
diàn jī rén
  • founder
  1. 马尔科姆·X的早期思想轨迹克劳德·伯尔纳&实验生理学的奠基人

    The Intellectual Track of Malcolm X in His Earlier Years Claude Bernard , founder of experimental physiology

  2. 如果说查尔斯达尔文(charlesdarwin)是现代生物学之父,那么现代智力测试之父就是他的外甥弗朗西斯高尔顿(francisgalton)统计学家、博学家和优生学的奠基人。

    If Charles Darwin is the father of modern biology , then the father of modern intelligence testing is his cousin , Francis Galton statistician , polymath and founder of eugenics .

  3. 埃尔维斯·普雷斯利是现代青年文化的真正奠基人。

    Elvis Presley was the true begetter of modern youth culture .

  4. 在2007年早期,[3个奠基人,前Google员工]哀叹在Web上缺少高质量的视频。

    In early '07 , [ the three founders , former Google employees , were ] bemoaning the lack of quality video available on the Web .

  5. 美国革命的奠基人托马斯潆遧逊(ThomasJefferson)与联邦党创始人亚历山大汉密尔顿(AlexanderHamilton)之间的分歧在美国独立之前就存在了。

    The dispute between Thomas Jefferson , the poet of the American Revolution , and Alexander Hamilton , its chief federalist , predates the republic .

  6. 弗朗兹.舒伯特(FranzSchubert,1797-1828),奥地利作曲家,十九世纪浪漫主义音乐的奠基人之一。

    Franz Schubert , an Austrian composer , is one of the fathers of romantic music in the 19 century .

  7. 丹尼尔·笛福(DanielDefoe,1660-1731)是英国现实主义小说的奠基人,被誉为英国和欧洲小说之父。

    Daniel Defoe ( 1660-1731 ) is the founding father of British realistic novel and is called " Father of Novel in Britain and Europe " .

  8. 弗朗兹·舒伯特(FranzSchubert,1797-1828)生活在古典主义和浪漫主义交接时期的维也纳,是十九世纪浪漫乐派的奠基人之一。

    Franz Schubert , living in Vienna in late Classical and early Romantic periods , is the founders of the Romantic Music of the nineteenth century .

  9. 普林斯顿大学(Princeton)教授詹姆斯·佩布莱斯(JamesPeebles)最近表示,发现此类恒星“会是一件非常美妙的事情”,他是现代宇宙学奠基人之一。

    The discovery of such stars " would be wonderful , " James Peebles , a Princeton professor and one of the fathers of modern cosmology , said recently .

  10. 英国著名哲学家、法学家和经济学家杰里米·边沁(JeremyBentham,1748-1832)是功利主义的奠基人。

    Jeremy Bentham ( 1748 - 1832 ) is the famous British philosopher , jurists and economist , meanwhile , He is utilitarianism , the founders of liberal political thought .

  11. 道德哲学功利主义教养院的奠基人JeremyBentham说,当考虑人类权利的时候,问题既不是“他们能思考么?”

    Jeremy Bentham , the founder of the reforming utilitarian school of moral philosophy , stated that when deciding on a being 's rights ," The question is not'Can they reason ?"

  12. 弗兰西斯·培根(FrancisBacon,1561-1626)是英国近代唯物主义哲学的奠基人之一,是英国经验哲学的开创人物,是现代实验哲学的开创人物,是现代实验科学的真正始祖。

    Francis Bacon ( 1561-1626 ) is one of modern materialism philosophy founders in Britain ; he is the first figure of English experience philosophy and modern experimental philosophy ; he is the true ancestor of modern experimental science .

  13. 弗朗索瓦·魁奈(FrancoisQuesnay,1694&1774)是法国启蒙思想家之一,资产阶级古典政治经济学奠基人之一,法国重农学派的创始人和重要代表。

    Francois Quesnay ( 1694-1774 ) was a French thinker of the Enlightenment , a founder of bourgeoisie classical plutonomy , a founder and representative of French physiocrats .

  14. G.A.柯亨(G.A.Cohen)是当代享誉西方的左翼政治哲学家,同时也是分析马克思主义学派的奠基人和社会主义平等主义的斗士。

    G.A.Cohen is not only a renowned contemporary Western left-wing political philosopher , but also the founder of Analytical Marxism School .

  15. 爱德华·格里格(EdvardGrieg,1843~1907)这位伟大的挪威民族乐派的奠基人,用他的毕生精力让挪威的民族音乐以独树一帜的风格屹立于世界民族音乐之林。

    Edward ? Grieg ( Edvard Grieg , 1843 ~ 1907 ) and this great Norwegian folk pie with his life , founder of the national music energy let Norway with unique style music stand tall in national forest .

  16. 现代奥林匹克奠基人顾拜旦逸事

    The Anecdotes of Pierre de Coubertin , Founder of Modern Olympics

  17. 作为我国儿童心理学、儿童教育学的奠基人,陈鹤琴被誉为中国幼教之父。

    So he is called as Father of Chinese Children Education .

  18. 电子时代的奠基人和两次诺贝尔物理学奖获得者&巴丁

    Founder of Electron Age and Double Winner of Nobel Physical Prize

  19. 苏联汉学家瓦?米?阿列克谢耶夫是苏联汉学的奠基人。

    The Soviet sinologist V.M.Alekseyev is a founder of Soviet sinology .

  20. 他被誉为现代天文学的奠基人。

    He is said to be the founder of modern astronomy .

  21. 他也是该校认知科学项目的核心教员和主要奠基人之一。

    He was also the founder of modern science in England .

  22. 笛卡尔被认为是现代哲学的奠基人。

    Rene Descartes is regarded as the founder of modern philosophy .

  23. 受伤的奠基人买了一磅化合物。

    15t the wounded founder bought a yzta und of compound .

  24. 卡夫卡是西方现代派文学的奠基人和代表作家。

    Kafka is the founder and representative writer of Western modernistic literature .

  25. 胡应麟:中国古代图书事业史研究的奠基人

    Hu Yinglin : Founder of Research on History of Chinese Ancient Books

  26. 那也许是因为奠基人已置身于历史之外。

    Perhaps that is because the Founder lies outside history .

  27. 他被誉为蒙古族艺术舞蹈的奠基人。

    He was regarded as the founder of Mongolian dance .

  28. 柏辽兹是法国艺术歌曲的奠基人。

    Berlioz was the founder of the French art songs .

  29. 毫无疑问,卡夫卡是现代小说最伟大的奠基人之一。

    Kafka is undoubtedly one of the greatest founders of modern fiction .

  30. 中国现代生理学奠基人林可胜博士

    Dr Robert Kho Seng lim : a pioneer of modern Chinese physiology