based on the theory in projective geometry geometric invariants , by which the non-coding marker point-plane matching can be realized .

  13. 利用局部不变特征识别复杂平面多边形

    Recognizing Planar Polygon by Local Invariant Features

  14. 并提出一种参数分离的方法对传感器进行了标定,采用消隐线法标定激光平面的法矢量,利用交比不变原理标定激光平面的基线长度。

    A Vanishing Line method is proposed to calibrate the normal vector of light plane and invariability of cross-ratio is proposed to calibrate the baseline length .